Chapter 15 Retribution comes so quickly

Pei Anzhu took Sister Song and Xiaoman to the foot of the mountain first.

Sister Song helped Xiaoman get into their own car, and then the two cars went in tandem to Pingcheng Central Hospital.

Zhu Yanzhou lives in the luxurious single ward of the hospital.

 He is a public figure with a special status.

In order to prevent his condition from being leaked and attracting media paparazzi and fans to visit, which would further affect the hospital, his ward was arranged separately on the other side of the corridor.

 After getting out of the elevator, turn left and go all the way to the end.

At the door of the ward stood two bodyguards in black, who also belonged to Zhu Yanzhou's team.

This time it was their turn to take a vacation.

 But the bodyguards accompanying Zhu Yanzhou in the car were all injured in the car accident, so they had to come from Mo City to protect his safety.

 The so-called protection means standing at the door of the ward as a doorkeeper to prevent any suspicious persons from approaching.

"Sister Song." Xiao Du, one of the bodyguards, saw Sister Song and said hello.

“How is Ah Zhou doing?” Sister Song asked.

Xiao Du shook his head, his face solemn:

"He still hasn't woken up. The doctor came to check on him this morning and checked him again. They still didn't find any problems. They always thought that Mr. Zhu just fell asleep."

“I understand.” Sister Song said calmly, “One of you will stand guard at the door and the other at the elevator entrance. Don’t let anyone get close, including medical staff.”

 “Is this going to...” Xiao Du was surprised and unsure.

"Don't ask too much, I won't harm A Zhou." Sister Song said in a solemn tone.

Physicians almost all believe in science.

If they knew that he had brought a master of metaphysics to break some bad luck spell, he would probably kick them out.

What's more, before entering the hospital, Master Pei specifically warned her not to reveal her identity to other unrelated people.

 Sister Song is naturally unstoppable.

With the bodyguards in place, Sister Song walked into the ward with Pei Anzhu and Xiaoman, and locked the door, completely cutting off outside sight.

“It’s been a week since the car accident.”

Sister Song looked at Zhu Yanzhou on the hospital bed with unconcealable worry in her eyes:

"At first we thought he was injured in a car accident and hit his head, so he fell into a coma. Later, the doctor said he was just asleep. We also thought he was too tired from the continuous filming these days and needed to pass The way to sleep is to completely relax your body.”

“No matter how relaxed you are, you can’t sleep for seven days and nights without waking up.”

"These days, he relies entirely on nutrient solutions to maintain basic nutrition for his body, and he has lost a lot of weight. Fortunately, the cover theme of "Charming Man" this time is decadent style, so it doesn't matter if he loses some weight, otherwise he will be awake even if he is awake. Come here, I don’t know how to deal with this shooting.”

Pei Anzhu glanced at Zhu Yanzhou and said:

“It is true that nutrient solution can only maintain basic body functions, but losing weight like this in just seven days has nothing to do with nutrient solution.”

“There is a black air about him that you ordinary people cannot see. I call it bad luck.”

“These moldy odors shrouded around him, eroding him every moment day and night, passing through every inch of his skin and seeping into his internal organs, limbs and bones.”

  “It would be strange if you don’t lose weight and lose your appearance this way.”

Upon hearing this, Sister Song became anxious and asked:

"Master Pei, when can we start to remove the curse on him? I'm afraid if this continues, he will really die."

"You can do it now." Pei Anzhu said and walked towards Zhu Yanzhou's hospital bed.

 Sister Song and Xiaoman held their breath and watched carefully without blinking—

They saw Pei Anzhu unbuttoning Zhu Yanzhou's shirt and pulling on his body. People who didn't know about it saw her and thought she was a female hooligan who touched a beautiful sleeping man.

 But the next second, something shocking happened. Pei Anzhu stretched out his right hand and grabbed Zhu Yanzhou's chest from a distance, and a thin black line was pulled out from his chest.

The moment the black thin line touched the air, it disappeared with a bang.

The whole process was incredibly fast. If they hadn't witnessed it with their own eyes, Sister Song and Xiaoman would have almost thought that they were hallucinating.

 “The thread I pulled out just now is the bad luck spell.”

Pei Anzhu looked at the shocked expressions of the two people and thought about the two million he had already obtained, so he patiently explained to them:

“The thread has turned completely black, which proves that the bad luck spell has been lurking on him for a long time and has absorbed most of his vitality.”

"He is lucky to have met me. If it had been a little later, it would have been difficult for the gods to save him."

After seeing the scene just now, Sister Song had a great impact on her world view and became even more convinced of Pei Anzhu's abilities.

 She took a few steps forward and asked:

“Does this count as breaking the curse? When will he wake up?”

Pei Anzhu didn't say anything. She put the index and middle fingers of her right hand together and drew some symbols in the air that others couldn't understand. Then she punched those symbols between Zhu Yanzhou's eyebrows.

He saw a flash of light between Zhu Yanzhou's brows, and the next second he opened his eyes.

 “Wake up, wake up! Really wake up!” Xiaoman became excited.

Sister Song also hurried over to take a look.

Seeing Zhu Yanzhou's closed eyes slowly opening, her hanging heart was finally relieved, and the uneasiness that had been weighing in her heart for the past few days gradually dissipated.

 “A Zhou, you are finally awake.” Sister Song sighed with emotion.

"Sister Song? Xiaoman?" Zhu Yanzhou looked at the unfamiliar place with a confused tone.

 Because he was unconscious for a long time without speaking, his voice was a little hoarse.

His memory was still stuck on the moment of the car accident, so he asked:

“Am I seriously injured in a car accident? How is it going? How long was I unconscious? Are you all okay?”

“I remember that there have been several drafts recently. Are they all delayed? There is also "Charming Man"..."

Sister Song heard his series of questions and quickly stopped him:

“You just woke up, don’t be so excited yet, I will tell you these things slowly.”

 “Come, let me introduce you to someone first.”

With that said, she introduced Pei Anzhu to Zhu Yanzhou and told him about the bad luck curse from beginning to end, including the popular science about Pei Anzhu before.

Zhu Yanzhou listened quietly.

 When he learned that this thing could endanger his life unknowingly, his face changed several times, and his eyes were full of anger:

 “Who wants to harm me?”

"It's not clear yet..." Sister Song was talking, but was interrupted by the sudden ringtone of her cell phone.

She answered the call easily, and the voice on the other end of the phone was clearly audible in the quiet ward:

 “Sister Song! Great news!”

“Wu Yuzhou, who has cut off Brother Hu Zhou’s resources in the past few days, fell off the wire during filming today. I heard that the wire broke inexplicably, and he broke his back on the spot!”

“Now the media is chasing him to the hospital. I heard from the gossip that he may be paralyzed after his fall!”

Sister Song:…

OK, now we know who wants to harm Zhu Yanzhou.

I didn’t expect retribution to come so quickly, let alone that the backlash that Master Pei said would come true so quickly!

 (End of this chapter)

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