The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 894 does not press the routine (Wen Qi Subscription)

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CC, the fastest update of rebirth is rolling!

The price is 5.5 billion, and CITIC has given up here.

They are for making money, not for the fight.

5.5 billion may have earn, maybe the pants are not wearing, who can say.

In fact, more than 5 billion, CITIC here hesitated.

I suddenly rushed to 5.5 billion, sorry, they didn't want to continue to play.

No one speaking, Wu Sheng male glanced at the auctioneer.

The auctione also saw it, but he didn't care, see it indeed, no one was awkward, the auctioneer just wanted to fall.

Suddenly I saw Vanke raised the brand!

The maxi is so fast, and it is stopped by him.

"5.5 billion 10 million!

The auctioneer is excited to see the high channels of the distance: "Is there a price increase in 5.5 billion?"

Li Dong looked at Wu Yajun, Wu Yajun shook his head: "High.

Li Dong understood the point, and looked at Xu Shengzhe, Xu Shengzhe's forehead is all sweat, don't look at it, I really arrived at this price, he also suffered huge pressure.

Although Longhua wants to expand, it has recently refused to return in Longhua.

It takes so much money at one time, Longhua is also difficult.

But all the words said, and he believes that Li Dong's judgment, biting his teeth: "Continue!

Li Dong heard this, shouted directly: "5.6 billion!

"56 billion 1 ..."

Wang Shi voice has not fallen, Li Dong is straight: "5.7 billion!


"5.8 billion!

Suddenly, the entire venue is quiet.

Wang Shi's cheeks are taking, I haven't quoted yet, I just want to say words, you will go directly to 5.8 billion? Don't say him, others are also stupid.


Really cattle!

What did the old king say? It seems that I didn't say it, I didn't finish it, and you will play with yourself? Now that the rich people, is it a million when it is a paper? If the bystander is shocked, even if Xu Shengzhe almost bites the tongue, so half of the big mouth gasping: "Li Dong, slow, don't worry, first slowly, this is money, real gold, silver, you don't like this, I am coming Can't live.

Li Dong did not speak, so staring at Vanke and SOHO.

At this time, financial institutions have given up.

It is also these people, and Li Dong will see if they will continue.

More than 6 billion, Li Dong did not play.

6 billion to take it down, will definitely make money in the future.

But it takes time, so that it is better to earn a pen in other places, and then come back and come back.

Wang Shi people continue to make a low voice.

It seems that several people are more controversial and have not been unified.

Seeing for more than three minutes, Li Dong's micro-deil is dissatisfied, and the auction is said: "Is it that they have been discussing, the auction will not end?"

The auctioneer is embarrassed, can't help but look at the people next to the municipal government and the land bureau.

Seeing them nodded, the auctioneer high: "5.8 billion first ... 58 billion second times ..."

"58 billion 10 million!

This shouted is Pan Shiyi, and the old Pan bald is dried.

Li Dong glanced at him, he was a sign: "5.9 billion.

After that, Li Dong threw the brand and drunk directly.

Everyone understands, 59 billion is the bottom line, you are even more than 5 million, the place is you, he does not continue.

Several people discuss the time longer, for a while, Pan Shiyi bite the dental road: "595 million!


Dust settlement, everyone is reluctant.

Unexpectedly, I didn't expect that the land price was finally raised to this point.

The auctioneer saw Li Dong brand, and also known that it was over, no longer delayed time, Lang said: "5950 million first ... 590 million second ..."

"6 billion!"


"Cough and cough ..."

"I rely!

"Who shouted? Li Dong?"

"Is he throwing cards?"

"Ghost Know!


The venue is chaotic, and the Pan Shiyi, who just pine, almost did not die.

The king of tea is directly spraying the tea in the mouth, what about the face? Also have a face? Are you not thrown? You still call the price, what about you play? If you don't throw a card, we will not say anything, you will be thrown, this time is the price, tease us? Just in the exclusive worker, a few people sitting next to Li Dong he listened to himself: "Wipe the sweat on the hand, what?"

