The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 889, Jianghu is inadvertent

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February 13th.

Li Dong took a few people in Wu Shengmen embark on flights to Beijing.

At the boarding port, Li Dong gave a group of Xu Shengzhe.

This auction, there are many people from Longhua.

Although Xu Sheng Zhe said Longhua won't shoot, he can see that they participate in team situations, Li Dong is really not very believed in Xu Shengzhe.

It is not necessary to get a critical moment, Longhua will not be guilty.

One part of the two sides, Xu Shengzhe sighed: "Li Dong, we may only stay with Pampers this time.

Li Dong's eyebrows and exposed doubts.

Xu Sheng Zhe explained: "I just received the news. This auction seems to have changed, and the auction situation may change.


Li Dong fox looked at him, he didn't receive the news, you received a message, such a cow? See Li Dong not believe, Xu Shengzhe shrugged: "I really don't believe it.

We have been never honest, this time we sign up for auction, many people know.

I listen to people say that there will be policy changes above, and I will cancel it when the auction will be canceled, and it is transformed into a comprehensive evaluation method ... "

"What are you listening to a small news?"

Li Dongmei's wrinkle is more powerful, and it is not trustworthy: "I really want to cancel the auction, how can we not receive a message?"

"You didn't receive it, don't mean that others didn't receive it.

Li Dong's face is slightly changed, and the Wu Sheng man is also the same.

Generally, land transfer is based on the shooting.

Bidding, auction, listing, these three are the most equitable auction, mainly to look at strength, high prices.

As for both bidding and listing, it is relatively more than one thing.

Of course, even if so, keep three types of transfer forms can maintain a certain fair.

And Xu Shengzhe said the comprehensive evaluation method, this is more insider.

The so-called comprehensive evaluation, that is, the judges have passed two rounds of bidding and scored through the qualifications, scale, performance, integrity, industry attributes, project design programs, etc.

The ultimately scored a high-profile enterprise has become the last winner of the auction.

The reason why Li Dongzhong is discolored is.

On the one hand, this bid evaluation model is subject to strong subjectivity, and how many judges have been counted.

On the other hand, Dongyu Real Estate is not too good whether it is qualified or scale, it is really a ratio, and the score will not be too high.

At that time, even if the offer is higher than others, I finally probably it is likely to fail.

Because the price is not the only standard, it is probably less than half.

There is another problem in the middle of the middle, and the last ten is eight-nine will be empty.

See Li Dong to understand the pros and cons, Xu Sheng Zhe is self-ridicpeled: "I have said, I have said, let's not shoot, don't mean that others don't shoot.

You don't use resources, don't mean that others are not working.

The way of transfer has changed, how can you pay for money? Forget it, anyway, I didn't put my mind on this piece, looking back and see other plots.

Li Dong glanced at him, cold and said: "Don't come with me, then, your subporation is quasi-it is still a matter.

I really want to cancel the auction ... "

"How can you?"


Li Dongyou is full of glitter: "I really want to cancel it, I don't play!"

I don't play, others don't want to play so happy!

Xu Shengthe haha ​​smiled and did not stimulate Li Dong.

Li Dong This response has reached his purpose.

After all, Du'an people is the Mayor of Beijing. When Li Dongzhen has to make trouble, I am afraid who is not good.

Of course, in this way, it will only be more crowded, not just the Beijing real estate market, including the capital government.

However, the distant involuntary is not a matter of Xu Shengzhe, and the reason why he is concerned, and it is also worried about the next way to use this way in this way.

If Li Dong is full of things, the capital government will also taboo at the time.

The distance may be suppressed, but their field real estate developers have an opportunity.

This truth Li Dong naturally understood that he was prepared for this auction for so long, if it was eliminated, Li Dong was willing!

The strength is not as good as people, even if there is no chance to compete, is this not a bully? Everyone didn't speak again, and they boarded the plane.

... Beijing.

City Government.

