The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 848, a variety of circles

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CC, the fastest update of rebirth is rolling!

The speech confrontation is a momentum.

Ma Yao fell, and suddenly it was in the wind.

Li Dongzheng gave me a few more words to fight this, and there was a smile next to: "Horses, Li, what is the chat?"

The third party is inserted, and the sword between the two is pulled out in the moment.

Li Dong huddled his eyes, and it was a big beard.

Wu Ying!

Li Dong's eyelids are moving, no wonder he will come over.

Feelings this beard has been paying attention to this, look at your good friend's face is not good, come over.

To say that Ma Ren's grassroots, can rise, naturally, you can't help you.

Among them, Wu Ying is a super older.

Whether it is the original soft silver investment Ali, or later Yahoo's investment Ali, including Ma Wei to create a Jiangnan meeting, and the construction of all kinds of circles, it is inseparable from Wu Ying's help.

It can be said that if there is Wu Ying, the nobles of Wu Ying, Ma Wei is probably still struggling at the bottom of the e-commerce.

At the beginning, there were so many domestic Internet companies. Why did others look like Ma? Is Masheng really a protagonist, a magical thing? neither!

When Ma Wei also took the sack to volunteer to the goods, Wu Ying was already a big-class person in the Internet circle.

It is also him and saw Ma Wei's potential.

After that, Wu Ying helped the lamination, and even he also invested Ali.

This is also the case, Ma Wei has the opportunity to turn over.

Especially in 2005, during Taobao and EBAY Wars, Soft Banko did not want to pay again.

When Ma Yu was defeated, Wu Ying once again shot again.

At that time, Wu Ying held a "Gorgeous IT Leaders Summit" in the United States.

Invited a lot of IT borders to participate.

Including Yahoo's Yang Zhiyuan, Cisco's boss ... is also this party, Ma Wei and Yahoo have reached an agreement, Yahoo financing $ 1 billion in Ali.

This 1 billion US dollars entered Ali, immediately let Ali grow up, soon defeated eBay, and established the status of e-commerce brother.

If it is not this $ 1 billion, who is now in the country that is the e-commerce giant.

And this, Wu Ying has greatly, and it will help Zeng.

Even after a party, there were also a small rumors came out, saying that Wu Ying and Ma Wei played a golf in the party.

Gamble is the investment of $ 1 billion.

Of course, after Wu Ying, Wu Ying denied this statement, saying that both sides just gambled for 100 dollars, and a small play.

However, in any case, Wu Ying's help to Ma Wei is unquestionable.

Now I look at the good friends, I seem to have been pressed by Li Dong, Wu Yingchen can't sit, I came over to give a good friend.

The other party is a senior in the business, Li Dong and Ma Wei have not tearmed his face. See Wu Ying's front statement and, Li Dong smiled and said: "And Ma Da brother chats, Wu, you talk, I have passed.

Said that Li Dong pointed to the troops that he was not far away.

Wu Ying smiled, he said: "Go, you are a privacy of the dean, when you just chat, the dean did not break your name.

"Wu always award.

Li Dong smiled and apologizes, stepped into the soldiers.

Until he left, Wu Yingcai picked himself: "What happened?"

Ma Wei is very capable, and the work of the mouth is not weak, and the people have almost have lost.

When Ma Wei and Li Dong talk, the atmosphere is obviously wrong.

Wu Ying asked, Ma Wei did not hurry, drink a red wine and smiled: "Boxing is rare, young people are old in the old land, we are old, the mouth is not an opponent.

He didn't say a detail, this is nothing to say.

Li Dong took Tencent to press him. It is nothing. The key is that Li Dong is not difficult to overturn Taobao, this is the reason for Ma Wei no longer.

At this time, I said something, I really torn.

When I arrived at this point, satirized, I did a few words, it was nothing.

It can be torn on the front, which is generally rare.

Then I said that I said again, I finally had to see the trick under the end, Ma Wei did not mind let this kid to eat a big loss.

Wu Yingwen was slightly ignorant, after a moment: "If I don't help you, I'm hitting him?"

Ma Yu shook his head: "Forget it, this kid is not good, and the temper is more violent than I am young.

