The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 956 Humanity Ben (Wen Qi Subscription)

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CC, the fastest update of rebirth is rolling!

From Pingchuan to Yidu, 1500 km away!

Departure at 17 o'clock, there is a constant vehicle to join the distant team.

That is the distant supermarket in all parts, after the headquarters issued the command, the organized materials rescue team.

At the province, there is a batch of vehicles join.

At 5 am, the trip passed half.

Everyone is very tired, but no one is resting, and I haven't found a hotel.

The team stopped in the roadside, and everyone eats dry food around the side, drinking mineral water.

Li Dong took a bite with a mineral water bottle and stared at the sky.

Shen Xi is calling, a few minutes, I walked tired, soft: "The road in the earthquake is still not yet, and the troops have emerged to support, the other mall, PP, Weibo has opened donation channel ..."

Li Dong put his hand: "Don't say this, how long can I go to the?"

"At least six or seven hours, can be reached around 12 noon.

"Let everyone rest for 20 minutes, will continue to hurry."

I have insisted that I will pay for everyone.

Many people heard this, all the eyes were red: "Li, this is what we should do, don't compensate, I really have to take money, we don't feel at ease."

"Yeah, Lee, you and the chairman are all come, we still have money, is it still people?"


Everyone has refused Li Dong compensation.

Li Dong is not coming, they may still have a resentment.

It can also be personally coming from Li Dong, and they still have a good complaint.

Everyone who is hidden, there are Wenshan earthquake, I don't know how many people suffer.

They can't do anything now, now the distance from the distance, can become one of them, everyone is willing.

Eat cookies, drink, simply rest for a few minutes, Li Dong looked: "Let's go, you must arrive before 12 o'clock.

Everyone got on the car, the dark night, the long team continued to drive to Chuan.

... On 8:30 in the 13th, Li Dongyou arrived in the mountain city.

Wang Yue's eyes were red, and I waited for Li Dong's car to stop, Wang Yue picked up: "Mountain City materials are touched, and we also organized a rescue team. Lee, you and the aggregate still left. I will go.

"Don't say nonsense, with people with people.

Wang Yue sighed, did not speak again, greeted the team to keep up.

At this time, the team on the road has changed.

Many people are spontaneous organizations, a car or two cars, more three five, everyone's direction.

Waiting for the banner and fleet of the distant group, many people do not help themselves.

More than 30 cars, in addition to the government rescue team, this is still the most private team since the earthquake.

Looking at the heavy truck, full of materials, many people have a warmth in their hearts.

In the case of their organization of the team rescue, many people advise them now not to go, it is very dangerous.

But now, even the distant groups in the southwest are here, everyone is unrespected.

All the way, no matter what you don't know, everyone is talking to each other.

Everyone has worries and concerns, this moment, more money is less, and the material is not important. It is an important thing that everyone is consistent, and love is the same.

At 11:40, the team finally arrived in the whole.

When the distance from the distance, he suddenly caused countless people.

In fact, the reason is caused by such a big concern, not Li Dong, their teams are huge, nor you know that Li Dong will come in advance.

But school!

The earthquake has been in the past 21 hours, except that the Wen Mountain Life Stand has not yet been opened, most of the other affected areas have done the lifeline.

This earthquake is too big, and many buildings are seriously damaged.

The reporters of the first line are sent back to the scene, and life has a miracle!

Severally affected areas, the surrounding buildings collapsed, but there is a new school standing!

The 99 schools donated by the distant donation, at this moment, a new Noah's Ark became a refuge of everyone.

At this time, some part of the government moved into the local campus.

So before Li Dong has not arrived, the distant group has attracted many people's attention.

Waiting for the distant team, it caused everyone's attention.

Liu Minghua personally gave Li Dong called the phone, the moment of turning on the phone, Liu Minghua's voice is a duckle: "Li, thank you!"

Li Dong's scorpion is also a little itchy, this is a thank you from a Kaifeng.