The Director of the Land and Resources Bureau is still statement, this is what he said in the second time.

The first time Du'an people did not express their statements. This time, Du Security will have to behave.

"Mayor, the current financial crisis is getting more serious, inhibiting housing prices too fast, and is also an important factor in expanding domestic demand.

Today, on the market, the land is far, this is not worthless.

Also, many companies have got the plot, but it is mainly for the land.

In this way, the auction will not drive economic development.

If you bid evaluation, there is the same benefits, that is, we can eliminate those who have hoarded enterprises, let companies that are willing to develop projects into ... "

Du'anmin listened for a long time, waiting for him to say it slowly: "This, the government intervention is big.

Middle-aged men sitting opposite him quickly said: "Different measures must be taken in a very period.

The impact of the financial crisis is not so big, then we can change the mode again.

"Dynasty, this is not a good thing.

Moreover, take the evaluation model, which is too many subjective factors, how to prevent and eliminate the fraud, and need more supervision.

The Z013 plot is immediately auction, and suddenly, it suddenly cancels the auction, change to the comprehensive evaluation, is it too rush? "

Director of the Land and Resources Bureau quickly said: "We can extend, I believe that all companies can understand, after all, we do this to better serve all companies.

The plot of the central business district, the people pay more, and the influence is high.

The change mode is transferred to the central business district plot, which has a great impact on the rear of land transfer.

At that time, all real estate companies and financial institutions saw our determination, the government needs a number of companies that can sincerely contribute to urban development.

Instead of playing the development of the signboard, it is a company that is a hoarding business.

Du'anmin continued to Shen, after a while, "I think about it again, but ..."

Middle-aged man quickly stretched his neck, listening to Du'an people to continue: "But the auction of Z013 plots is best not to cancel, this place auction is very wide, and there are many companies involved.

Temporary cancellation of the auction, where is the government credibility? The exploration of the pattern is not a one-powered matter, we can try slowly.

Don't rush to a moment, after all, we have no powerful supervisory programs, and the bid evaluation standards are not unified.

At this time, there are several land auctions to intervene, and it is not beneficial to us.

"Mayor, but ..."

Middle-aged man still wants to say, Du'an people looked up at him.

The eyes are not very sharp, the middle-aged man opposite is a condensed in the heart, and I can't say it.

Don Baba smiled, middle-aged man nodded: "The mayor said, I am too anxious.

Subsequent, we slowly adjust, take out a perfect solution as soon as possible.

As for the Z013 land auction, we will also be held as scheduled.

Du'an people nodded and didn't say anything.

Waiting for the middle-aged man, Du'an people sigh.

He insisted that the CBD's auction is not for Li Dong.

Li Dong has not so big face to make him violate what to do, mainly because the Beijing Political Bureau is too complicated.

Don't look at a auction, sometimes affecting your imagination.

The comprehensive evaluation method, the good listening is to suppress the soaring land price, so that the truly powerful enterprises will actually affect the impact.

I really need to insist on transferring the land in this model, if you don't accidentally, after three or five years later, the government will breed a large number of mites.

The land of Jingcheng, which is the interests, who is there without a scales.

Think about the problem, but also eliminates some drawbacks, however, it is better than the comprehensive evaluation.

Just that guy, I really didn't understand anything, I didn't understand anything, and his Du'an people couldn't even see this, and it was in the officialdom for so many years.

Once you agree today, it is your responsibility in the future.

Du Anmin gently smashed the temple, some people have a rivers and lakes, no one can avoid this.

I don't know, who is the director of the Land Bureau? Beijing, complicated than Jiangbei.

Jiangbei is just a Jiangbei. Here is a country, sometimes things are only just a city level, maybe there are other people involved.

The land auction is still a small matter, I am afraid that someone takes the opportunity to live.

Du'anmin faintly understood that this time, no matter what you did not agree, the other party had follow-up to wait for himself.

Agree, the probability of problems is very large.

