The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 966 distant olive branches

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Li Dong and Chen Mingyong took a few people talking.

For technical aspects, Li Dong is completely foreign-owned, and there is no suggestion.

Other aspects, he is from the future, even if nothing will, smartphones have used no five.

The development direction of smartphones, casually let the future people come over, can pull a few words.

For the 08th Chen Ming Yong, some things are simply like the heavens.

It can be actually used for a few years, these will become facts.

When I said final, Li Dong added: "If the European wants to open the channel, the far is actually a suitable choice.

The distant supermarket store is spread across the country, and there are more than 50 large stores.

At this time, the distance and European cooperate, how much benefits are opened to open the market, don't use me, Chen should also understand.

Chen Mingyong is bright, and I am busy: "Li, is you really willing to cooperate with Europe?"

Today's big stores and supermarkets are occupying active.

European wants to open the market, establish channels, if there is a distance help, at least three or five years.

This is simply the sky, the other mobile phone business is looking for the door, and the distance is probably not seeing.

Previously, Huangguangyu found Carrefour cooperation, the electrical appliance is only one aspect, mainly to open the mobile communication market.

Gome successfully acquired Peak Telecom, Dalian, all prepared for entering the mobile communication market.

And with Carrefour, it is also to open the communication market and speed up the channel layout.

Unfortunately, Carrefour suddenly suffered from hunting, but she had to sell Huaxia business, let Huangguangyu's plan bankrupt.

Now the far supermarket, as the top department store group in China, can take the initiative to cooperate with Europe, Chen Mingyong is not surprised.

See him excited, Li Dong smiled: "Of course, it is not unconditional.

In the commercial speaker, this Chen should also understand.

Money, I don't care about me, I don't care.

Still me, I can use shares to work.

See Chen Mingyong, Li Dong stretched his hand, laughed: "Chen Zhou, don't worry, my purpose, I don't hide, I can do the best for European Holdings.

Even if you can't, I also hope to increase the voice of the afar in Europe.

I can't get it on Ou Ca, and the result of the turn of the work, you will kick me out.

I won't do it for people to marry.

There is a saying, there are two saying, this is my habit.

Cooperation can, Chen should understand the benefits of cooperation with the distance, not just a remote supermarket store, the distance can even help Open online market.

The market share of the distant mall is second only to Taobao, the difference is not big.

And this is only the total amount, in fact, the market share of the distant shopping mall is higher than Taobao.

After all, our quality is guaranteed. If the distant mall is willing to give policy tilting, I think that light is online sales, it is enough to enter the forefront of the domestic mobile phone field.

There is a distance from afar, can Europe can get more benefits, should not need me to say more, Chen always analyzes how much benefits can be understood.

After that, Li Dong added: "If Mr. Chen insists, in order to ensure his own interests, and to ensure that our Internet system can get better breakthroughs.

Next, the distance may abandon Opporty, and choose a cooperative object.

I think, not everyone is like Mr. Chen, put this opportunity.

Chen Mingyong is a slight shock, yeah, no Europe, and you can choose others.

There is a remote support, and the online line is simultaneous. As long as it is not too embassy, ​​the technology will pass, the rise is inevitable.

Online channels on the remote line, all occupy the forefront of the country, online online, I am afraid that any channel is more than the distance from the distance.

This opportunity, is it really going? At this moment, OPPO is still OPPO after several years, the first mobile phone just lasted, the visibility is equivalent to zero.

Without awareness, there is no stable customer base, can you really do your phone? How many years have you been? Chen Mingyong fell into a meditation, Li Dong did not worry.

After watching the workshop, Li Dong suddenly waved his technician to Chen Mingyong: "Liu team leader, can you ask a question?"

The head leader in Li Dongkou is a leader of the European mobile phone research and development department.

As for what is responsible, Li Dong did not ask.

I heard Li Dong, he walked over, and I watched: "Li Qi, you have any questions.

Li Dong thought about it: "You said the current mobile phone, can you support voice chat?"

Mobile phone voice chat, you can not only look at the will of these instant messaging companies, if the mobile phone can't support, he will not use WeChat or PP voice chat.

Li Dong said in a question, Liu Qun said his eyes: "Don't Li always want to open a mobile phone voice chat system?"

In fact, voice chat is not too unusual, someone is doing it in a few years.

However, I have done very simple, plus the previous mobile phone, I can't reach this technology, do it, chat is also vague, the distance is very short, no big use.

Now listen to Li Dong asked this, Liu Lee thought about the film: "Li, in fact, the speech system is not too difficult to develop.

At least the top of the hardware, even if you don't find big manufacturers, the general product can be developed.

The difficulty of the mobile phone voice system is not on this, but software.

First, existing network tape ® is probably difficult to support, € will not be too smooth.

Second, it is not practical, according to the current technology, even if the mobile phone voice chat, the traffic is also very horrible.

Maybe you say a word, traffic costs exceed the cost of calling.

Third, it is also the most important point, which will touch the core interests of the communication operators.

Once your PP chat software, I really opened this feature, I feel that the trouble should be large.

Communication operators will not give you a chance, unless you are almost in harmony with several operators, and they don't feel it easily.

Of course, if Lee always has confidence, there is another way.

I heard that I have announced 3G policy programs on the other side of the preoperative system, and I may officially issue 3G licenses.

If the distant can take a piece of license, it is no problem.

Li Dongpu is smoking, you really can really see me.

Although Li Dong is now in China, it is still not enough to move several trays of mobile telecommunications.

These monopoly monopolized the entire market, he still didn't take this to catch up with them.

However, cooperation is feasible, the former Shi Teng Xun seems to go this road, whether it is a 3G license or 3G audio-visual license, Tencent has not got it.

After Tencent and several collaboration, there was a later voice chat.