For asting, he came to a jade, and he did not pay.

Ma Wei did not suspect that Wu Yingneng could not beat Li Dong, he had this ability.

Wu Ying's big brother of the Internet, it seems that day, especially when the year is separated from UT, many people say that he should retire.

In fact, even if you leave from UT, Wu Ying is not so prosperous.

Even Ma Wei did not dare to say that he was more powerful than Wu Ying, in China, sometimes defeated his opponent from business, and from other channels.

And Wu Ying has this channel.

Even Du'an people are the mayor of Beijing, even if he knows that Li Dong, this guy is likely to be Du'an people's son-in-law, what is it? ...... Li Dong just said that he was told, he was pulled by Ren Hong Bing.

Looking for a small place, Ren Hong Bing low-channel: "I just see that you seem to be very happy?"

"Do you say Ma?"

"I said Wu Ying.

Li Dong smiled: "That is not, it said a few words.

"That's okay, Wu Ying, you are best not to provoke.

Ren Hongbing reminded a sentence.

Li Dongbi is slightly vertical, whispered: "If you have any big brothers, I don't speak.

Ren Hong Bing smiled and said: "I know that you are now in the peak period, some don't do it.

However, in China, doing business is not only a money.

When Wu Ying was in Xiaocheng, he honestly, that is, even the mobile and Unicom retreats.

It is so simple to engage in telecom in China, even more difficult than energy.

A few big telecom giants, who is not a background, why make him cheap? Even people have made it out, the final end is also compiled, but you have to look at it, is he compiled? "

Li Dong nodded, whispered: "So ... he ... Someone?"

When you talk, Li Dong fingers finger.

In fact, it is a big mixed shopping mall, especially to make business, and someone above.

However, Ren Hong Bing is also a chairman of state-owned enterprises, even he is so embarrassed, explaining Wu Ying's back to the average station.

Ren Hongbing knows Du'an people, at this time, he also specially reminded Li Dong.

Obviously, in the eyes of Ren Hunting, it is really troublesome, and Du'an people do not necessarily resist, or a Li Dong is not worthy of Du'an people so vigorous.

Ren Hong Bing smiled and didn't speak, but it was clearly the default.

Li Dong did not ask, and Ren Hong Ting touched the cup, and the Qin Yuhan walked in the no longer.

...... The color of Qin Yuhan at this moment is slightly red, which is a bit of a situation.

This is what she first participated in this social gathering, and she didn't understand almost.

Plus Li Dong talks with others, Qin Yuhan had to wander around Lu Yu.

The person on the field is the only familiar thing to Lu Yu, even if the two have just known.

Fortunately, Lu Yu is also cared for her because she is a girlfriend of Li Dong.

From time to time, I will give you a social etiometer that Qin Yuhan's attention and introduces several friends to give her awareness.

Many of the friends of Lu Yu, most of them are in the entertainment circle.

Today, the star of the entertainment circle has also come, plus Lu Yu is good in the circle, and many people gather together.

Lu Yu did not focus on Qin Yuhan, and sometimes the person can only enjoy.

She and Qin Yuhan are just just known, but also prepared to use Qin Yuhan and Li Donglara relations, of course, will not let others walk Qin Yuhan.

Qin Yuhan does not understand these, nor is it too much?

Others thought that she was the relatives of Lu Yu's late generation. After all, two people came in, Qin Yuhan was not old, and I could see it at a glance.

In this case, I took the night to see the world, and everyone didn't put it too much.

Qin Yuhan also saw so many big stars in reality, and there was a little excited and nervous. They didn't dare to put their conversations, and they were standing by Lu Yu.

Listening to these artists said the interesting things in the circle, listening to their discussion of the recent head, listening to the gossip gossip of some opponents without madness ... Qin Yuhan feels very interesting, and I feel that the star and Ordinary people seem to have no difference.

Communicate the gossip, in her opinion, generally ordinary people do things, but these female stars, the few people who are red, vinegar is overflowing.

Qin Yuhan is very suspicious. If it is not today, these people are not privately used by the most vicious language, and they grabbed the beauty of their heads.

