The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 908, a good job, Li Dong (Wan Qi Subscription)

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CC, the fastest update of rebirth is rolling!

Just when Li Dong and Lan Xinggang have dinner, some people also eat in another hotel not far away.

Liu Tang Yidou took a glass of drink, and the face was ugly.

Liu Long, who is sitting opposite him is more older before going to Pingchuan, seeing him a cup, Liu Long is stuffy: "Old II, what do you say?"

"What is it?"

For Liu Long, Liu Tang did not pay much attention.

Although Liu Long is his big brother, you can brother, he is better with the old three Liu Qing.

The boss has climbed the family of Changyuan Mountain, and the more far from the brothers.

At the beginning, I went to Pingchuan, Liu Long was to go to the standing door.

However, no one thought that the last Liu Long will plant it, even the son is in, the family of Changyuan Mountain has also become a past style.

When I was walking, Liu Long was so afflicted, and Liu Tang did not put it in their eyes.

Now my son go in, Liu Long can't mix in Jiangbei. Now, Liu Tang is too lazy to take care of him.

If it is not the boss, the third three will not go in, and the Tang Long Group will not suffer from heavy, even Liu Tang is almost entering.

For Liu Long, Liu Tang hates a lot.

However, after all, it is a brother. Liu Ke folded in, and Liu Tang was too lazy to find him account.

Liu Long saw him not to accept the phone, the eyes were flashed, and the fire was strong: "Li Dong is coming to Sichuan!

In Jiangbei, we have no way, but you can come to Sichuan, this is our site, is it? I went in and Akdo, and the old three sentenced for 15 years, and Ak was 20 years. If I didn't ask for a good time, I didn't easily in the past for more than ten years.

Our old Liu family, now and Li Dong is a sea!

Don't you look at this? In the past few years, we were in Chuan, who met, we didn't nod.

Now you look again, are those people still put them in their eyes? Even Wang Pengfei's fat man, got on Li Dong's relationship, now I have seen me, it is also a mad!

Old two, you can bear this, I can't help it!

Liu Tang's eyes blusted, then recovered quietly: "Big Brother, this is not to use you.

Tang Long last time, I was more hurt, I hated the surname of Li.

Some things can be solved, what do you do? Now that the surname Li is famous in the country, there are still several mountains ... "

"Isn't he leaned against Du'an people? Du'an people now transfer to Beijing, the high emperor is far away, we are afraid of him!

Liu Tang glanced at him, cold and said: "Who is talking to you by Du'an people? Some things you don't understand, surname Li's now, straight to the Holy listener."

If this guy is going out in Sichuan, let's do something else.

Liu Longyi listened to this, suddenly facing the despair: "Is that?"

"Forget it? Which is so easy!

Liu Tang spit his mouth, biting his teeth: "If he is, he is not working, he is dead in the Sichuan, we have not a good day.

I have to miss him, I will not let him live!

This guy is not a famous big man, this time I have to let him face the face, and the gray is slippery!

Liu Long's eyes moved, whispered: "Old 2, what plans do you have?"

"Don't ask, you will know when you come!"

Liu Tang did not say, continue to drink.

Once by Li Dongtu, he lossed heavy, and he had long hated Li Dong to his bones.

This time, even if Liu Long doesn't care, he is also ready to retaliate.

Originally he thought Li Dong would not come to Sichuan, did not expect him to come, it is better.

Li Dong people are not there, some things are also implicated in Li Dongtou, and Li Dong himself is here, this time I have to let him look!

... March 5, Li Dong began to inspect the school.

The Provincial Department of Education and the Provincial Government Office and the Provincial Poverty Alleviation Office have sent people to accompany Li Dong.

The first for the first batch of inspections are all schools in the local, with a total of 6.

The squad is a capital of the provincial capital, which is much rich than other places. 6 schools are not less.

In the morning, he looked at 3 schools, and there were only one student moved in, and the other two were empty.

Waiting for the vacant school, Li Dong is slightly frowning.

The deputy director of the Provincial Office of the Provincial Food has been very busy: "Is there anything wrong with Li, is there anything?"

"This is not, the teaching building is built, but the school is empty ..."

The deputy director wedd from Yan Yan, immediately said: "Li has also known that now the semester has begun, and their is a lot of trouble.

The idea of ​​the Education Department here is that as long as it can go, wait for the next semester to relocate.

It is not a few months, and students can stick to them.

Li Dong turned over white eyes, students can persist, I can't!

However, this answer he had long agreed that he deliberately said that this is not to get this answer.

Li Dong deliberately reveals a pair of correct expression, some want to say.

Deputy Director's mixed official business, the transparent understanding of the human life, and he handed on the stairs: "Do you have any suggestions for Li, after all, this is a project of distinctive donations.

