The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 920 comes to hurry

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At 7 o'clock in the evening, Li Dongcai opened the phone of Qin Yulin.

Flying from Beijing, I can't use it for so long.

However, Qin Yuhan and Qi Fangfang have panicched his feet. Before playing Li Dong's phone call, he didn't play again, and he didn't play again, and he went straight to Li Dong.

The two did not know where Li Dong didn't know, from the squad, I went to Hanzhou directly.

When I have forgotten the plane, the mobile phone mode is adjusted to the flight mode, and I didn't change it.

Until Hanzhou, the two did not know where Li Dong was in.

Then, two headless flies found that the mobile phone couldn't play, no wonder the plane didn't call them a few hours a few hours.

I heard the voice of Li Dong in the phone, and Qin Yuhan cried and screamed.

Li Dong comforted a few sentences, ready to kill Hanzhou.

However, Qin Yuhan urgently saw him, did not let Li Dong took, directly and Qi Fangjia bag, and drove.

... At 8:00, Li Dong received Qin Yuhan downstairs.

When I saw the appearance of gauze on Li Dong's head, Qin Yuhan couldn't help but cry.

Li Dong quickly said: "Said that it is just skin injury, nothing.

Let's take a look, I am going to be happy now, and I have nothing to do.

Don't cry, others are watching.

"Let them look, I don't care!

Qin Yuhan smoked the nose, and then lighted Li Dong, smashed: "The next time I don't allow this again!

Li Donglian ranked his hand: "I promise that next time I will never let you worry!"

Qin Yulin has a little irritated: "You guarantee, how many times you guarantee, it is not often committed!

Li Dong smiled, Si Fangfang, Li Dong, didn't work, and slammed the two people: "Okay, since it is fine, hurry to give us some.

From noon to now, busy forgetting, even the water did not drink, Li Dong, this time you are scared, we are sufficient.

Li Donglian is busy: "The food is good, you know that you haven't eaten, first go on the floor.

In addition, thank you this time, let you accompany the rain to run together.

Qi Fangfang didn't think it is here: "Thank you, I am coming with the rain, it is not special to see you.

Li Dong laughed, nodded: "Forget it, thank you, please don't say it.

I have eaten first, and I will say slowly after eating.

A few people said, go to the restaurant with a restaurant.

Qin Yuhan and Qi Fangfang did not eat anything, it was indeed hungry, Qi Fangfang saw the meal and swallowed up.

Although Qin Yuhan is very hungry, there is no appetite.

After a few mouthfuls, I put down the tableware to look to Li Dong's head: "How is your hurt? What do you say? Also, how can the teaching building collapse, online saying that someone is hurting you ..."

She asked a lot of questions in a breath, even Qi Fangfang did not help but put down the tableware to Li Dong.

Li Dong saw her face and explained: "It's okay, it is wiped the skin.

As for those rumors on the Internet, they all have fallen.

In fact, I also developed in the afternoon, I have explained it, you have no time to look.

Is a simple teaching building quality problem ... "

Li Dong did not say Liu Tang's business, the province's Qin Yuhan worried, and the things were told and said.

Despite this, Qin Yuhan is still afraid: "It's also good to collapse in advance, or ..."

When I think that Li Dong is going to take a few steps forward, I may be pressed by the teaching building, and Qin Yuhan is red.

This time she is really scared.

The online is as serious, and even some people rumored that Li Dong was seriously injured. Plus and did not pass Li Dong's call, she had already completely panicked.

Fortunately, I will come with her Qi Fangfang, or I may have trouble in half a way.

Li Dong continued to relocate, and said a few jokes and teasing her, which allowed Qin Yuhan gradually slowed down.

Waiting for Qi Fangfang finished, it has been 9 o'clock.

The two are running a day, and the spirit is more tired than Li Dong.

Li Dong had made Bai Su to open the room, Qi Fangfang entered the room alone, Li Dong was the room with Qin Yuhan back to his own room.

Of course, at this time, the two did not have a little less than a child.

Qin Yuhan washed some, I got it on the bed, I went to sleep with Li Dong's arm.

Although Li Dong is also very tired, it is very sleepy.

Gently carefully Qin Yuhan's back, Li Dong has a little deeds.

I heard that Qin Yuhan was coming, Shen Wei directly went to the foundation, saying something to handle.

Although I know just an excuse, Li Dong is not blocked.

The two people can see, Li Dong does not want two people to meet, and the province will get some troubles out.

…… the next day.

Qin Yuhan woke up early than Li Dong.

After one night's recovery, Qin Yuhan finally didn't have a panic and hurried yesterday.

Quietly lean your head against the chest of Li Dong, Qin Yuhan lost his god.

Until Li Dong's body moved, Qin Yuhan looked up: "Wake up?"

Li Dong made a yawn, twisted the neck: "Well, hungry? What didn't eat last night, get up to eat.

"Let's rest, wait later.

Li Dong did not refuse, reach out of her: "I am worried about yesterday ..."

Qin Yuhan shook his head and shook his head: "As long as you are fine.

"I am fine, I am dying this person, you don't know.

From small to big, I have never experienced anything ... "

Qin Yuhan smiled and smiled. He went to the way: "If you blow, you will blow me.

