The Real Daughter Has Become Famous All Over the World for Fortune-telling

Chapter 4: Get out of the circle with your invincible words

Chapter 4: Get out of the circle with your invincible words

 The so-called forest is big and there are all kinds of birds.

There are more people in the live broadcast room. In addition to the normal ridicule and questioning, the number of idiot trolls who are full of **** has also increased, and the barrage has become smoky.

Pei Anzhu couldn’t help but be surprised when he saw the sudden appearance of a large number of trolls:

Huh? There are a lot of talkative kings in this world!

 In the world of cultivation before, everyone was afraid of talking nonsense in front of her because of her reputation and ability as a metaphysical genius, for fear of being upset by her.

 After coming here, I met some unscrupulous people and took the initiative to send them to my door.

 Arrived just in time!

Pei Anzhu sat upright excitedly, cleared his throat, found those extremely insulting and mean-mouthed comments, and began to reply one by one:

  —If you come here to see the liar, the anchor’s whole family will die!

"First of all, let me declare that I am not a liar. Secondly, how can you curse yourself and everyone like this? Right, my family members in the live broadcast room?"

  —Why wear a mask? Can't see people?

“I wear a mask to cover up my extraordinary beauty, so that you won’t feel ashamed after seeing it. After all, you are ugly in a unique way!”

How come such a rampant liar doesn’t get involved?

"Just wait for that day. Even if you end up in the coffin, I won't get into trouble."

 —Another hype man, he will definitely bring goods when he becomes popular!

 “What are you bringing? Are you an idiot?”

—Haha, the host thinks we are fools? Give me two copper coins and I can do the math!

“Can you count? Can you count a ball? What brand of plastic bag are you in, so it can hold it?”

—Does anyone still believe in fortune telling these days? Isn't this a definite scam? I can almost predict what the anchor will say!

"666! You are the best at talking nonsense! Did you expect what I would say? Then did you expect that I would scold you now? You are really a toad jumping on the scale, you don't know how much you weigh! The old peacock spreads its tail , no self-awareness!”

—Anchor, you bitch, bitch, stinker, you’re a bastard, I’ll **** you! !

"Hey, there's a guy with the foulest mouth here? You're a burping bitch. You've eaten too much shit, haven't you? Carrying a bag on your back and entering the cow pen, what are you pretending to be? Believe it or not, I can kick you out of the house. Can’t even pick it off the wall?”


Pei Anzhu opens the mic with passion, plays normally, one sprays one, two sprays a pair.

  After you get angry, if you see any unpleasant barrage, you must take it out and deal it out, leaving people speechless and bruised.

  —6 turned over! The anchor's mouth is invincible!

—If nothing else, I admire her brain. How did she react so quickly?

 —Shouldn’t you admire her large collection of curse words? Look at this comment, it's really an old sow wearing a bra, one set after another!

 —Troller: Excuse me, excuse me!

 —Hahahahaha! What about that group of people? Keep the mic on, we want to see the anchor curse!

 —Is the anchor talking about this? Hang up the little yellow car link?


 Most of the netizens who have been ambushed by game bloggers are quite normal and just watch the excitement. There are only a few idiots who like to use alternative methods to gain a sense of presence.

 But Pei Anzhu is not an ordinary new anchor.

She has a hot temper and is not easy to mess with. She will immediately silence those trolls with her verbal slurs and slaps.

As the trolls subsided, the barrages in the live broadcast room gradually became normal.

Someone cut out the section where Pei Anzhu was taunting others, and forwarded it to major platforms such as Weibo and Xiaofanshu, where it was forwarded and carried by marketing accounts.

In a short period of time, [Qingzhu Xianjun]’s live broadcast room has become famous thanks to its invincible words.

A large number of netizens poured in. Within an hour of Pei Anzhu registering for the live broadcast room, her number of viewers exceeded 10,000.

 Suddenly, he became the number one “potential newcomer” on the Dolphin Live Broadcasting Platform.

  and received the first cover image push on the platform.

Pei Anzhu looked at the rising number of fans and smiled. She knew in her heart that the most difficult period of the launch was over. So, she ignored the barrage and directly asked the netizen "The petri dish is my wife":

“How is it? Have you thought about it? Do you want to have a hexagram?”


  【The Petri Dish is My Wife】really doesn’t listen to advice.

He didn't take the netizens' words to heart at all, and recharged and rewarded as quickly as possible.

 Suddenly, a colorful light appeared on the screen, gradually transforming into a sea view villa.

 At the same time, on the homepage of Dolphin Live, a loudspeaker began to announce:

 【The Petri Dish is My Wife】rewards the anchor【青竹仙君】with a sea view villa!

 The notice in capital letters and boldface is so bright that it almost blinds people's eyes.

Pei Anzhu saw that the reward was in place and said:

“I have two ways to tell fortunes, one is fortune telling, and the other is fortune telling. Generally speaking, fortune telling is more accurate. Which one do you choose?”

 “Let’s read your fortune,” the other party said.

“Okay, do you accept the video connection? Or do you want to send the photos to me privately?” Pei Anzhu asked again.

 “Video.” The other party replied, “I have nothing to hide anyway.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Pei Anzhu sent a video connection request to the other party.

Soon, the screen was split into two, with Pei Anzhu wearing a Nuo **** mask on the left, and a young man about thirty years old appearing on the right.

The man was wearing a white shirt, which was wrinkled and stained. It looked like it hadn't been washed for a few days. His hair was messy, and his eyes were blue-grey, as if he hadn't had a good rest for a long time.

 At first glance, he looks like a poor man who has been harshly treated by his fate.

Pei Anzhu even saw that there was a deathly aura hanging over his head, which meant that if it could not be resolved in time, he might not live long.

 “What’s your name?” Pei Anzhu asked.


 “Which aspect do you want to calculate?”

"Whatever, aren't you a fortune teller? Just give me a fortune teller. If it's accurate, you're the best. If it's wrong, just treat my thousand yuan as wasted." Wang Cheng said.

 He does not look like a man who is not short of money.

 But the indifference in his words about the thousand yuan just proved that he was determined to die and no longer cared about it.

Pei Anzhu observed his face carefully and said:

“Okay, since you let me do the math, I’ll have something to say.”

“Let me tell you about your past first. You were born in a poor village in a remote mountainous area. Your father died early and your mother was paralyzed. Your family has been in poverty since you were a child and you often didn’t have enough to eat.”

“When I was seven years old, I went up the mountain to cut pigweed. I fell accidentally and almost died. But fortunately, a noble person helped me and sent you to the hospital, so you survived.”

“The noble person is the principal of the primary school in your town. After that, he will help you contact the school and let you study with poverty scholarships, all the way to university, and get into a good school.”

“Influenced by the nobles, you believed that studying could change your destiny, so after graduating from your undergraduate degree, you determinedly took the postgraduate and Ph.D. exams. You were obsessed with academics and delayed your life-long events. Your mother died of depression because of this.”

"When you were thirty years old, you should have gained something from your research. You should have become famous and made further progress based on your scientific research results, but you were plotted by a villain and ended up in vain."

 “Am I right?”

 (End of this chapter)

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