The Secretary and Governors have mentioned the distant groups, giving the country to enterprises.

The people of Sichuan are also grateful to Li, and benefit the whole society.

This very social responsible enterprise is also a model of business. "

The deputy director Balabara took a shower, and he didn't blame him.

Although Li Dong is not an official in the officialdom, it can be more and more in the name of Li Dong's name, and more and more social status is growing.

The rumors have not said that the mountains will not say, the deputy director knows that there is a relationship between personal and Li Dong, which is Du'an people.

This time Du'an people accompanied Li Dong to come to Sichuan, the deputy director is clear, and even see Shen Wei.

Du'an people himself in Beijing, he can't shoot it.

It can be taken in Chuan, and it will be a little one.

The current Provincial Committee's Secretary-General, and the relationship between Du'an people is extremely close, and this is not as detailed with Li Dong.

When Du'anmin was still in Sichuan, the Secretary-General served as a Secretary of the Provincial Party Office.

These secretarys of the Provincial Party Committee, originally provided to several provincial committees.

Although the Secretary-General did not have a secretary of Du'an people, it was a period of time for Du'anmin for a while. At that time, Du'anmin even prepared this to give him a secretary.

However, the timing is not smart, how long, Du'an people will take it away.

Although people left, Du'an people's old department also took care of the current Secretary-General, or it was not so fast in just ten years.

From the deputy to the depth, how many difficulties are there, no one is covered, and it will climb so fast.

I can't shoot Du'an people, Shen Wei is also unfamiliar with him, but the same is true.

If Li Dong said a few words with the Secretary-General, he said that the Secretary General can take a look at him, do not say promotion, and transfer to the Provincial Party Office.

The provincial party committee and the provincial government are the same as the upper level of the provincial government, whoever does not know, the provincial party committee is actually high.

The deputy director of the gardid Li Dongzhao single receipt, waiting for him to finish, Li Dongcai does not jump: "Director Chen also knows that there is a lot of money in Sichuan, nearly 6 billion funds.

Come, you should be charitable, you can be charity ... "

Deputy Director Zone: "Is Li's meaning?"

Li Dong swept a week, see other people to leave, whispered: "Since spend money, we also hope to get the result.

My thoughts are, through the opportunity to be completed by this teaching building, give a large-scale propaganda in the distance.

As for how to shoot me, I think it, first take the students in the shabby school building, and then take a look at the joy and gratitude of students moving into the new school building.

You think about the spacious and bright new school buildings, listen to the students of the students Lang Lang.

Compared with the sum of it, I can reflect our distant efforts to pay for this.

Deputy Director, a good look, nodded: "I understand, Li is in love, we will work together.

Now there are several schools that move into the new campus. When we will meet the political orders, you must let them cooperate with the distant propaganda!

Li Dong put his hand: "I don't mean this. Now I am moving in the new campus, I am not much, my thoughts are, 100 schools are unified to relocate.

The distant is ready to make a large-scale publicity, and the material of 100 schools must have.

In other words, we are ready to take the new and old contrast of 100 campuses as promotional materials.

The deputy director suddenly stunned!

I am going, this guy is too hypocritical!

Have a hypocritical businessman, he didn't have seen it, but Li Dong is so great to be very happy.

Generally, this kind of publicity, it is enough to get a few templates.

Li Dong is actually taken by a school, 100 all have to be, it is simply false home.

If a few schools, deputy director can also agree.

Can 100, when the deputy director suddenly said: "Li, according to your thoughts, all schools are all relocated, which is too big.

It is not like this, wait for the next semester, let's take a summer vacation, we can prepare for work, how do you see? "

Li Dong was not full: "When did you wait, Chen Director, 6 billion!

The far spent so much money, is there such a small request in Sichuan? Now relocation does have some difficulties, but you can rest assured that we will cooperate with it.

The foundation is a lot of people, some relocation costs can also come, as long as you can cooperate with our publicity activities, others say.

You also know that the distant is now expanding around, and the competitors are more.

At this time, the sooner, the greater the benefits of us.

A few days ago, our group has contacted more than a dozen media giving us a publicity, and once sexually invited the media is not easy.

Can you come together next time, I just want to give you an overwhelming propaganda impression.

And we said it, you can propagate on the side of Sichuan.

Deputy Director swallowed, tight: "Li, you contact the media here?"

"Well, and soon will come."

"That ... that, Li Gong Neng does it talk about what media?"

"This is more, the relatively large traditional media has" People's Daily "," Guangming Daily "," Huaxia Education News "," Huaxia Economic Daily "... New Media, Netease, Sohu, there is also a remote Weibo I will conduct an interview report.

Li Dong said, the deputy director is completely stupid.

So many well-known media come? This is a big event!

There are several parties, these party newspapers, the highest level leaders will look.

