The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 981 Wings are gradually abundant (Wan Qi Subscribe)

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CC, the fastest update of rebirth is rolling!

Li Dong took a company, Bai Su greeted.

Just wanted to speak, Li Dong said: "Let Liu Cheng come to the office!

Bai Sui did not dare to ask again, and even picked up to inform Liu Hong.

Shen Wei saw: "Don't come back, I will get angry ..."


"Then I will go first, the foundation is something to wait for me.

"Well, go first, eat together at night."

...... less than 5 minutes after Shen Hao, Liu Hong rushed over.

I just want to talk, Li Dong said: "Sit first, how is the science and technology situation in the past?"

Liu Hong found a place to sit down, and quickly reported: "Everything goes well, Weibo, recently launched a few small activities, the effect is not bad, the number of registered is approaching 10 million mark.

In addition, the English version has been prepared, we are going to land in the North American market in October.

PP has recently developed a series of expression packs, which enrichs the space content, adds personalized dress ... There is also a game, DNF has achieved excellent results, and several other games are tested, and the farm has also carried out. Update ... Video Site ... The view is ... "

Liu Hong will roughly explain the situation, and time has passed for a few hours.

Li Donggua heard that, waited until the end: "What about the mall?"

"The Mall ..."

Liu Hongton suddenly took into account: "Overall, it is good, Tan is always the founder of eBay, the veteran of the e-commerce community.

During excessive period, the business city's turnover is not, but it is increasingly increasing.

Especially this time, with many partners reached an agreement, I think the mall will have a high-speed development period.

Li Dong glanced at him, I really want to know if this is his truth.

But seeing his expression, it is obviously serious.

Li Dongyu's eyebrows: "Can the Mall have declined in these months, 5 months, even if there are thousands of nets, the revenue is only 23 billion.

And Taobao has reached 34 billion.

Liu Hong finally knows that Li Dong's meaning, some crying is not said: "Li, Safe, this is definitely what we are right.

The performance can not be less than the revenue, Taobao C2C occupation is too big, he is not a merchant, but a result of thousands of more than hundreds of thousands of merchants.

We are different, and most of our performance belongs to our mall self-service business.

Mall self-operated business, plus 10 billion revenues, this is only half a year.

In June, it probably broke through 220 billion.

All year round, nearly 50 billion revenues, the light, our profits can reach more than 2 billion.

Taobao, his C2C is actually not making money, probably maintaining balance of payments.

And their B2C Mall, Tmall Mall, all year round, I am afraid it is about 5 billion yuan of revenue, net profit is about 200 million.

The two sides do not have comparable, Taobao's purpose is to make a big market, and make profits.

If there is no we, they are feasible.

Now I have a distant competition. He now wants to expand the market with more than people, and the difficulty is not general.

So C2C business, in fact, it has become a chicken rib ... "

Li Dong broke: "Not, what you said, C2C is still advantageous, and we can't compare at the at least price.

Liu Hongnou: "It's true, you can have a difference between their individual merchants since I have been fighting last year.

With the economic development, I haven't seen it for a few years, and their business will definitely fall sharply.

And seize the market, sometimes it is just a low price.

They don't work, the business attitude is different, the rights of rights, there is no contrast, that is nothing, everyone doesn't matter.

But now there is our comparison, that is, an unable tolerance.

And our mall, since I merged the Wanjia Net, with the O2O model further explore the test, although the effect is not obvious, we accumulate a reputation.

Total, we don't have to rush to a moment, not to exceed the other party in the revenue ... "

Originally Li Dong is preparing to get angry, can be said to Liu Hong's words, Li Dong has agreed with his opinion.

I saw this guy again. In the past few years, Liu Hong can't practice, it seems to have grown.

Instead, it is yourself, some is too anxious.

Single than the total revenue, the distant mall is indeed more than Taobao, profitable, word-of-mouth, logistics channel laying, after-sales service, the distance is actually better than Taobao.

It is not a far away, the key is that Taobao's stalls are spread, and people have more miscellaneous.

Tens of thousands of shops, that is tens of thousands of masters.

Taobao wants to do something, first you have to get these individual merchants.

Whether it is playing activities, or after the sale, even the logistics channels, they have to pass the consent of these people.

Sometimes it is an event, the distance is said to do it, Taobao is ready for one or two months.

Ma Wei opened a free shop, he had to say that it is a golden point, bringing many benefits and opportunities to Taobao.

It can now, the economy has gradually developed, and the demand of the masses has also become higher.

In the past, everyone didn't care about the truth or a pseudo.

However, waiting for the distance, gives a commitment, strictly fake, logistics acceleration, after sale ... One contrast, consumer psychology, there is a tilt deviation.

Different from the rise of Jingdong, there is still a variety of twists and turns, after all, Taobao has been deeply rooted, and Tmall Mall has also begun.

This is currently, Tmall didn't make big, Taobao didn't go deep into the heart, after all, the distance from 2006 began, Taobao is only fired from 05.

It is a year, and there is also a physical store to expand the famous gas. The two must say that the people are different, not so mysterious.

The brand has not been able to go deep into the heart, but it has been played several times a few times in the distance. Although Taobao is similar to the past life, it can actually affect the same day.

In addition to performance, the distance is actually not lost to each other.

Thinking of this, Li Dongdao: "No matter what, they are more truth than us, this is more in the heart.

More than a billion gap, it is a weak point.

Others can't calculate how you calculate it, Taobao seizes this, you can cover us in the name.

Taking advantage of 7.18 is coming, this time I am ready to fight.

Our suppliers will vigorously support us this time. After all, they are also taken by Taobao's counterfeit goods, I have long wanted to give them a little lesson.

