The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 941, Cardios, Crash (Wan Qi Subscription)

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CC, the fastest update of rebirth is rolling!

For the idea of ​​Ma, Guo Guli is not comment.

After all, everyone is the industry giant, who is not the attachment.

Ma Wei thought so, he reminded that it was enough, and there is no need to force it.

However, Guo Guli will feel that Ma Wei is a little risk.

Saying, listening to Ma Wei, this is called the shortage, but it is actually lost his own advantage, and some picking people.

Li Dong is so successful, it does not mean that Ali will succeed.

Ali's advantage is still on the Internet, especially Taobao, and then continue to suppress the distant mall.

Ma Wei should do it is to expand the advantage and cannot give the distant opportunity to exceed the distant mall.

Waiting for Taobao to make a big, after the distant mall is in the body, then develop retail at that time, this is ok.

But now, the distant supermarket has moved the first to the country, Ali wants to fight in this and far from the distance, completely attacking the distance from the distance with his own charm.

How to think about Guo Guli, Ma Wei is actually understood.

He and Guo Guli's views are different. It is, this time continues to develop Taobao, it is indeed possible to expand this.

The short board is also very obvious, let Masson think of the theory of wooden bucket.

He feels that it is difficult to make a distant far without complementing his own short board.

Perhaps Taobao will lead, but it is a more solid development in the distance. Three years later, five years later, Taobao may not be a distant opponent.

In this case, he would rather slow down and make up these short boards.

As for Guo Guang and Guli, I don't agree, Ma Wei will not be specially corrected.

The two did not talk about these things again, but they drunk coffee quietly.

Drink coffee, Ma said back to the hotel.

He is booking the Hilton Hotel, near Jing'an Temple.

At this moment, Li Dong is in a four-season hotel in not far away, and the linear distance between the two sides is less than two kilometers.

If you are interested in the street at this moment, it is likely to be a kind meeting in ten minutes later.

However, at this moment, the two have been tired for a long journey, and naturally, there is no mood to go shopping.

…… Four Seasons Hotel.

Li Dong plagues on the sofa on the edge of the balcony, looking at the window.

Shanghai is worthy of China's most prosperous urban, especially close to this piece of city center, and the high-rise building is more than the cloud, and some buildings are even towering, as if it really breaks through the horizon.

Compared to Beijing, Li Dong wants to prefer Shanghai.

It is not more bustling here, but Li Dong is more suitable for this climate.

Although Jiangbei takes a northern word, it can actually be in the south in the south.

Li Dong is the climate in the southern, Pingchuan and Shanghai, and the eating habits are not different.

In Shanghai, Li Dong did not adapt a few points.

Staring at the sky for a while, Li Dong's eyes have some pantothenic acid, and bowed down and looked downstairs.

He lives in the top floor of the room, that is, 36 floors, naturally seeing the shadow of the building.

However, when Li Dong looks down, I always feel that there is something that is about to be related to myself downstairs.

Of course, this feeling is coming, Li Dong has not thought much.

In this life, he came to Shanghai. Although the past generation has been there, but there is nothing in Shanghai, there is no place to have Guayuo.

I want to go to a few distant shops tomorrow, and go to the Carreford store to see, Li Dong is not ready to continue to stand silly, rest the film and carefully said.

...... The world, a drink.

Sometimes, ordinary people have a bloody and bloody, and they can suddenly rise, as if there is anything I have related.

However, most of the time, people will not be too much.

Just when I saw the hotel downstairs of Li Dong, some people went downstairs.

Yuan Xue stared at the four-sei hotel building, and a fat girl standing next to her breathed the air: "A Xue, what? This weather is really hot, the heat is hot, the body is wet It's really uncomfortable.

Yuan Xue listened to the complaints of colleagues and smiled: "He is natural and cold, who makes you so fast.

Fat girl helpless: "Can you walk fast, that old lady is too bad!

Although we are intern, we can enter the R & D department, do brand research and development.

Now fell, the labor day will be calculated 3 days, our interns, it is not a matter of no longer than others.

But two big talents, actually sent to market research, this is not bullying!

It also stipulates how many research data must be taken, which is more bullying.

We are not local people, and there is no one.

If the ordinary series is ok, now let us investigate the user experience of the HR series products, even a list is not given, let us go to find!

To say that the old monsters are not intentional, I don't believe it!

Fat girls are not in the face, she and Yuan Xue are the intern of L'Oreal Huaxia.

However, the two people entered the brand R & D department. It was originally satisfied with the R & D department, and fat girls have been very satisfied with the R & D department.

I don't know what is going on, and their departmental supervisors see that they seem to be particularly coming.

What kind of hardships make them do a few intern, some are not even the R & D department.

Just like this, the holiday is just over, and they just returned to the company, they were sent out by the old monsters to do market research.

The survey is also the user experience of the Oreal top series of products HR.

Users who have purchased the high-end product line have contacts, call a phone call, or to serve these services in the door, things are not too difficult.

The old monster does not give, the beautiful name is to exercise their ability to work, let them come out to find HR series products users, and then conduct investigation.

