The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 951 is a bad thing too much

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This night, Li Dongda exhibited.

Yuan Xue, who was a ban, was asleep until noon the next day.

Looking at the strange ceilings, Yuan Snow wakes up instantly.

One of the scenes happened last night clearly flashed in the mind.

The face changed, Yuan Xue turned his head and saw it.

Next to you have already had a shadow, Yuan Xue face is not changed.

I sent a long time. At this time, the bathroom door was pushed away, and Li Dong wrapped out.

Seeing Yuan Xue woke up, Li Dongtun smiled while smiling: "Wake up? Hungry, I let the hotel porridge, will be good."

Yuan Xue saw him, while the tone was relieved, and he thought that this guy was half-forced last night, and his face was ugly: "You haven't gone yet!"

Li Donglian is busy: "How can you, are you not an inconvenience? I have to let you take care of you.


Yuan Xue snorted, did not take care of him again.

What happened last night, she didn't drink, and she was clear.

The bed is on, or I will promise in half of it, and I am not intended to be in this time.

I just thought of my clothes, probably something discomfort, Yuan Xue Xiu Wei Wei.

Li Dong saw a hurry to take the front: "Let's lie for a while, get up and get up.

"what time is it?"

"More than 12 o'clock.

"Help me take the clothes.

Yuan Xue was listening to the afternoon, and his clothes were all over, and he did not help but command Li Dong.

Li Dong saw her insisted that he had to help the clothes.

Yuan Xue just prepared to wear clothes, I thought about it again: "Go to the bathroom, I wear clothes!

Li Donggan laughed: "If you don't need it, you are doing this ..."

He said that this is said that it is ready to go. As a result, Yuan Xue is not going to walk, wearing clothes from the rendering.

Looking at the naked beauty in front of the semi-smashing, Li Dong has some mouthful of dry tongue.

However, this time Li Dong is thinking, Yuan Xue is tossed enough last night, I am afraid I can't get up.

...... Wear your clothes and simply wash it.

Yuan Xue is not talking to Li Dong, and picking up his bag.

Li Dongyi watched and quickly blocked her: "Where is it?"

Yuan Xue frowped: "Go to the company, all in the afternoon.

"What is the company now? I am not can't afford you, please ask for a few days, look back and resign and return to Jiang North ..."

If he didn't finish it, Yuan Xue stared at him: "Li Dong, don't think you have a bed with me, I will depend on you in my life.

I am not your vassal, I don't need you to raise.

Li Dong quickly explained: "I don't mean this.

"No matter whether it is, don't think too much!

Yuan Xue said: "When I sent my desire last night, anyway, the price is I paid, I will pack you overnight, so we are now two.

Li Dongpuist is convulsive, this is said, pay me? Besides, you have a fart.

Preparing to open, Yuan Xue continues: "Don't say anything, let me calm and cool, don't come to me, I haven't thought about it, I want to contact you.

Li Dongwen sinks in a while: "You will hide me again?"

Yuan Xue glanced at him: "Are you so cow now, can I hide?"

No more opportunities to talk again, Yuan Xuexiao passed away.

Li Dong saw the situation quickly.

I was waiting for the hotel, Yuan Xue, stopped a taxi, Li Dong was trying to get on the bus, Yuan Snow turned his way: "Don't follow, I am not so fragile.

I said, I want to calm down now, you follow me, I am upset.

Li Dong's face, seeing her attitude, I thought about it: "I am now living 3608 hotels in the four seasons. I will be in Shanghai, I will call it before, I remember to call me.

By the way, you change the number, how much is it now? Also, go back or ask for a few days, I will see you in the hands of the hand ... "

Li Dong said, Yuan Xue has already got a car, waiting for him to fall, Yuan Xue lost a "know"

Just take someone.

Seeing her away, Li Dong's entanglement is entangled.

He originally thought that today is not good, there will be a cry, and there is no matter what to say, and Yuan Xue must also talk about Qin Yuhan.

