The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 912 makes the enemy's own stupid

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CC, the fastest update of rebirth is rolling!

Wrinkled a brow, Li Dong gradually calmed down.

It will always come, and then, I haven't had something yet, and I am still useless.

After a few years of experience, Li Dong can still stabilize when it is stable.

I spit slightly, and Li Dong remembers Huang Shanshan is still there.

Bai Su is going to check Zheng Sanyong's bottom, only two of them are left, and the atmosphere is slightly embarrassed.

Li Dong saw the silence of the silence: "Are you used to these days?"

"pretty good.

Huang Shanshan squatted with a teacup and whispered.

Said, Huang Shanshan asked: "Don't you go to Hanzhou tomorrow?"

"go with!


Huang Shanshan is somewhat surprised, obviously did not expect this result.

She also thought she had said and Li Dong, Li Dong will change the trip, and I didn't expect Li Dong to go.

Li Dong saw her surprised, explained a way: "The provincial government office is about to change the trip now, is it not aware of me.

Han Prefecture is still going, and Hanyuan elementary school must also get.

And even if I don't go, the happens will happen, at least there is now the range I know.

I don't want to go, I don't know what moth.

"But ..."

Huang Shanshan is worried, not very secure: "If they ruin the teaching building when you go to Hanyuan elementary school, what do you do?"

"Nothing, I will not take risks easily, there is no featuring grasp, even if I am notware, I will temporarily change the itinerary.

"That's good, I am afraid of you ..."

Half, Huang Shanshan suddenly realized that he was too much.

The lower head slows the tone, Huang Shanshan pressed the turmoil in his heart and calmly: "Since you already know, then I will go first, and tomorrow's school has lesson.

Li Dong looked at the time, it was 8 o'clock in the evening.

See Huang Shanshan is ready to start, Li Dong urgently busy: "It's so late, I didn't go to Hanzhou shuttle."

"Oh, the last bus is just 9 o'clock ..."

"It's too late, not safe.

Li Dong said and said: "And tomorrow, Hanyuan elementary school, I can't think of something, this time you still don't go back.

I have been left for a few days. Just happhine is here, are you not girlfriends, visit the street chat, and there are some days have not seen it.

Huang Shanshan did not speak, no is when she defaults.

Nored, Li Dong lightly knocked on how to deal with this incident.

Since Zheng Sanqiang has some masters of Hanyuan teaching building, even if it has not been found, Li Dong also understands that the teaching building of Hanyuan Primary School should have problems.

100 schools, Li Dong can't pay attention to each school.

The foundation is the same, after all, in the Sichuan, the foundation of the Foundation came to Sichuan, and many times the recruitment of the local people.

100 schools have difficulty being too difficult, can move one, difficulty is not imagined.

Li Dong can imagine that I will go to Hanyuan primary school tomorrow, and the teaching building suddenly collapses, what kind of consequences will be caused.

Moreover, afterwards, the results of the accident, must also be because of the quality of the teaching building, there will be no other people.

How do you face these? Li Dong thought about this, and Huang Shanshan next to him sneaked his a few eyes.

The more you look down, Huang Shanshan feels that Li Dong changed.

The room was in silence, and the two did not speak again.

... after ten minutes.

Bai Su returned to the room, and some embarrassing atmosphere was broken.

See Li Dong to look at himself, Bai Su whispered: "I just cheated on the information, the construction of Hanyuan elementary school is a construction unit in Hanzhou's local name.

Jianhao's legal representative is not Zheng Sanqiang. As for Zheng Sanqiang, there is no association with Hanyuan primary school.

However, it is only roughly checking it, and the specific information has to be detailed ... "

Li Dong was not too disappointed, gently nodded: "There is no relationship is normal, I really want to have a relationship, the other party does not see you.

Of course, there is certainly associated, but we are not clear.

This Jianhao Construction Co., Ltd., if I haven't guess, I have already gone to the building now.

Some things, Li Dong, can not even find it, can guess, the business community is so much.

Hanyuan primary school teaching is a matter of study, and he can't take the relationship. Before the accident, Jianhao is not shadowed.

Didn't say anything more, Li Dong wants to say: "Let Shanshan sleep with you tonight, don't re-open the room.

You have not seen it during your time, chat in the evening.

It is prepared to leave Li Dong, and asked Huang Shanshan asked: "Is there anything?"

Li Dong smiled: "If you don't worry these things, I will deal with it, I'm going, take a good rest, wait back to idle, I will chat with you.

Huang Shanshan didn't talk anymore, waiting for Li Dong's door, the atmosphere in the room was more than just awkward.