It was just that, and Qin Yuhan will not promote such a bureau, and it will not be full.

When they chatted, they suddenly came to a group of people, a group of young people.

Most of them are young men, of course, it is also mixed with a few young women.

Young men and women appearing on the banquet are not surprising. Many people participate in the banquet with their children or the late generations, let them see the world.

But this helder is very strange, it is not to communicate with them.

Several young men seemed to watch the fellow artists as if they see the goods, and then some people smiled and handed a card.

These female artists chatted with Qin Yuhan, some people took a card, and some people didn't pick it up.

Nothing people have nothing to do, those young men have shrugged some regrettable, and then the goal is transferred.

In the end, four or five artists took the card.

At first, Qin Yuhan didn't understand what they were doing, but it was very fast, and a man came over, and he sent her a card.

Qin Yuhan came to first, afraid that he gave Li Dong, and thought it was something similar to business card.

I took over, but I was waiting for the hand, she found it wrong, not a business card.

I look at it, and I will take it in my hand is the hotel's house card.

At this time she seems to have some understand, it seems that I don't understand.

The Lu Yugang next to Lu Yu has not seen it yet. When I saw that Qin Yuhan took the card, I suddenly changed.

I can't explain, Lu Yu hurriedly grabbed the house card from Qin Yuhan, and smiled and said that the house card was just a young man, and apologized: "Hu is always, I am sorry, this is a friend, she is not Know these ... "

The young man known as Hu Hu frowned: "Miss Chen, this lady has not opened it, the more you are, the more you do, what is the thing I sent out, I didn't pick it up, since I didn't pick it up. There is no reason to get back.

They are mixed in the circle, I didn't force who did anything.

But it's just picking up, then come back, then hit my face, Miss Chen thinks that I am very good? "

Lu Yu is busy: "Sorry, I am sorry."

Hu, I really don't understand these friends, and she is not a circle, she is a girlfriend of Li.

"I don't care who's girlfriend, these are not related to me!"

When Hu Guohua, his face was completely gloomy, not only the refusal of Lu Yu, but also because of many friends who showed a lot.

The previous young men and women were surrounded at this time.

No one came out, but one sideband was played, it was obviously ready to watch the play.

It was not no one to be rejected, but the rejected people didn't pick up the card, and they refused to lose their face.

After all, I will wish to think that although they like to play, they can generally don't like to play forced, so it is troublesome.

The opposite little girl has received his house card, and that explanation has agreed.

After agreed, reject it, this is what they don't have.

Everyone came out and played the picture. If you don't pick it up, let's get it, what? When no one is, it will be, Hu Guohua doesn't want to make things great.

But now, friends are watching, those stars are watching.

At this time, if he didn't respond, who cares about him later? Press the fire, Hu Guohua wonders: "Miss Chen, I give you face, but sometimes the face is mutual.

This way, this lady came in tonight, this matter even.

"I really don't do ..."

"You say it again!

Hu Guohua interrupted her back, her face was gloomy, like water: "The surname is Chen, don't take yourself too!"

I said it again, the face is giving each other!

Soon, I will invest a movie, more than 50 million investment.

Female II is still not settled yet, you understand what I mean.

Lu Yu is crying at this time, I certainly understand what you mean, if you change it to others, Lu Yu is too lazy.

Everyone you wish, some people can not even get this opportunity.

She has mixed for so many years in the entertainment industry, and I have not seen anything in the dark side.

Can Qin Yuhan is different, she is a girlfriend of Li Dong.

This is also the first point, the key is that Li Dong is handed over to her.

Qin Ranyan didn't understand anything. She is not the kind of newcomer who wants to jump into the entertainment circle. Don't say that Li Dong is here, it is not there, Lu Yu does not dare to let Qin Yuhan take this card.

As long as the next thing is not clear, it is unclear.

You said that Qin Yuhan didn't go, who is a letter!

So many people saw it, and if they were known by Li Dong, I am afraid it will kill her, this is not a falsehood.

Do you accept a variety of girlfriends that have a variety of rumors of all kinds of girlfriends in this kind of person? For a time, Lu Yu was cold and hurried, and he hurriedly reported the identity of Li Dong.

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