Disagree, let go of Dongyu Real Estate, Dongyu Real Estate does not take this place, once it is, huh, huh ... Du'an people and remote groups are closely related, knowing is not one.

I insist on the auction as scheduled, happening to the distant side, although there is no problem, I can't put it on the fire.

On the occasion of today, it is best to make the distance can't get this place, so that the problem is not big.

As soon as Li Dongneng promised? Even if Li Dong promised, do you have a follow-up means? Du'anmin is a bit upset. At this time, there is a lot of things, in fact, it is not too willing to waste time on these conspiracy.

The Olympic Games is in the world, and the whole world is paying attention.

The impact of the financial crisis is getting bigger and bigger, and the economic stability is also his responsibility.

I feel that I am first arrived, can you control the situation? Du'an people got up and saw the window.

For a long time, Du'an people have set up a determination.

Since some people are reluctant to pay, don't blame your new officials to take any three fires.

It is time to come to Beijing for a while, and it should be that he is showing the Thunder's means.

...... Du'an people decided to burn the first fire, and Li Dong is unclear.

It doesn't matter if it doesn't matter, the political thing LI Dong does not want to be mixed.

He just takes advantage of his own battles.

Out of the airport, Shen Wei is already waiting.

Li Dong did not have a cold, asked right away: "I heard that the auction will cancel?"

Shen Yizhen stayed in Beijing, which has been paying attention to this, and heard his head: "It is not settled yet, and some people have discuss this, but I think the possibility is not big.

"How to say?"

"Today is No. 13, the auction is here, then cancel the auction, it has too much influence.

If it is possible in advance, the present is ready, the company is coming.

Suddenly, you feel that everyone will agree? "

Li Dong thought about it, nodded: "This is also.

The two people spoke, Xu Shengzhe also plus the words: "So, the auction will not be canceled, the comprehensive evaluation will not be applied to other land transfer?"

Shen Xi glanced at him, perfunctory road: "Not clear.

Xu Shengzhe touched the nose, the uncle, the woman is really good.

Li Dong asked, the head of the answer is Tao, I asked, I didn't know if I didn't know.

However, in the capital city, Shen Wei's identity is different, Xu Sheng Zhe is not more than these, asking Li Dongdao: "Do you live with us, or?"

During the speech, Xu Shengzhe crused.

Li Dong did not take care of him, turned to Wu Sheng Men: "Shengbai, you take everyone first to go to the hotel, I will turn around and go back at night.

Wu Sheng men nodded and smiled in Shen Hao.

She and Shen Wei are friends, and the relationship between Li Dong and Shen Hi is certainly clear.

Shen Yizhen is white, looks not to see Xu Shengzhe, pull Li Dong's own car, soon driving away.

I looked at them and drove, Xu Shengzhe sighed: "The guy who doesn't want to know, thank you for a thousand miles to accompany him to Beijing, the result is good, I will thrown us on the ground.

Wu Shengnan laughed: "Xu always worry, we will entertain a good time to ensure that you are almost returned.

"you guys?"

Xu Shengzhe looked at the Wu Sheng man, a big gang woman, could not help but tale: "I will take care of you, and Li Dong does not know the pity, I am a gentle and kindness.

Mr. Wu, say it back, what about your distant men? Li Dong This guy is too strong to the opposite sex. In addition to Tan Yong, how do you come over? "

Wu Shengni laughed and didn't return.

This is not good, Xu Shengzhe is not a good thing, Wu Shengan is not willing to listen to him.

She doesn't return, others don't talk.

Xu Shengzhe began to laugh and laughed. It would be embarrassed.

At the end, Xu Shengzhe faces green, and today is unfavorable.

Think of me Xu Sheng Zhe, where is the focus of women concerned, now how do you become a dog? I hated the direction of Li Dong's disappearance, Xu Shengzhe blunt, all this guy, this guy is a bald, even the people under the hand be a balm.

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