The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 904 reproduces financing

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CC, the fastest update of rebirth is rolling!

From Jinding Club, Li Donghe Hu Xiaomei is the same.

"Step by step", I boarded the golden file of Xiangnan Satellite TV at the end of last year, no accident, fire special fire.

Originally, this TV drama was so powerful, just at the time of snow disaster.

Enterprise holiday, school suspension, just in the New Year, many people are idle ... It can be said that "step-by-step" first broadcast time catching the best time, ratings.


5% of the ratings, at which time the domestic provincial satellite TV drama is invincible.

As for CCTV, it is generally listed separately without comparing, CCTV is more exciting, and CCTV is more interesting.

In fact, there is still a TV series in the future, "Soldier Assault" started from 2006, in fact, in 2007, it also fired.

However, this time because the network video is still not a fire, there are few people who look at "Soldiers Assault" on TV.

This is also the reason why the promotion is not enough, and the production cost is not large.

Instead, "step by step", under the influence of various factors, becoming the first in 2007.

Of course, this is Li Dong himself, because of the nearby year, it is actually necessary to count the TV series in 2008.

Hu Xiaomei said while walking: "TV has not yet been broadcast, and many satellite TV wants to find us to cooperate and take the two rounds of broadcast.

The last light is two rounds to broadcast copyright costs, and we have received more than 30 million.

After this wave of the past, there should be some local councils to buy our restriction rights, but the price is not high at that time.

Lin Lin always finally, it should not lose money, but no money.

Li Dong satisfied: "Yes, the first time I take TV, I can make money without loss.

And after this time, the famous gas started, this is earning.

Next, we took the TV series, take it out, it is a gold medal, I don't want to make money.

Hu Xiaomei said when he said: "Well, it is true.

"Biography" just killed, there were many satellite TV to win our prevaver.

Southern Satellite TV, Jiangsu Zheban, Southern Satellite TV, several bids are very high, and Jiangbei is not low here.

But compared to the other three, still low, I am now considering selling it.

Li Dong did not have a look: "You will take my mind, in fact, a few families, and finally I have to look at the price.

Said Li Dong asked: "How is I prepared with a variety show you last time?"

The remote technology is here, but it hasn't launched his own video website.

However, the effect is unsatisfactory, and it is completely "step by step".

Now the president of the interactive entertainment industry is rushed to Beijing, and I want to win the network of the Olympics.

The exclusive is almost impossible, but it is not so easy to win, and the Olympic Games have to wait until August. During this period, Li Dong hopes to open the market in the distant video website with a variety show.

Previously, Li Dong said a few indi variety shows, a binite and Hu Xiaomei said.

Like "good voice" "Where to go" "run male" ... Li Dong also said a brief.

Hu Xiaomei is a note, just don't know which show she chose.

One-time online three variety show is not necessary, good things should be thrown out, or it is done once, not a long time.

At this time, I am not afraid of copyright dispute. I haven't launched these variety programs in foreign countries. In the future, I have to introduce copyright from Dongxing Entertainment.

Listening to Li Dong asked this, Hu Xiaomei immediately said: "Still preparation, my producers and plays in the company have discussed a period of time, first produced" Dad to go ", this is relatively simple, invite some star families to participate in .

As for the music show you said, one is the long selection time, more trouble, the other is a relatively professional, we are still inspected, see which judges are invited.

Li Dong nodded slightly, "Where to Dad is going", it is really simple. He does not need to make success now.

There is a variety show to open the market is enough, and the variety market is fire, and the production is not too late.

After finishing the work, Tan Yong also drives to the door.

Li Dong saw: "Do you drive it yourself?"

Hu Xiaomei smiled: "No, take a car, you send me back."

Li Dong didn't think much, nodded: "Live, get on the bus.

On the way to Hu Xiaomei back, Hu Xiaomei said that he is not stopping, it is a small thing in life.

Li Dongjing listened, did not play.