Bai Su saw this situation, took the initiative to laugh: "Shanshan, nothing, Li Zheng knows this, will certainly have a solution, you can rest assured.

Speaking of Bai Su and said: "Yes, Shanshan, how can you work in the Foundation?"

Huang Shanshan is not here: "Coincidentally, the foundation of the Foundation, I just thought of it, I took the initiative to register.


... How to communicate in Bai Su and Huang Shanshan, then Li Dong did not feel the mood.

It's more urgent, he has to think about it as soon as possible to handle it.

Back to your own room, Li Dong let Tan Yong come in.

As the security head around you, some may threaten what they are safe, Li Dong has said to Tan Yong, and there are some unexpected conditions.

When Li Dong said, Tan Yongbei suddenly wrinkled, I thought about Tan Yong low-channel: "Li, or I have a few people in the past, put these people in advance?"

Han and Shizhou is not far from the distance, and if it is too much for more than an hour.

Handling Zheng Sanqiang, it is indeed possible to stop the occurrence of things.

When Li Dong returned, he can excuse the quality of the teaching building did not meet his requirements. In time, it was demolished, and there was no problem in donating a teaching building afterwards.

At that time, some problems will be concealed, and the outside world will only praise Li Dongren.

This is also the way of treatment before Li Dong, but I want to think that Li Dong also said: "Not very proper, don't say that you can find them in time, even if you find Zheng Sanqiang, whoever participates in us is also unclear.

Once you have been put, things will happen.

And let's do it first, you will only fight the snake.

The snake is not dead, and Zheng Sanqiang is just a, and it is not too much to clean up.

"That ..."

Tan Yong didn't know what to do at this time. He is just a bodyguard and driver, not a military division.

When this kind of thing, his first reaction is hard.

Just like Li Dong said, it took a moment to prevent it.

This time avoids trouble, next time? Now Li Dong is definitely, 100% is Liu Tang commander.

Don't solve Liu Tang, things will not be easy to easily.

And Li Dong will invest in Sichuan, although Liu Minghua promises to protect the interests of investors.

But this is the big direction, you can't always find Liu Minghua to help handle.

Liu Tang is complicated in the relationship between Sichuan, and everyone knows.

Even if you don't dare to make a big move, the disgusting person is still a line, just like supermarkets, once opened, Liu Tang arranges some little mixing every day to mess, Li Dong is going to find Liu Minghua because of this matter? As for the public security of the police station below, it is not a security guard in the distance.

Treatment can be handled, it is handled twice, there is a lot of times, these people are not a crime, and the top more education is released.

The seriousness of the treatment is a few days to the top.

I have come out, what should I do?

So, the only way to put the trouble is to give Liu Tang to the tale.

Otherwise, this person can't open it in the cause of Sichuan, the cause of the Sichuan, and the personal safety is threatened.

Can Liu Tang want to be so easy to win, he will not be in Sichuan.

Let Tan Yong do him directly? Li Dong just raised this thought, I walked away, this matter is not appropriate.

Let me not say that Tan Yong can kill him in Liu Tang's old nest, even if it is really dry, things will exceed Li Dong's imagination.

If people don't know, unless you are.

The day of the tycoon, and there is still a big rose mountain, will definitely check it.

Regardless of Liu Tang, it is not a matter of re-cause, and once the matter is exposed, Li Dong is afraid that there is no good day.

What should I do in addition to violence? I will definitely go to Han Prefecture tomorrow, this must have a way to solve it.

I thought about it for a while, Li Dong finally greened: "It's really not good, tonight, you will take the security group in the past, and strictly guard against the teaching building, do not give any opportunities to close.

As long as the teaching building will be unchanged tomorrow, I will take someone to take it with himself, and I will pass this.

Tan Yong is somewhat unwilling, but Li Dong said so, plus him there is no good way, I have to nod: "Then I will arrange people immediately, but if they are ready, or simply directional blasting, light defense Useless.

And so that you can't be in danger, it is too dangerous.

Li Dongnan said: "No, you are too exaggerated.

I used human to fill the teaching building and said, using blasting means, don't say Sichuan, the whole country knows.

At that time, the matter is very big, the tube is not Liu Tang dry, and it will definitely can't escape behind it.

Now that the network is so developed, I Li Dong is not a dead, blasting, then I should be a joke.

The people behind are so stupid, I am not worried ... "

Say this, Li Dong's eyes suddenly flashed.

Maybe, maybe the messenger is really stupid? Even if the messengers are not stupid, they seem to have a stupid thing to make him!

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