Wu Shengnan did not dare to talk, Wu Yajun looked up at the ceiling and didn't want to say anything.

Xu Shengzhe faced the face, he just thought that Li Dong gave up, did not expect that he suddenly came in this, and he couldn't help him.

The entire venue is messy, this is probably the first time for so many years.

In this case, it is solemn, after all, it is a successful investment. Everyone is a successful person, no one will play like this.

Li Dong, all people who don't know what they do.

How to do? Have a price increase? Adding prices to last year's price, can this year and last year? Pan Shiyi and Wang Shi's garde were disrupted.

If Li Dong does not throw cards, they may continue at this time, everyone is in the state of depression, sometimes suppressing, and I want to fight against it.

But now, now the gas field is broken, everyone suddenly woke up.

6 billion, can you continue? Will continue, even if this is a sniper, Li Dong, next time? This guy is back, they can't return to him back.

Others have the price increase, and the bottom line of Li Dong really can't touch it.

When 45 billion, everyone saw his face and felt the bottom line.

When 5 billion, everyone felt that he can't support it.

Good guy, now 6 billion!

How much is the ghost knowing his psychology? Wang Shi's slightly shakes his head, Pan Shilli thought about it, no longer, and Zhang Xing is wanting to talk, but still did not say it.

Wang Shi didn't play, they can't do a family.

Before everyone is discussing the sniper Li Dong, but the price of their many discussions is 5 billion, now it is more than 1 billion, too much, all can't hold.

Not more than the distance and Longhua, Li Donghe Xu Shengzhe is absolutely holding, and the two are young.

The young people are temperate, and they can't fix the fire. I will spell with you 7 billion. When they suddenly don't do it, what should these people do? The auctioneer is still waiting, Li Dong does not speak, throw the brand again.


Someone was repeated again, come back? Do you have to offer more than 6 billion yuan, you will come again? Xu Shengzhe can't hold a little, the small channel: "East brother, Dongda, you really give up or give up, give me a speech, you can't do it, you have no dignity, I am, I am working together. partner!

Li Dong's eyes don't blink: "This is true.

"you sure?"


Xu Shengzhe looked at him suspected that he was returned to the head without question.

Other people on the venue have repeatedly, Pan Shiyi is very eye-catching, so half of Pan Shiyi is reluctant to cough, "" . "

When the auctioneer suddenly knew that there was no drama, some regrets saw Pan Shiyi people, how did you have Li Dong so fierce?

Continue to go, it is, maybe the far is still increased.

Regret, the auctioneer is still in the road: "6 billion pass, the transaction!"

"Congratulations to Dongyu Real Estate, this auction is over, thank you!

The auction official end.

32 billion starting price, 6 billion transaction price.

Although it is doubled, it is not a few times.

At the end of the auction, Panshi Billion came over.

After a few people, Li Dong's eyes were somewhat complicated. However, after all, I have already gone a hand, and I've been an acquaintance. Pan Shiyi still reached out: "Congratulations.

Li Dong laughed, "Thank you Pan Pan, Wang Zhou takes several care, you just added 5 million, I will definitely go.

I didn't expect that a few actually didn't add it, it was really unexpected.

This time, thanks, I have lost, I must ask everyone to eat.

Several people want to spurt the blood, who you fool!

Also add 5 million, you will go, ghosts believe you!

Even the desire of this guy, a few people have a few words.

I didn't wait for them to leave, Li Dong took Xu Sheng Zhe next to: "It's okay, only 6 billion, saves a lot of money, there are several residential auctions next month, let's take it down.

Xu Shengzhe did not move the sound: "Yes, this time we have a big dry, I originally thought that the capital price of Beijing is high, this location is 7 billion, I didn't expect it.

"OK, 6 billion is not low.

Wang Shi: "..."

Pan Shiyi: "..."

Several faces have a little ugly, and I don't know if Li Dong is really false.

This is the old man, they can always guess a head.

These two guys, one more than one is not reliable, I really don't know what they say is true, how can Jiangbei have this two enchanting gates!

