The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 930, three intentions

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CC, the fastest update of rebirth is rolling!

Just pay attention to the battle of the distance and Carrefour in the outside world.

On April 18th, the distant science and technology that has not sounded in addition to the declaration of financing news this year.

On April 18, the remote mall, PP, Weibo, Wan cart finally opened the barrier, and the four business can be generally used.

Unit, this is what Li Dong is asking for.

However, with the increase in the distance, users increase, the original data center is not enough to provide such services from the distance.

Before the new data center is not built, the distant side will only choose to rent telecom IDC services.

With the IDC service support over the telecom, the distance has finally had enough ability to open the barrier.

The first time I really did it, four major business accounts interoperable.

It seems that everyone is not surprised enough, and the distant science and technology announced that the remote video officially won the transfer of the Olympic Games.

Of course, it is only to be transferred, and the exclusive power is definitely impossible.

In addition, the remote mall will be combined with, officially open the O2O market, and the business is further expanded underline.

The above is not all.

The distant technology has been in a few months, in addition to the end of last year and Taobao, there is no movement.

For these few months, the distance is still going to invest in distant science and technology, which is naturally impossible to do something.

The remote technology is also announced, from May 1st, officially launched the mobile PP, the mobile terminal of both microblogging.

As for the mall, the current mobile phones and networks cannot be supported.

Online, telemarket and merge, four business accounts are universal, win the Olympic Games ... The distant science and technology is not sound, and it is amazing.

Of course, the outgoing walk is lively, and the inner walks.

During the announcement of the financing during the distant science and technology, it suddenly made so many movements, obviously Li Dong was publishing dissatisfaction.

He is telling major investment banks, he is impatient.

Drake it, the distance from the distance will continue to choose financing, just in the last year.

Last year, the overall valuation of the distant scientific and technological is only 2 billion US dollars, and the half-year time is doubled.

If you drag, double Li Dong is not necessarily willing.

... Li Dong is indeed dissatisfied.

These investments are too cautious, and he is a little irritated and impatient.

The financing was announced in early March, and now I have passed more than a month.

He gave the bottom limit and 30 billion yuan in March.

The structure is in mid-April, these institutions are still grinding, still waiting.

Li Dong knows what they are waiting for, waiting for the distance, no money, waiting for the distance to seek people, then they can get greater benefits.

How much is 30 billion yuan? There are not much a little, and it is only $ 42 billion in exchange for the US dollar, and a quote of Weibo is more than $ 1 billion.

The two major businesses of the distant mall and PP have been given to 3 billion US dollars.

It is not to know that mall and PP are not incubation period, nor a seed period, and now it is already in a mature stage.

Even if I don't take the housing, I will have a year, I can run the market for another year, I will run a listing in Mall and PP on May 1, 2006.

A company that is listed next time, then choose financing, and according to reason, it should be robbed.

Even the two major business in the distance can not be the first, and the potential is not low, after the mall merges the, and even the possibility of exceeding Taobao.

Is this in this case, is 3 billion US dollars really suitable? Li Dong slang lazy with them, he is now understanding, and it is not a buyer.

This fellow financing is not smooth, on the one hand, because the market environment is not good, on the other hand, Li Dong's lack of money is too obvious.

Distance spent money is like water, just borrowed from 10 billion last year, I chose financing in half a year, it is obviously telling others, I lack money, very lack of money.

At this time, I have to take it naturally.

But they don't know Li Dong, in Li Dong, the time is money.

If these people have a bit more, soon, they will complete the financing at this time, let them get cheaper Li Dong.

These people can repeatedly delay the time, let Li Dong missed a lot of opportunities, and even Li Dong went out to borrow money, these people are still holding, he is not dry!

The front feet have just announced the news, and after the feet, Li Dong let Sun Tao have announced a new financing program for major investment banks.

Mall, PP, Weibo three business, do not accept unified quotation, and do not accept unified financing.