Opportunity is rare, you have to learn to catch.

In short, this year I don't force you to exceed them on the revenue, but you can't get too big!

Liu Hongzheng color said: "I understand, Li is in love, this time we will plan it well, you must not let you down.

"Well, this is best.

By the way, the Olympic Games started, we have gotten the network to broadcast, on the heart, the video business is now in the money, you will make money sooner or later.

Don't be gone because you spend more money.

Equipment, network, including web pages, all give me the best, we are not bad!

Liu Hong has laughed, my grandfather, this, you said every day, but we are really bad.

Mall this is a profit and can invest in.

Just this profit, you don't bake it.

Especially in the spread of logistics, such a money, each month, even the supermarket here has to subsidize a lot of funds.

In this way, it is still stretched now, which is also the result of province.

I am afraid that Li Dong does not understand the situation. Liu Hong hesitated it: "Li, the IDC data center, now the progress is slow.

"No money?"


Li Dong knocked on the desk: "You said, how much is it now, you can do the best, do not affect the expansion.

"2 billion minimal.

"Well, I will return to the mall to pay 2 billion yuan!"


Liu Hong is surprised, really fake? Do you have so much money? Li Dong is like a good finishing child, and each time the group has no money, with billions of billions of going, as if not see.

He just said 2 billion, that is, say, did not expect Li Dongzhen to take it out.

After all, the last time Li Donglian's Baidu stock is sold, but also raised 7 billion.

How long is this, where is he 200 billion? Seeing that he is surprised, Li Dong also said that these money is true to withdraw over the stock market.

The stock market is returned, and the funds of 10 billion have been more than 2 billion now.

These money first guarantee that the development of the remote technology will say that others think that he has no money, financing twice, and the value gives Li Dong satisfied.

Li Dong is now looking through the black heart of these capital institutions, wants to get big money from their hands, and dreams.

In this case, he will not rush to finance, and then let it start.

It's not money, he financing 2 billion from someone else, it is rare to keep up with the sky, and you will pay the money.

See Liu Hong or a face, I don't dare to confuse, Li Dong put his hand: "This is back, I will have a board of directors to say, you can rest assured that you will do your, money will not be less, don't help me save money .

Also, Wankong has a snack, and launches mobile payment business as soon as possible.

Alipay is launched, it seems that I have already mentioned this, I haven't had a letter now, I don't know what you do!

In the mall, it is not good to get angry, and the tens of thousands of cartoon finally found the opportunity to get angry.

I can't talk too much about this big boss.

It is clear that it is to be criticized by the pull of people, how can they be convinced by Liu Hong, and even the development fund is ready, this is too cheap this guy.

Alipay launched a mobile payment business at the end of February, Li Dong actually mentioned this last year.

The result is still ahead of Alipay. Now I have been in a few months, Li Dong fire is not nothing to find.

Speaking of this, Liu Hong is also a bit helpless: "Li, not we do not launch, mainly in our preparation stage without Alipay time long."

During this time, Cao always has been talking about strategic cooperation in contact banking and financial institutions.

The financial institutions we cooperate now is too few, even if the launch of mobile payment services, the limit is very limited.

Cao's meaning is that there are more institutions such as contact, and then reach an agreement with public utilities, it can carry out water, electricity, coal, communications, and we can officially launch mobile payment business.

In this way, we have its own characteristics, not in Dong Shi, like Alipay.

Li Dongyou God moved: "Alipay has not opened these business?"


"How is Cao Jin Sheng talking?"

Cao Jinsheng is the president of the financial business group. He has served as a executive at the bank, and it has been digging from the distance from the distance.

For the financial system, Cao Jinsheng is very familiar, and the people are also relatively wide.

Liu Hong wondered: "It is not bad, now we have already talked with many banks. In October, we will go online with Weibo International.

"That's good.

Li Dongsong took the breath, but he was in his heart.

Your sister, saying good to the fire, and the result was blown.

It turns out that others are more detailed, more detailed.

Li Dong suddenly found out that he didn't look at this batch of people under his hand. In these years, he sent a letter to habits, and it's used to leave him. He can't do anything.

But now, Li Dong suddenly found that everyone is growing.

For an alteration, I used to say one thing before, I only know that I'm doing the class according to the class, there is no other thought.

And now he said something, the people know that thinking, consider how to do better, put more detail, and make things more.

In fact, this is a good thing, but Li Dong is still a bit not used to it.

I am used to the gods, overlooking everything, only I am, this feeling is actually cool.

Sometimes Li Dong will shout, complaining that people are stupid, no mind ... can complain, resentment, the feeling of everything in master, or a word - cool!

Now, a variety of changes in all sites, while Li Dong is gratified, it is a bit lost.

However, he understands that this should be a normal rhythm.

Cultivate the following people, cultivate talents, this is all he has been doing.

A person's power is always the limit.

And there is no chair of rebirth, Li Dong is actually a powerful than others. In this case, he will need a class to rely on the talent to play his own.

Now everyone is working in this direction.

Don't touch, Li Dong lives, and finally did not play the boss's words, and he was in Liu Hong: "You go busy, do good, make persistent efforts.

Liu Hong face reveals a smile, it seems to be praised by Li Zhan for the first time.

Or, it is the first time after the director of remote science and technology.

Since Shen Wei left, he took over the chairman of the chairman, but it was a battle, the pressure was huge, and even the hair fell a lot.

Now, his pay is as if he is always seen by Li.

When Liu Hong is happy, it is not forgotten: "All this is in Lee's lead ..."

"Less than this set, hurry, don't mention it!

Li Dong laughed and waved his hand.

Liu Hong did not think about it, but it was more happy, and it took the office.

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