From the beginning of junior high school, in addition to bullying girls, when did you experience a knife? "

Li Dong, said: "I said, I am like the disglet, when will I bulge a girl.

"I also said no, bully me every day!

Qin Yuhan has a sentence, and Li Dong will refute: "I have finished my graduation design, I will return to Jiangbei.

I have to stare at you, save you that you are born every day.

"Hey, when will I get born!

Li Dong shouted a sentence, then asked: "When are you coming back?"

"At the end of June, it will not exceed July later.

Qin Yuhan said he glanced at him.

Seeing him, there is no different, slightly hesitation, Qin Yuhan said: "Do you want me to come back?"

Li Dong's heart became dramatically, hurriedly said: "Of course hope, this question, good university graduated, I certainly want you to come back.

"That ..."

Qin Yuhan wants to ask, what should I do with Shen Yizheng? During the mouth, Qin Yuhan didn't want to ask.

At this time, I asked this, not much.

And this is not asking, everyone can still do not know, even though understand is just self-deception.

Can be deceived, always better than smashing this window.

Next, Qin Yulan didn't say anything, quietly leaned for a while before Li Dong chest, two people got up after ten minutes.

...... The hall.

Qi Fangfang has been eating, watching her wolf to swallow the look, let people suspect that she is not a woman.

See Li Dong, they came over, Qi Fangfang didn't stop mouth, including: "Li Dong, you have no things, then I have to go back in the afternoon.

Graduation design has not yet been good, Huihan stays here a few days, I will go back in afternoon.

Li Donglian is busy: "It's so anxious? No more rest, just arrived yesterday ..."

"No, I have a good graduation design, I have to go to the teaching to help, time comparative.

At this time, Qin Yuhan suddenly inserted: "I will go back with you.

"You go back?"

Qi Fangfang looked at her and looked at Li Dong. It is obviously whether the two people are not a stunned.

Li Dong did not look at Qin Yuhan, Qin Yuhan smiled: "Your body is fine, I have to graduate design and graduation thesis like Fang Fang.

And there is also a thing in the store. When you come yesterday, I forgot to greet my mom.

Get your things as soon as possible, I will return to Jiang North for a few months.

Li Dongsong touched, but he said: "For two days, I have to return to Jiangbei for two days, and you will be.

"It's still, I have a companion with Fang Fang, you will go back early.

Also pay attention to rest, the injury on the head is not good, don't work hard these days.

...... "

Qin Yuhan took a few words, and the ticket was booked by Qi Fangfang.

Seeing that they are all got, plus two people go back, and Li Dong has finally give up persuaded.

... Qin Yuhan is also in a hurry, and it is rushing.

I came to the Beijing flight last night.

Li Dongyi sent two people to the airport. When the plane was on, it was deliberately let the Lan Xing State helped them to adjust the head.

Li Dong himself is Sichuan Airlines's shareholders, this small matter is no one will refurbish his face, although the two is the economy class, but it is a head and other cabin.

Even when the plane, Li Dong sent no one to block the cabin.

When several flight attendants were busy, they gave Qin Yuhan arranged their seats, and the drink was also eaten, and they were going to send this side.

This year, the generals of the co-first class are generally a bit economic strength.

The flight attendants are also attentive, and it is not like this, the plane has not taken off, and the drink is sent.

And still a few flight attendants, this treatment will catch up with private flights.

Li Dong didn't care what others thought, just accompanied two people, until the plane quickly took off, Li Dongcai got off the plane.

The passengers are even more embarrassed, this is good? Feelings this guy is to send people, can you send it to the cabin, leave it soon to leave? If you sit on the plane, they doubt that they are not going to fake aircraft.

Of course, not everyone is surprised.

Li Dong is now having a high visibility. Plus yesterday, I have just caught a big event, and the gauze on my head didn't be dismantled, and many people were recognized.

People are the shareholders of Sichuan Airlines and give someone.

Even if it is not a shareholder of Sichuan Air, take the status of Li Dong, and has not delayed the flight. If you stay, everyone can tolerate.

Until Li Dong gone, Qi Fangfang was low: "Wheame, is it a remarian?"

Qin Yuhan shook his head slightly, and looked out through the air window, Li Dong stood in the distance.

Qi Fangfang looked at her line, some did not understand: "Since there is no contradiction, are you so eager to go back?"

"He is nothing to do, and then, the school is indeed anxious.

I have been busy with the store in the school, and the graduation thesis has not been done yet. Professor Liu urged several times ... "

"Don't know!

Qi Fangfang interrupted her, thinking about it is not sure: "Shen Wei?"

Qin Yuhan no longer talk, Qi Fangfang is also solved.

For the distant news, they have been paying attention.

Shen Wei offends the director of the distant science and technology, and served as a chairman of the Yuanyuan Charity Foundation.

This time, I came to Sichuan, Shen Wei was willing to come.

Although I didn't encounter, it didn't mean Shen Wei.

He is here, plus Li Dong will not be too long in Sichuan, Qin Yuhan doesn't want to meet Shen Wei, and choose this time to leave.

However, Qi Fangfang still hate iron is not steel: "She is here, what are you doing? What should she be avoided, now you avoid it, what is the truth!

"Not afraid of her, forget it, and tell you.

Qin Yuhan did not speak, Qi Fangfang did not say anything.

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