It means that the three business, this time Li Dong wants to discover a talker!

OK, I am not can't see it, I don't talk about the mall and PP first, first talk about Weibo!

Weibo registered users more than 100 million, and the active users of the day, the number of microblogs was released, and the number of microblins was released more than 25 million, and the advertising revenue was 50 million in the first quarter of 2008.

50 million seems to have no more seemingly, the monthly camp is less than 2 million.

Don't forget that how long is Weibo to get online? In such a short period of time, the far Weibo found the entry point and achieved a profit. What is the concept of this!

Said a well-deserved boss in China, no one will refute.

I can't see the old two, can the boss have seen it? And disassemble, everyone has strength into.

The previous three are added together, the value is too high, and some of the opportunities for small and medium-sized agencies have not been quoted.

Now Li Dong gives others opportunities, the more competitors, the more companies benefit.

Before Li Dong didn't expect this, but at that time, he wanted to speed up the speed of the speed, failed one-time, one-time money arrived, can give him help.

But now, it is delayed, Li Dong is unwilling to make it cheaper.

...... Yuanfang Building.

The new financing program is released, and the major institutions must start quotation and start competition.

It is more than a month to spend more than a month.

Sun Tao is also tired of these days, it is tired, tired: "A few major investment banks are very dissatisfied, think we are deceiving them, we need to give them an explanation.

Li Dong was helpless: "What is explained? I didn't find them to explain is a good thing!

I know that the financing is not going well, why should I have to waste time and delay how much?

You tell them that this financing is the last chance. If they don't want to enter, even if they have financing, they will also include them in the blacklist!

This year, the investment is not only a few of them.

The financial crisis arrives, the market environment is not good, but it is also an opportunity at this time.

How many financial oligomers don't dare to invest, and they can't spend it in your hand.

Besides, the market environment is good, 30 billion they want to enter the distant technology, dreaming is similar.

Sun Tao smiled, this financing is more complicated.

Just when two people chatted, Bai sine knockped.

See Li Dong's view, Bai Su whispered: "Li, the financing project team received a few intentions.

Li Dong looked at Sun Tao, Sun Tao shook his head: "The program just announced, and I am not clear."

However, both understand that the speed is so fast, but also let Bai Su quickly report, it is certainly not general agency.

Li Dong asked: "Who is vying for the intention?"

Bai Su did not speak, but handed a few intentions to Li Dong.

Li Dong took the top one, and then he saw it: "HORIZONS VENTURE Investment Fund?"

He just finished, Sun Tao is a little surprised: "Mr. Li's private fund?"

Mr. Li, of course, is of course not to say Li Dong.

However, Li Dong immediately understood, some surprised: "Victorian investment?"

"Well, I didn't expect the business to split, and actually attracted a golden phoenix.

Sun Tao smiled and said: "It seems that Weibo is still more fragrant.

Of course, Sun Tao is actually not too strange and shocked.

The Wi-Hang Fund has been in Guang Si, and Lao Li's Hong Kong has been investing in all over the world.

At the end of last year, the Weigang Fund also invested Facebook60 million US dollars.

I look at the domestic Weibo, it seems that it is not too strange.

Not surprising is not surprising, Sun Tao is still a little proud: "How much is Li Mr. Li? He is the Chinese rich, rich ..."

Li Dongbai gave him a look, Sun Tao joke with himself.

If you have money, you can have money, you can't be a fool, it's really as it is.

I can't expect Li Dong, the price given by Wei Port is not too high, US $ 1 billion.

This offer is actually exceeded in several negotiations behind.

It is not worth exclaimed by the $ 1 billion quote given by Wei Port.

Li Dong did tap the table and thought about it: "Sun is always, do you think it?"

The offer given by Wei Port is not high, who can make people live a lot.

This money is not mainly, but a famous gas.

Borrowing the name of Lao Li, the effect should not be too bad.