Fat girls are energetic vomiting, thinking that she is also a student of domestic first-class famous schools.

In his eyes, it is not a pride, the result is that the company, it is not as good as it is.

If you are afraid that the resignation is now losing his face in front of his classmates and his family, she has long gave the folder of the old monster.

I have complained a while, I saw that Yuan Xue didn't work, fat girls can't help but said: "A Xue, you are not angry?"

Yuan Xue whispered: "There is nothing to be angry, any business is the same.

Since entering the enterprise, it is a newcomer, the winning of the fittest is inevitably.

We have come to see you, and we are exclusible. It is inevitable.

In this case, it is not as good as a little bit, and the province will make others see more happy.

"It seems to be a little truth.

Fat girl nodded, said: "But I don't seem to see you, A Xue, are you not angry?"

Yuan Xue's exquisite face suddenly bloomed a smile, and suddenly flashed a picture in his mind.

She will of course be angry, people have seven emotions, how can they not be angry?

She generally does not show it, and the impression of people is also the iceberg.

However, when she was studying high school, she was in a very popular, she almost swearing several times.

Thinking of these, Yuan Xue suddenly shook his head, how to think of the guy.

That guy is now one of the most famous entrepreneurs in China, but also extreme nationalists. If you know that you are working in France, I am afraid that the violent violent violent is like Ray? Unconsciously, Yuan Xue fell into meditation.

Some fat girls on the side have a bit helpless, and A Xue is so good, it is a little silly, often said that it is in a state of hair.

Sighted, fat girl pushed Yuan Xue, reminded: "A Xue, our mission has not been completed.

With the HR product line, you can not touch several on the street.

Guests at the five-star hotel should have more money, let's take a break in the four seasons hotel, see if you can meet a few good talks, go up and ask.

It's so annoying, we are obviously the technical talents of well-known enterprises, how can we become a salesman? I am so angry!

Yuan Xue woke up, he heard the words: "That is waiting for a while, plum blossoms to bitter cold, ask people, you can exercise our communication skills, things think, don't be angry .

Fat girls face the appearance, move the steps to the hotel door.

Yuan Xue also walked over.

This is two girls, and a long is particularly beautiful, temperament is good, it is not like engaging in sales.

Otherwise, they are not moving at the door of the hotel, and there is a security guard to hurry.

Despite this, after I asked a few customers who entered the hotel, they still inquired their goals.

Yuan Xue did not speak, and the fat girl said the purpose.

The security guard is also Amo, although young security is very much to help a beautiful girl, you can continue to harass the guests, and then he is likely to lose this job.

The security attitude is not very bad, but the light explains for a while, saying his own difficulties.

Yuan Xue went to the fat girl to distinguish an eye, and the two have been paying away after foregoing.

At this time, there are several guests passing.

Several people are exchanged, listening to one of them: "This time, Happy Banquet, we are going to make fun.

The real protagonist is still in the distance, the distant family of family, the family, the family, I saw that Tian Li Dong and Dulan saw the face, can't get it on the spot.

The woman around him heard that he did not believe in: "No, it is the most famous entrepreneur, will you fight on the spot?"

"Hey, this is not good, I don't dare to say this, Li Dong, that is not necessarily.

"I still can't believe ..."

While talking, I will go in the side.

Yuan Xue is tall, and the fat girl in the side did not pay attention to this, but some envy: "In fact, the world's five hundred have no special cattle, you don't have to be defeated by the distance this time.

Carrefour is ranked much more than L'Eya, and it is also a French business.

The distance is really powerful, I heard that Li Dongcai is 23 years old, as big as we are ... A Xue, you are also Jiangbei people, have you seen Li Dong himself? "

Yuan Xue was shook his head and didn't speak.

Fat girls don't care, self-high: "I haven't seen it, people are rich, I heard that the body is a bodyguard.

By the way, just a few people say that Li Dong came to Shanghai? I really want to see it, but unfortunately, we can't see it, hey, forget it, or continue to investigate.

A Xue, you said that Li Dong is how good my boyfriend, I will go back to the old monster!

At that time, the old lady had to apologize to me, or else I will let Li Dong give L'Oreal to the whole, what do you say? "

Yuan Xue is a little crying, whispered: "He is doing the supermarket, not cosmetics.

Fat girls don't think it is here: "All, anyway, Li Dong has money, so billion.

Yuan Xue did not accept it again, and there was nothing to say.

But thinking that Li Dong came to Shanghai, Yuan Xue couldn't help but suffer, did he be in this city at the moment? It seems that no matter where it goes, he is the focus point of the crowd.

Even the international metropolis in Shanghai, there are countless people to discuss him, talking about him, even afraid of him.

Yuan Xue is a little proud, she doesn't know what she is proud.

He is a bit pleasant, and some can't say it.

It is said that I have to forget him, but when I have to forget him every time, the guy always moves out, let people can't help but pay attention to him.

Gently sigh, Yuan Xue chased the fat girl's footsteps.

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