Li Dong just asked with the mouth, but didn't think too much. I didn't expect this guy in front of him. I said the key issue.

Li Dong's eyes were moving, and Chen Mingyong, who watched not far, smiled and smiled in Liu, "Liu Yang, is there interest to go to the distance?"

Liu Yan Zhang Da opened his mouth, I went, this is not a businessman.

His boss is on the edge, this is excavated? Fortunately, Chen Ying he doesn't know Carrefour, or two people must have a common language.

The last time, Chen Yong went to Carrefour, which was digging Chen Ying at Carrefour. As a result, Li Dong was also like Chen Wa, and it is known that the two can pass these.

There is no way, the distant established time is too short, and the talent is really shortage.

Despite the support of Jiangbei government, as well as a large-scale recruitment of the distance, talents are not Chinese cabbage, not to say that you are recruited, there is elite.

If the elite is so good, the headhunting company has long dinked.

Now the distance from afar, out of the door, the ability to encounter strength, the most likely, the excuse.

Also really say, in this way, it is really excavated by them.

Of course, several times, others also prevent distant people, now they are all afraid, the distant guys are just hungry, see everything I want to eat.

Chen Ming is always in Guancheng, and I don't know much about the distance.

Otherwise, he will definitely not contact the elite under Li Dong and his hand.

The head of Liu, don't look at the leader, in fact, in the European R & D department, the status is second only to the technical director.

If so, Chen Ming will not specialize in Li Dong specially.

Li Dong is a domestic business giant, a general technician, Chen Mingyong also does not bring his hand, and it seems that Li Dong is general.

See Liu's head, Li Dong, no need to worry, laugh, we said: "Considering the consideration, just have said, compare my appetite.

I really didn't think about this before, I have always felt that as long as the technology can support it, it can be developed.

I want to come now, I still think too simple.

These years, QQ development is much better than PP, the mobile terminal is also launched for several years, I have been still strange, is it so difficult to develop a speech system? I will listen to you now, I can understand it.

Liu Yan hurriedly said: "Li is generally mistaken, you have never asked others, in fact, far-researchers should all know these.

In this case, there is still an argument in the industry.

I remember the last Internet conference, Tencent seems to mention this, but our country you also understand that several major operators are deep.

Tencent is dissatisfied, there is no way to open the barrier.

After that, this matter was put down, you just asked this, I just took the teeth.

Li Dong did not think about it: "No matter whether it has argued, at least I have never heard such a system explanation.

Don't be modest, I looked at people, watching the ability, two eyes.

Liu team leader, there is not much to say, if there is a chance, you can go to Pingchuan to see.

Li Dong did not promise anything, and did not show the attitude of thinking about the three tangry.

He is not so unusually, seeing talents, he said, it is enough to attract it.

At this point, unless it is really amazing, it will not let Li Dong are too polite.

This is just taking the head of Liu, and Chen Mingyong and Shen Hao have also come over.

Li Dong saw a smile: "How is Chen, how?"

Chen Ming Yong lived his mouth: "Li, I just said with Miss Shen, this matter I can't give a sure reply temporarily.

However, I will convene the board and shareholders' meeting, Li Tong gives the conditions, I am really hard to refuse, I have to be other people.

However, there is a saying in advance, even if Li Zheng is a major shareholder, the operation of Europea must stay in us.

This is my bottom line, or I am afraid I am difficult to accept.

Li Dong understood: "This is of course, then I don't have this energy management, I believe that Chen always makes better.

At present, Li Dong did not say a falsehood.

In the past, Chen Mingyong took the European Dijun, with a weak strength, defeated the three of Zhonghua Cool Union, only to Huawei, this is the ability.

No matter how the outside people say, how to ironically, how to vomit, OPPO does create a miracle.

The millet is good, that is all empty.

The mall does not look at these, and the word of mouth is not a monument. Before the strength did not go to that point, it didn't expect to be big.

Waiting for the company to have a scale, then a reputation, and then prepare for a hundred years.

However, the mobile phone field wants to do a hundred years, it is not that simple matter.

Anyway, no matter what to say, Chen Mingyong is absolutely first, this guy and Shi Yuzhu are a bit similar, at least in two aspects of marketing and channel laying.

Li Dong promised the happiness, Chen Mingyong put the final burden.

He knows that no matter whether it is an shareholders' meeting or a board of directors, I am afraid I will not refuse Lee's proposal.

It is too tempting, a company that has just been a mobile phone, can get the full support of the remote line, this kind of good thing, does not agree is a fool.

In addition to his heart in his heart, others are afraid that Pakistan is not good.

And even himself, you can't resist this temptation.

Li Dong promised that he did not intervene business, Chen Mingyong expression was easy to say: "Li, I am afraid it is waiting for a few days to give you exact reply.

As for specific matters ... "

Li Dong smiled and said: "This is not a hurry, I will come back to talk to you.

And we also don't make mistakes, in fact, my holding is not a purpose, the main purpose is to hope that Ouer will bring a bigger help from the distance.

Now A103 is online, although I don't know how, but I hope the next mobile phone, Chen can move to 3G direction.

The 3G era is coming, and the mobile phone field will definitely be greatly impacted. If you can't seize the opportunity, you will see how Chen has chosen.

Chen Ming Yongzheng: "This means that Li always doesn't say, I will also think about it."

"That's good, I don't say much, I have said, I can only have a few words, and Chen will listen to it.

Chen Mingyong is busy: "Li Chong is too modest, listening to a ten-year book, this is not compliment, it is definitely my own idea.

Li Dong laughed, then turned it again in the workshop, went to the R & D department to see a circle, Chen Mingyong took the initiative to invite Li Dong to meet.

Li Dong did not refuse, a few people went to the city.

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