As a result, Yuan Xue did not say anything, which was calm than Li Dong, which made Li Dong injured.

Just when he was tangled, Tan Yong did not know that ghosts came out after him, whispered: "Li, Miss Yuan's address, I heard.

In addition, Chen Mong and White Secretary made a call, saying that the plan of Carrefour came out.

Li Dong was nodded, and he always looked at the taxi to disappear in front of him: "Go back, first put things hard and then say.

"it is good.

... May 8th.

Li Dong and Duran have once again met.

Both sides talked about the acquisitions, and the specific things have not been talked.

Durant is a businessman, and the merchant will not make a wrong choice because of the moment, he didn't negotiate the distance because Li Dong's last time.

Remote participation in this merger, Durant is still happy.

However, Durang also made a request, Carrefour's mergers and acquisitions, only accept the overall M & A program.

In other words, Carrefour should be sold as a whole, and Li Dong wants to buy some stores to completely die.

If you want to take care of Carrefour, you must include those stores that have been coincident from the distant.

Carrefour is not stupid, give you picking, the location of the store will pick you away, what should I do? If you don't talk, you have to talk about it.

This is the basic requirement, only the basic requirements are promised, and next, there will be a next step, otherwise the distance can be exited directly.

After talking to Dulang, Li Dong took the Carrefour Headquarters.

On the car, Li Dong took a lot of ambiguity, asked Chen Yauao: "Mr. Chen, you give me an estimate, how much is the value of the valuation?"

Chen Lang is the king of the acquisition of the acquisition of the acquisition of the acquisition, which is more than Li Dong.

Li Dong was in Pingchuan, and Sun Tao was estimated once. However, when Li Dong thought about the 80 stores, it was enough.

The total value is about 8 billion, but it is all the estimated Li Dong.

I really have to talk about it, I have to find a professional organization to assess the only line.

The two parties will be invited to evaluate such a large number of M & A cases.

Li Dongxa asked, Chen Yong did not panic, Chen Wah did the programs before Li Dong came to Shanghai.

Organized the language, Chen Yan slowly: "Such a large-scale retail M & A case, it has also happened in China.

Last year Wal-Mart is more than a good time, and it is similar to us.

At that time, I have a better assessment worth 8.5 billion yuan.

At that time, there were many years of sales of 1.32 billion, and the general assessment agency was evaluated and three programs were adopted.

Market value method, income method, cash flow method.

The discount of cash flow method is the most simple, through annual sales, sales of annual growth rate, sales profit margin, income rate, fixed asset growth rate ... this series of data is estimated.

Now, we are now calculated by this method. Last year, Carrefour sales were 29.6 billion, annual growth rate 12.

5%, sales profit margin 15% ... "

Chen Zhi listed a lot of data, although Li Dong listened to some headaches, but did not interrupt.

Some things must be understood.

And Chen Lang is only briefly, listening to a lot of people.

Briefly said for a while, and finally Chen Yau said: "If you evaluate this program, Carrefour has a total value of 16 billion.

Li Dong frowed: "Not so high?"

Chen Zhi smiled: "Don't worry about Li, I said, this is the previous Carrefour, now different.

And we don't need Carrefour's brands this time, and, Carrefour enters Huaxia 13 years, many store leases have expired.

At this time, the value will have a substantial decline.

Throwing these factors, the value of assessment should be around 12 billion.

"12 billion!

Li Dong has some toothache, before saying that 8 billion everyone felt that they didn't play, don't say 12 billion.

Although Chen Zhi's valuation is not the value given by the professional institution, Chen Lang has done multiple M & A programs, even if there is a gap, it should not be big.

Too much is more than 12 billion, Li Dong has some acceptance.

Don't say him, this time I am afraid that there are still few companies can accept it.

The five enterprises that have been finalized can take this billion funds, except for Tesco and China Resources, Yintai and Bailian are almost impossible.

Of course, the same distance is the same, more than 10 billion will definitely can't get it.

Otherwise not enough unless Li Dong is willing to put all the money in the stock market.