Several people speed up, soon they came out.

Waiting for them, Li Dong and Xu Shengzhe laughed at the eyes of it.

Wu Yajun didn't finish laughing: "You are enough, since the skin is taken down, I still stimulate them.

Li Dong did not have a look: "It's all these guys, how much it has been spent, and I have to bring my survey, I have lost, say a few words.

Xu Shengzhe snorted, smiled: "Anyway, we have no agreement, or if you leave it?"

"This is true?"

Li Dong's eyes are bright, as if the next moment is a general.

Xu Sheng Zhe was smashed, and he was half-talented: "Forget it, you are missing in the distance, I will help you, the province you have no money to expand.


Li Dong was a face.

...... Just when they chat, the news of the CBD plot in the distance has passed out.

6 billion!

This price has shocked many people, and many people feel.

Sure enough, I said that Yuan Li Dong is a passage of Jianglong. I thought I thought about these real estate tycons in Beijing.

The result is still defeated, this guy is still so strong.

…… City Hall.

The Secretary reported the news to Du'an Min, and stopped to talk.

Du'an people sink, did not say a distant thing, but said: "Arrange it, go to the Land Bureau on the National Land Bureau tomorrow morning, go to the organizational department in the afternoon ..."

The secretary wanted to talk, and finally did not say it, nodded: "Okay, I will arrange it right away.

Mayor can manage the organization, but it is nominal.

In general, this is the management of the Municipal Party Committee.

However, the capital is different, and this secretary is mainly engaged in national events.

In the city, it is actually mainly Du'an people in the management.

However, Du'an people have low-key, rarely fishing, secretary did not want to understand, how did this remember to investigate the organization.

…… at the same time.

Shen Jia.

Shen Wei hangs up the phone, and Shen Xuehua, who is talking to Shen Jianmin, said: "Li Dong's phone?"

Shen Yi nodded.

Shen Xuehua frowned: "The auction is over?"


"Who is taken?"

"Yuan Yuan.

Shen Xuehua did not believe, but did not ask again, it is Shen Jian people who are interested in: "How much is it spent?"

"6 billion.

"6 billion!"

Shen Jianmin was shocked. Others in the hall have erected their ears.

In particular, Shen Shu has a few teenagers, heard 6 billion, a few faces have changed a while.

6 billion is not so shocking on the auction site, but it has a auction venue, but it is an astronomical figure.

How much is the Shenjia industry, a billion still there?

However, I was biting by Shen Xuehua last time. Is it difficult now.

This is also the accumulation of Shen's for many years. However, Shen's 100-year accumulation, there is no more than two places in Li Dong.

One piece of land is 6 billion, if it is developed, there will be less than 10 billion.

Single one item, plus other investments in Beijing, the total capital exceeds Shen Jia.

At this moment, everyone has been impacted.

Shen Jian's people slowly touched, and the tone was a bit: "When is the big hand, , when is Li Dong walk?"

"I have to wait a few days.

"If you have time, let him come here to eat meals ..."

Shen Jianmin has not finished, Shen Xuehua glanced at him.

Shen Jianmin smiled and didn't speak, but he didn't know that his sister did not oppose it.

Otherwise, this is not alert at this time, but directly refuses.

Li Dong's big hand, shocked, Shen Xuehua was also surprised.

They used to know that Li Dong had money, but Li Dong has been shrunk and retreats in Jiangbei. The distance is far away. Everyone is really no concept.

This time, Li Donghu went, directly won the golden area of ​​the CBD, costing 6 billion huge, letting them understand what is Haoyu.

Shen Jia is a money, but I will get together with Li Dong, I am not worthless.

Shen Wei did not surprise, laughed: "Okay, I will talk to him when I arrive."

At this time, Shen Wei did not say that the distance was in cooperation with Longhua.

Anyway, it is similar, and the auction will come to the distant group, say so much.

As for Longhua, how can it be so cold, and it is responsible for the money, and the name does not use Longhua.

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