Does not include the benefits, not including politics, thank you, he can feel it.

Li Dongdon suddenly, whispered: "It should be.

"Then I will say more, you let the distant people pay attention to safety, now the front line urgently needs material reinforcement, and your people are coming very time.

I will give you a leader, and a part of the road is blocked.

By the way, you call me the head of the Sichuan, I will contact us.

Li Dong Shen said: "I can contact me directly, Liu Shuji, I am here.

On the phone, Liu Minghua, I have never thought that Li Dong is coming.

You know, sometimes you can't avoid it, they can donate, adventures, the average person can not be willing.

Li Dong and the team came together, obviously happened soon, the distant rescue team was organized.

When he just got reported, he didn't know Li Dong.

Liu Minghua has some taste of taste, and the hoarse voice: "That case, you stay in the squad, the team is handed over to us, rest assured, this time no one dares to do something else!"

"Thank you, but I still want to see, Liu Shuji, you arrange people to take a look.

You are busy, I know, you are too busy than me, I will pay attention to it here.

"That's good, be careful!"

Liu Minghua did not persuade, since Li Dong, since he came, there must be his own insistence.

Although I don't know, this young entrepreneur is thinking about what, can Liu Minghua thank him sincerely.

Others did not know the clear, the 99 schools in the distance, saved how many people's life!

When he went to the front line, when he reported, Liu Minghua rose unlimited emotion.

Hanging up the phone, Liu Minghua is tired by an old man: "The little guy is coming?"

Liu Minghua nodded.

The elderly arrived yesterday afternoon, and there was no rest yet.

A lot of people who have just arrived in the distant groups, many people know.

After all, this is still the first such a large-scale private rescue team, and the speed is not slow, even the rescue team organized by the North Province of Jiang.

The news came out, many people pay attention.

The old man is also concerned, and the distant donated things, the old man also knows.

Because of the school, they will think of the distance because they will care about the distance.

Now Li Dong people go to Sichuan, and even the old people are shocking.

After listening to Li Dong, the old man said slightly: "This is an entrepreneur!

Huaxia entrepreneur!

If everyone is thinking, the old man has no distant, some turbid eyes restore sharp, Zhengqi: "The road rescue of Wen Mountain continues to speed up!

Be sure to open the road to the front of the team within 48 hours.

Let the airborne troops continue to try, strive to conduct the first batch of supplies in the fastest speed!

Everyone has responded, and the temporary headquarters instantly entered a busy state.

...... , is not the end.

The Wenshan Road has not been passed, and it is temporarily unable to go, but there are also serious disasters near Wen Mountain, urgently need rescue.

Li Dong was stuck in less than 20 minutes in the squad, and Liu Minghua said.

Not government staff, a military person wearing military uniform.

The age of more than 30 years old, the perseverance.

Seeing Li Dong, the soldiers saw a military ceremony to Li Dong.

Li Dong has a little flustered to return, to tell the truth, at this moment, Sichuan is the most worthy of these soldiers.

I can't feel it, only this moment can I realize the brave and fearlessness of the born soldiers.

The two sides have greeted, the soldiers looked at Li Dong's car, I thought about it: "Mr. Li, your car is afraid not to go in, don't transfer my car.

Li Dong looked at the off-road vehicle who was parked next to him, nodded: "That is to add trouble.

Military men's positive and color said: "It should be that I thank Mr. Li!

You brought these materials, helped us very much!

Now the road in Mianyang has been opened, and it can be severely damaged and the material is shortage.

Our materials have not been in place, there are too many affected people. At this time, they can extend their assistants. Mr. Li is worthy of our respect!

Li Dongmine's face is thick, but it is sorry today.

I didn't dare to continue, Li Dong got on the other car, nodded: "Zhang Shaohao, we can do it.

Military men also got a car, heard Li Dong called himself, shake his head: "Call my name, or comrades.

"That line.

Li Dong did not have a regularity, directly should take it.

Next, a few people did not speak.