Hu Xiaoyui doesn't care, and it is still listening to Li Dong.

After waiting for the door of Hu Jia Villa, Hu Xiaurui got off the bus and Li Dong waved, and I went home to go home.

Seeing that she is always this cheerful appearance, Li Dong in the car can't help but laugh, indicating that Tan Yong will drive away.

Until his car gone, Hu Xiaoyui, just jumped, suddenly pulled his head quiet.

Staring at the distance in the distance and looked at it for a while, Hu Xiaomei fell into the door.

Hu Ming is watching TV, seeing her daughter home, showing smiles on her face: "Daughter, how come so early? I haven't heard your car sound, I thought you would come back.

"After dinner, I will come back, the car is lost in Jinding.

Hu Xiaomei should be a sentence, then prepare to go upstairs.

Hu Ming saw a busy way: "What happens, who is angry?"

"No, dad, you are bored, I am upstairs!"

Waiting for Hu Xiaomei, Hu Ming couldn't help but touch the Pakistan, then shouted: "Old Zhang, old!

With voice, a man in a fifty-year-old man rushed into the door.

Hu Ming asked: "When Xiaolui came back, who is a car back?"

Old Zhang hurriedly said: "It is Li's car.

Hu Ming said that this is the result, did not continue to ask, waving and speaking.

Waiting for the housekeeper, Hu Ming sighed, some distressed.

He is smart in a lifetime, and Sun's family is played with their husband and wife in the applause, and only this daughter is the common choice of their husband and wife.

From small to big, daughter wants anything, couples will think about her.

Fortunately, my daughter's mind is simple, so arrogant is not completely turned, and these two years have done their business.

It was once in the direction of being good, so, the business of the two years can be assured to the daughter.

Who is giving, a lot of Li Dong.

The daughter looks at Li Dong, which is seen in Hu Ming.

Li Dong wants to be average person, even if it is an ordinary person, in order to meet her daughter, Hu Ming will agree.

Li Dong is not, the industry of his husband and wife is proud of it, it is like this in Li Dong.

Plus Li Dong and Du'an people are too deep, Hu Ming is more reluctant to be involved.

Thinking of these, Hu Ming has some heads.

The daughter is big, some of them are advised to persuade, from small, now, now, trouble!

... March 1st.

All 47 supermarket stores in the four places in Luzhou, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, E province, all have opened.

At this time, the distant supermarket is still in the expansion of Beijing, Yama, Henan Province, and Shanghai.

The 100 stores in Beijing, there are not many stores that have not been opened, about 10 people, and the mountains are almost the same.

The provinces and Shanghai have been expanded in Shanghai, which probably takes a while.

At the statistics, the total business store of the Yuanfang Supermarket reached 581, 46 in the opening store, which has been fixed to more than 60 stores.

In addition to Shanghai and Henan Province, the first round of the supermarket gradually passed.

Previously, Li Dongding has expanded a few places, because the funds are tight, have not yet begun.

According to Li Dong's estimates, at the end of 2008, there should be no problem in the remote supermarket store, if the funds are enough, 1000 people don't take it.

Office in the office.

Sun Tao reported a brief report, and said: "Wait until the end of the year, our number of stores should exceed Suning, and the gap between China is not big.

However, Bailian and China Resources Wanjia, our gap is more obvious.

At the end of last year, the Baiwaimen store has exceeded 6,000, and China Resources Wanjia also exceeded 2,500.

The number of sales and stores exceeded these few families, and the only thing we can strive, it is surpassing them in sales.

Although the number of their stores, most of them are all franchise stores, convenience stores.

According to the estimated data, Gome and Suning, Bai Lian, three hundred billions, and China Resources Wanjia expect the goal of 80 billion.

Beyond China Resources Wanjia, what we work hard, hope is still there.

Can be other three words, difficult!

At the time of the annual meeting, Li Dong said that he would do the supermarket to be the first. If the supermarket, their current goals only have hundreds and China Resources.

