Chapter 26 Opening the door to hell

Pei Anzhu is considered a wealthy person now, so she can still afford a takeaway meal, so she orders a bunch of them.

 Half an hour later, the delivery rider called Pei Anzhu, and the other person’s voice was trembling:

 “ this Ms. Pei?”

 “It’s me.” Pei Anzhu replied.

“Is your address really correct? Isn’t that street of Longkang 2nd Road uninhabited?” The rider swallowed nervously.

"Oh, yes, no one lives there, but my classmates and I came here to explore. Now we are hungry, so we ordered takeout." Pei Anzhu said, "You can just deliver it here. It will be fine."

 She borrowed the reason from [Adventurer Xiaoying].

The rider wandered around the entrance of the alley several times. When he heard that the voice on the phone did not sound like a ghost, he gritted his teeth and went in.

Reaching the door of No. 144, he knocked on the door: "Hello, the takeaway is here!"

The next second, the door opened. The person who opened the door was a classical beauty wearing a red cheongsam. The other person smiled at him:

 “Thank you, little brother rider.”

 “No…you’re welcome.” The rider was a little embarrassed, but also smiled, handed her the takeaway, and turned around to leave.

When he walked out of the alley, he realized belatedly that the beauty in red who took the takeaway seemed to be floating?

 Oh my God! There's a ghost! !

Since then, there has been another legend about House No. 144 in this city—

There lives a female ghost in red named Pei who can order takeout.


 At the house, Pei Anzhu got the takeout and didn't eat it in a hurry. Instead, he gave it to Qiulian first.

 There is also a certain etiquette in offering offerings to the deceased.

 When an ordinary person dies, relatives and friends will build a tomb and erect a monument, write the name and the year of birth and death, and make an offering in front of the tomb so that it can be delivered to the other party in the right way.

But for people like Qiulian who died in vain, they have no tombs or monuments, and they don’t even know where their bodies were thrown. If they want to receive sacrifices from living people, they can only do it through Xuanmen.

Methodists in Taoism communicate with the two realms of yin and yang, and have their own way of delivering sacrifices one to one.

 If an offering is offered casually, it will be regarded as a sacrifice without an owner.

This will easily attract other lonely ghosts to rob it, just like Qiulian once went out to compete with other ghosts for food.

Pei Anzhu took out the talisman from his pocket and set up a mini offering formation.

 The food is then placed in the middle of the talisman formation, and finally the talisman is lit, and a few more tricks are performed to establish the connection between Qiulian and these foods.

“Okay, let’s eat.” Pei Anzhu said, taking the skewers and eating them.

Qiu Lian has not eaten human food for a hundred years.

She looked at the things in her hands, smelled the fragrance that kept coming, and followed Pei Anzhu's example, taking a skewer and stuffing it into her mouth.

 The fat and lean pork belly is grilled neither too old nor too tender, just right.

 The aroma of cumin fills the entire tip of the nose.

Eating a bite of barbecue, another sip of milk tea, and a piece of fried chicken. The delicious food made her feel a strong sense of satisfaction.

 “Woooooh—so delicious—”

Qiulian was moved to tears:

“I have never eaten such delicious food when I was alive. I never expected that I could still receive such treatment after being dead for more than a hundred years. Master Pei, thank you!”

Qiu Lian heard the rider's call just now and knew that this young, masked, mysterious Xuanmen master, her surname was Pei.

By the time they finished eating, it was already dark.

On the ground in the yard, there were garbage left by Pei Anzhu after eating, including chicken bones, skewers, milk tea cups, etc.

As for the middle of the talisman formation, the food seems to be intact, but in fact all the color, fragrance and fragrance have been sucked away by the autumn lotus.

If you look carefully, you can also find that these foods have a faint tendency to turn black.

 This is because tributes that have been touched by ghosts are more likely to rot.

Pei Anzhu looked up at the sky and found that there was no moon tonight and the yin energy was a bit stronger than usual. It was a good time to open the ghost gate. "The time is up, get ready to leave." Pei Anzhu said, "Send you away early, and we will go home early. It will be unsafe for girls to go back too late."

Autumn Lotus:…

You can even beat a century-old grudge to the point where you cry for your father and mother, so why are you still afraid of being unsafe?

 If a bad guy really encounters you, he's probably going to want to die and be reincarnated on the spot, right?

Pei Anzhu ignored what Qiulian was thinking, she was already preparing to open the door to hell.

 First took out a small incense burner and three pillars of incense from the bag, and set up a simple incense table on the spot. Then he used two talismans for summoning Yin, lit them, and burned them.

“Pei Anzhu, the thirty-sixth generation disciple of Xuanmen, please open the ghost gate—”

With her call, a dark wind suddenly rose in the entire alley, and a thick fog spread from all sides, covering the sky and the sun, covering the sky above the alley.

 In an instant, this place was isolated by powerful ghosts and formed an independent space.

Qiu Lian felt a huge force, more terrifying than the most powerful ghost king she had seen in the past hundred years, attacking her with heavy pressure.

She couldn't stand firmly and knelt down. A few seconds later, a door appeared out of thin air in the yard.

There are three big characters written on it: The gate of **** is closed.

The garden of house No. 144 is not very big, but the ghost gate is so huge that it seems that you can't even see the edge of it when you look at it horizontally or vertically.

Qiulian knew that this place might no longer be a human world.

In front of the ghost gate, there are two figures, black and white. They hold the soul hook in their hands and float towards Pei Anzhu.

“Who opens the gate of **** and summons the Yin Chai?” the Yin Chai in black clothes asked.

Pei Anzhu subconsciously looked at their hats, frowned and asked:

“Aren’t you black and white and impermanent?”

 She is an old acquaintance with Black and White Wuchang, and has had many interactions with him in the past.

Hei Wuchang Fan Wujiu wears a black robe and a tall black hat with the words "Peace in the world" written on the hat; Bai Wuchang Xie Bian wears a white robe and a white hat with the words "Wealth at first sight" written on the hat. ".

As for the two Yin Chai in front of them, although they are dressed similarly to the black and white Wuchang, they do not have the iconic four characters on their hats.

Hark Yinsha opened his mouth and said:

“How come cats and dogs can see our Master Wu Chang? Junior, why did you summon the Yin Messenger? Why don’t you tell me quickly!”

 Pei Anzhu has never been so despised by anyone since he entered Xuanmen.

"Ha! When did you become the underworld's villains?" Pei Anzhu laughed angrily, "How dare you yell at a metaphysician who can easily open the door to hell?"

 Underworld and Xuanmen have always had a friendly and mutually supportive relationship.

The evil spirits in the world that the underworld cannot control still need the help of the Xuanmen master to catch them.

 So in the era of Pei Anzhu's previous life, all the underworld masters were respectful when they encountered capable metaphysicians.

 These two shady men must be new recruits, and they don't look very smart. Pei Anzhu is worried about leaving Qiulian in their hands.

So she formed a seal with her hands and drew a talisman in the air. A golden light flashed through and entered the ghost gate.

 The two Yin difference were shocked:

"What do you want to do?"

Pei Anzhu ignored them and shouted directly at the ghost gate:

 “Fan Wujiu! Xie Bian!”

 “Auntie, I’m back! Come see me quickly!”

 (End of this chapter)

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