Zhang Kaikai got in front, the distant team followed, not only a distant team, and several other individual teams also followed.

More than 50 vehicles, the team is very large.

There is Zhang Kaikawa's military person with a road, and there is a lot of speed on the way. Zhang Kaikong is actually returning from the front.

Which road can pass, communicate with the station, Zhang Kaiodong is doing very well.

Also saving a lot of time.

Despite this, when everyone arrived in Mianyang, the time has reached 5 o'clock in the afternoon.


In fact, it has been seen in the car.

It's really waiting for the car, see the first line situation, many people still have the eyes.

Zhang Kaikai saw Li Dong staring in front, whispered: "Mr. Li, can't get it in front, too dangerous.

You and others stay here, I will go to the contact to accept the materials.

Li Dongtou said: "You go busy, don't worry about us, we will not add trouble to you.

However, there is a hundred-person rescue team in the distance, all of which are professionals.

Where do you miss people, although arrangements.

Zhang Kaikai should have a sound, is preparing to leave, Li Dong suddenly said: "Can I go to a nearby school?"

Zhang Kaiodong hesitated, but there is a school that is donated in this vision, which is not far from this.

Hesitated, Zhang Kaikai said: "Yes, but the sky is faster, Mr. Li will come back as soon as possible.

Li Dongtou said: "Okay, I understand.

He knows that he can't help it at this time, but it is easy to cause trouble.

After all, he is a well-known domestic entrepreneur, charity home, led a large number of material teams to local rescue, if he is, it is sure.

However, it is still anxious to look at Li Dong. He has confident on his own school. Even if you go to the handle.

When Zhang Kaikai, the head and the head of the team greeted and let them accept the government arrangement.

At this time, Li Dong did not worry about any accident.

The provincial government includes the head of the central government. At this moment, the first line is in the first line. At this time, there is still a small action, which is just a dream.

What's more, Li Dong does not feel that there is really people who really have human nature and do this.

It is possible after the disaster reconstruction, which is impossible at this time.

Have a greet with the head of the team, Li Dong took Shen Wei and Tan Yong walked together to school.

After Wang Yue, Wang Yue thought, Li Dong said his hand: "You stay here, let's go back.

"That is always ..."

Li Dong looked at Shen Wei and whispered: "Shen Wei is with me.

He knows that he does not persuade Shen Wei.

What's more, I'm here, Li Dong is also released, nothing is worried.

On the way, from time to time, I saw the military uniform and busy.

However, this is a temporary command area, which has been cleaned up, and Li Dong did not see how many affected people.

Some people rescued from the front, also emerged towards the safe area.

Walking and stop, Li Dong, which helped the nurse to raise a few wounded, even if they didn't have it, Li Dong was a lot of mood.

The school has become a temporary ambulance at this moment.

Li Dong and Tan Yong carried a wounded to the school, and he was grateful to the female nurse behind: "Thank you, otherwise we can't raise people.

The two female nurses have been sweating, and the white nurse clothes were also hosted.

Li Dong did not speak slightly, and he regarded Tan Yong and another bodyguard: "You go out to help, don't follow me."

Tan Yong is all elites, and the role of helping is much larger than Li Dong.

Tan Yong has some hesitating, Shen Wei also followed: "Old Tan, go, now there are not enough people here, can help some.

Before you haven't come, although you are a little uncomfortable, you can tell the truth, she is more worried about Li Dong.

I can wait for the scene, I am not a taste in Shen Xi.

There are too many wounded, some people are not even wounded, the broken body is highlighted.

Shen Wei opened, Li Dongpened, Tan Yong bite his teeth and turned to several bodyguards: "Let's go! Let's help!

Several bodyguards have long been reluctant, they are also soldiers!

Even if I retort, they are still!

Seeing the busy figure outside, looking at the exhausted crowd outside, although they want to continue to protect Li Dong, I have to be a part of them.

Now Li Dong opens, a few people are busy away from the coat, and they have come out of school.

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