But if you count according to the retail industry, you have to add Suning and Gome.

These four, the lowest goals are 80 billion sales, and the other three are broken, and Sun Tao really doesn't have this confidence.

Once Li Dong's goal is to surpass these companies in 10 years, now two years in advance, sometimes the difference between the two years is not so easy.

Seeing Sun Tao's color, Li Dong smiled: "Things are people, and then I don't want to ask.

"It is not a problem that I don't want to force it.

Sun Tao said softly: "Now things have passed out, and they are related to the reputation of the distant and your reputation.

The rhetoric is going out, everyone is waiting to see jokes.

This year, even if you can't exceed Gome, Suning, Bailian is a must exceeded it, so that you can't do the first in the supermarket industry, it is not a shame.

Total, Guangdong Province, the expansion of several places in the province has also accelerated speed.

Strive to have some stores in the year, so that we have hope, if you are late, hope is small.

Li Dong knocked on the table, expanded him, and the key is true.

The money left in the last time, the capital has spent 1.6 billion, there is still 1 billion.

I went to the mountain city this time, there is also a money over there, and I started a few billion.

The profitability of the distant supermarket and the remote technology can only ensure the expansion of the province and the development of the logistics park.

Even the boys on the Shanghai have no money to continue to expand, let alone other.

In the next far, there is also logistics expansion, and the distant science and technology itself is still in the investment stage, which requires money to develop.

The money of the stock market, 5 billion or Li Dong borrowed, and he is also prepared to reserve the top peak of the financial turmoil.

The trouble of funds is indeed solved.

Thinkage of the last financing plan, Li Dong lived his mouth: "This way, turn back to open a board, talk about financing."

"Finance ..."

Sun Tao looked at him, this is the second official talk about financing.

The first time I ended, if Li Dong didn't set up my mind, I won't open the second financing negotiation so soon.

Sun Tao sinks the film: "Is it the main body of distant technology?"

"No, you will be the main body of the mall, PP, and Weibo.

These three are more mature, and they can also get the value.

As Wanda Cartoon, Games, Video Site, Distribution Platform ... These projects are still in a germination period, at this time, financing is not cost-effective.

Li Dong wants to look at it, with a microblogging three-like main body, and how much valuation can be obtained.

A few days ago, several days ago, became the largest self-media platform in China, and the second new wave is far away.

Compared with last year, the value of Weibo is more than ten times.

The same is true for mall.

Although in 2008, the world's financial market quotes are not very good, but the disturbance of this side can also see the strength of the distance.

In this case, the remote impact is not large, and a few items can also be maximized.

Sun Tao heard this, I thought I would like to ask: "Is the logistics going in?"

Remote logistics, the reputation last year is no name, but also a joke in the whole industry in the early days of Snow.

However, waited until later snow disaster, the distant logistics has played an amazing strength.

At this time, if you add the distance logistics, it will further increase the additional value of several industries, especially in the mall.

"No, you don't add logistics.

Li Dong shake his head: "It's still not the time, I am enough.

Said Li Dong said: "This financing is to host!


Sun Tao was shocked, and I was busy: "The Yuan always is there?"

"His palm, you don't have this, but also let Liu Hong also participate in it, and others do their own lives.

"The supermarket is ..."

"If the supermarket is, he is responsible for the first time. There is no money on the other side, he continues to stay in it.

Sun Tao didn't ask again this time, but the mind was flashing in various ideas.

He is responsible for financing, Chen Yan is responsible for supermarkets, such as finance end? After the end, Chen Yong continued to go to Shanghai or to other places? What should I have? Don't mention Sun Tao thinking, Li Dong finally said: "I have to go to Sichuan, I have to go to Sichuan, and the group will give you it. I will not participate in the early stage of financing, but I hope I can have a good result. .

Sun Tao hurriedly nodded. This time Li Dong is correct, he also hopes to have a good result.

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