Sun Tao is also the same idea, nodding: "You can talk, but the shares can't make too much, indicating that it means that the other party is involved.

Otherwise, let's help them work.

"Is this.

Li Dong smiled: "It can indeed talk, open the rhythm of the door, not bad.

Money is not mainly, I can accept $ 1 billion, but I will see that the opposite appetite is not big.

If they want too much, I will not agree, I can talk about it, I need his name, he needs interest, this is the best way to cooperate.

Sun Tao took the head: "Then I will contact the Wei Port."


Li Dong smiled and said: "The first copy gave me a surprise, then I want to see who the second is.

Said, Li Dong picked up the second document.

Looking at it, Li Dong laughed huh: "It is indeed surprised, who do you guess?"

Sun Tao smiled and said: "How do you guess this, give a prompt.

"Internet companies.

"Internet companies……"

Sun Tao wants to think about his eyes: "Baidu?"


Li Dong did not ask him how to guess, but it is not difficult to guess.

The Internet companies are well known, Ali is impossible to invest in the distance, Tencent is ready to develop Weibo, nor will it invest in the distance.

Other may invest in the distance, probably Baidu.

Last year, in fact, he had talked with Baidu, but later talked.

Now Baidu actually has fun to Weibo, Li Dong is not too unexpected, but still is very happy: "Yes, advertising is good.

Wei Port and Baidu are also optimistic about Weibo, and this is enough to promote it.

Similarly, it is not a money in Baidu, but technical support, Baidu is, you can talk about it.

Sun Tao nodded and understood that the distance has always hoped to get Baidu's technical support and project cooperation.

As the largest search engine in China, Baidu's users are far more than far and Ali.

If you can get technical support and drainage from Baidu, it doesn't matter if you don't make money on Weibo.

After reading the two above, Li Dong is more looking forward to the third home.

Bai Su has given three intentions, and the last family is definitely not bad more than the top two.

When Li Dong opened the document, I saw it, and then shook his head and smiled: "It's been, this is interesting, I didn't expect Weibo to cause so many people.

Softbank is sent, we have three business packages, they will not support our mall development.

Can Weibo, and the mall has no business conflict, now a split, soft silver is actually coming.

Before the distance from the three business packages, in order not to have an impact on Ali, soft silver, although some heart, but no hand.

Now Li Dong wants to disclug, and the soft and silver is moving.

Li Dong is slightly proud, but soon he heard Sun Tao shoud: "Soft Silver is not good here.

"How to say?"

"Li, you don't forget our goals, the money of financing is to take other items.

Soft silver wants is just microblogging, how can it agree to us?

If we use money to use the mall, or the supermarket, in fact, the distant mall will only get more and more stronger.

Changed to other small investment agencies in Ali even, two sides invest, the loss is the same.

Different soft silver, they invest too much in Ali, too deep.

They are reluctant to see our mall, so the money from financing will only use it on Weibo.

At this time, Li Dong was also awake, nodded: "It's true, so, Soft Silver is not talking about?"

Sun Tao smiled: "It is still possible to talk about it, just tell you, even if you talk, you can make an advertisement.

Ali's largest investor, seeing us in the distance, you said, this news came out, what would everyone think? Of course, we also don't say Weibo, whispered a little, and others will think of mall.

Li Dong's thumbs smiled: "I didn't expect, you have learned this now, you can!

Sun Tao couldn't help but laugh, and the Bai's white sides also laughed.

I saw three intentions, Li Dong mood was still good, no matter what I can't make it, the name of Weibo will start thoroughly.

Wei Port, Baidu, Soft Silver is not a fool, and the popularity is also high, they are all optimistic about Weibo, isn't it to explain the future of Weibo.

Li Dong smiled for a while, and finally: "Speed ​​speed speed, can't drag again, Carrefour is still waiting for money."

Sun Tao hurriedly nodded and returned to the color.

This time I really can't drag again, then dragged down, Li Dong will probably question his execution.

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