See Li Dong frowned, Chen Zhizhi smiled: "However, Li is also don't worry, even if it is really worth, it is not a one-time.

We can refer to Wal-Mart and have a lot of schedule, first acquire 30% of Carrefour.

70% remaining, we can run three years, see performance, decide, all acquisitions or exit.

At this point, I think Carrefour should agree, the large-scale M & A program, which is the most secure, and the risk is also minimal.

Of course, it can actually take a joint venture plan, but now we will not discuss it.

If it is just 30% of the shares, we will pay for a cash of about 3.6 billion or even less.

This is also known, but Li Dong rarely uses this solution.

I used to acquire the mergers and acquisitions, it all opened the biggest, directly whisper.

It is not a lot of spending more than Li Dong, mainly wholly-owned mergers and acquisitions are easy to integrate resources, but also quickly form combat power.

However, according to Wal-Mart's good situation, the previous distance is only a joint venture, which is equivalent to joint venture, and also gave the opportunity to come to Carrefour Dongshan.

In addition, there is no controlling, which is not easy to make resources integration from this side. In short, there is a lot of trouble.

Of course, this is a lot of risks in the distance.

It can actually say Li Dong, and he is not clear than others.

It's really going to run three years, and then the integration is late.

11 years to integrate Carrefourmen, a good guy, just hitting the head e-commerce, then Li Dong is still not depressed.

Touching the tone, Li Dong said: "How to talk about the program, this is not yet arrived, this way, let's submit a plan for his family.

In addition, find a third party to evaluate, and by the way, it also looks at the value of Carrefour's own assessment.

Chen Yong took a way: "That line, I will arrange it right away.

Third-party words, find the Rui Silver Investment Bank, the assessment of Switzerland must be fair and accurate.

By the way, Li, when are you going back to the river? "

"Just these days, I will give you this time.

M & A is not a day and two days, and the preliminary program review and assessment is also a month.

When I truly talk about money, I have to wait for the next half.

Now Li Dong's head is more, plus it right away from 5.12.

People are not in Jiangbei, Li Dong is not peaceful.

Before the 12th, he must return to the north.

Then Li Dong thought of Yuan Xue, this woman returned to now, and I didn't know what I thought in my heart.

She doesn't come, I will definitely get to see if I am walking.

Time is urgent, and Li Dong also can't let her go calm.

I want to work in my heart, and the car stopped at the hotel.

Li Donggang got off the bus, Bai Su hurriedly greeted the front: "Li, Jogang, Yuan, said.

One listening is Yuan Chengdao, and Li Dong immediately asked: "What?"

"Taobao has just issued a message.

Li Dong has some heads: "What is Ma Wei?"

Now he is a lot of things, and it will not be able to fight with Ma.

According to Li Dong's thoughts, it will be so stable.

The distant mall really broke out, but also has to wait for mobile client era.

However, he doesn't want to fight now, but he does not mean that Ma Wei will be safe.

Bai Su saw his headache. The corner of his mouth did not help but showed it. Bai Su was busy reported: "Taobao just released an announcement, in the second half of the year, Taobao will build a 'Taobao City', positioned as large network shopping centers, invest Up to 1.5 billion.

It seems that an agreement has been signed with the Linan government.

In addition, with the 'Taobao City' at the same time, Ali mother and Taobao officially merged, which will be created as the world's largest e-commerce ecosystem.

Taobao City's things are not in the heart, but he heard Ali's mother and Taobao merged, Li Dong could not help but be a little.

This is to get big data route. The guy is so poisoned this guy.

I am afraid that I will come out soon, Ali Yun has come out.

The future of the Internet, inseparable from the big data, Li Dong has not prepared it, Taobao is a step.

Li Dong spit tone, this is also something wrong.

Some things are not to say that the prophet is useful, at least compared to Taobao, the foundation of far-reaching technology is too weak.

Now, even the data center is not built, let alone the cloud computing.

Fortunately, I would like to provide some technical and talent support from Baidu, when I see it, I can get some good things.

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