It is no longer a publicity of the Yuanfang Group, if those media come, any news that reports, is closely related to Sichuan.

The deputy director is new, this is a good opportunity to be famous.

I may say that I may appear in the party newspaper, I can surprise a cold sweat.

This is some of them!

The news that others know, he also knows.

Some of the government agencies will take up the teaching building, but he has heard of it.

This is to be these well-known media. If you see this situation, the Sichuan government's face is lost.

The deputy director is not a fool, thinking that this can't help but look at Li Dong, is he deliberate? Although Li Dong this person is strong, he didn't hear Li Dongxia.

Said so much money to make charity, propaganda is what it should, after all, the company has a charity to have money.

You can take an interview with 100 schools, and the invitation is also a well-known media. This is not a matter of Li Dong said a propaganda.

Like several party newspaper agencies, the shelf is big in the Sichuan government, can average people can move them? Li Dong once invited these media, and didn't know how much cost, is it just to promote? The more I want to think that Li Dong is deliberate.

He also knows that the following government agencies are difficult, and they are not eaten.

But this time, the major well-known media came, which but the media institution that he heard.

At this time, even those people below, the Sichuan government can't look at the reputation of the Government of the Sichuan government, and even the provinces pay attention to, helping the distant group to clean up the guys of the .

Li Dongzhi, one side, as if they understand, smile: "Director Chen, I can discuss with several media, convex out of the Tuan government.

You think about it, students live in the classroom in the spacious and bright classroom.

And our business officers are living in a dark and damp old building office.

The above is hung in 'and then suffering, you can't learn, you can't educate this kind of banner, more convincing, more influential, how is actual!

At that time, everyone is a public staff, the public servant.

The leading cadres of townships can also understand. After all, what is the use of several schools, in addition to the office environment, have other benefits? And the party is not the same, and how many of the influence is more clear than me, are you not? "

The deputy director once again swallows the waters, Di Babao: "Can ... can report, not a family interview, will not specifically point the township ..."

"The party newspaper is naturally looking for a typical, and most of the top three are.

In addition to the party newspaper, there are also the media in the province, Sichuan Province, give some time to report, even make a special topic, this should be no problem? "

"Can save this ..."

"I will discuss with the King Minister, I think the king minister should not refuse.

After all, the Foundation's Shen Director also shouted the King of the Minister of Uncle, the province did this topic, but also to promote the spirit of hard work of Chuanzhu cadre.

The temper is big, and the character is tough, and it will not be even named and the future. Good typical needs, there is a typical side of the opposite, so that there is a contrast, it's true, Chen Director, is it? "

The deputy director nodded, Li Dong, all said that the idea was said.

The following township cadres are not really quenched.

Can be saved, even the most well-known several party newspapers, the fool understands what it means.

Say the future, it is not empty.

Since I entered the officialdom, who didn't want to succeed, I used to have no chance, now the opportunity is coming.

I am afraid that the news will be sent out, you don't have to mobilize it in the province, and the township village committees moved out.

I don't have to force others to force it, and they have to thank the distant group to give them this opportunity.

And the distant group, this time I have received benefits, those people will definitely cooperate with distant propaganda.

Sometimes, the following matches does not cooperate, the relationship can be very important.

In combination, it is also divided into hair, and the different effort is very different.

Others don't dare to say, the minimum school relocation will be much smooth, and there are local governments, these are not things.

The more I want to go, the more I admire, the more I admire, in fact, he is not clear, Li Dong is really propaganda to the distance, but in order to let the township village committees will be willing to go.

Just when he was meditation, Li Dong smiled again: "Of course, when we need it, we can completely cooperate with Sichuan, come to kill chicken monkeys!"

Some people in the following are not to obey, is Chen Director, don't you see it? "

The deputy director suddenly saw: "Li, you said this ..."

"Oh, let's make a joke.

Director Chen, do you think this publicity event, is there anything wrong? "

"That ... that, Li, I have to report to the province.

The deputy director said a word, and he looked at the low voice around: "However, I think there will definitely agree, after all, for Sichuan.

Just ... "

"Director Chen said, however, everyone can help, I will help, I will not help people.

The deputy director laughed and smashed the voice: "Li, in fact, this time to invade the teaching building is mainly in Hanzhou City.

As you said, the light report is good, there is no real feeling.

I think, since it is necessary to establish a typical, good and bad is to establish it, so that the people of the country can see our determination to Sichuan.

Li Dong, said: "I understand this, Chen Director is relieved, and I will definitely arrange it.

Li Dong understood the meaning of Chen Director, but he is not false, this matter is indeed mainly in Hanzhou.

Looking for a few chicken killing, the province also agrees, and the distance is also full of prestige, the good things of the two, and he naturally has no view.

As for the teacher of Chen, he is too lazy to guess, anyway, no more than thinking of the drama.

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