Chapter 403 There is always cause and effect

According to the old lady of the Feng family, the first time she dreamed about her husband Feng Yongwang, she thought she was thinking about it day and night, and thought it was all just her imagination.

 However, when she met Feng Yongwang in her dreams for three consecutive days and could have a smooth conversation in the dream, and when she woke up she could clearly remember all the details in the dream, she knew that this was not an illusion.

 This is all true.

So, following her late husband’s instructions, she went to the Pei family to propose marriage, and asked the Pei family to marry a daughter to celebrate the wedding.

In fact, before proposing marriage to the Pei family, she sent someone to check the Pei family and learned that the Pei family only had one daughter, named Pei Mingzhu, who was a rich and famous lady praised by everyone in the circle.

At that time, the old lady thought that her granddaughter-in-law was Pei Mingzhu, and she was quite satisfied. She felt that even if it was just a coincidence, the granddaughter-in-law she married into was also very good. When Jinglan woke up, he would definitely fall in love with her.

Unexpectedly, the Pei family came up with a trick and found their biological daughter, Pei Anzhu, who was living in the countryside.

"To be honest, when I first found out that you were the one to marry me, I was a little disappointed. Although I don't value family status, the Feng family has been rich and powerful for generations, and the heir's wife must shoulder the responsibility." The old lady said, "I'm worried that you grew up in the countryside and haven't been exposed to many things about wealthy families, so you won't be able to do well. But then I thought about it, you are the biological daughter of the Pei family, and the old man asked me to marry the daughter of the Pei family, maybe Does that mean you?"

After listening to the old lady’s inner analysis, Pei Anzhu connected all the causes and effects—

Feng Yongwang, the old man of the Feng family, was able to stay in the underworld as an errand because of his merits after his death, so he became a clerk under Judge Cui, so he also became good friends with the big men in the underworld.

He accidentally saw in the book of life and death that when his descendants had a few lifespans, he naturally had to ask other people for advice. Since there were many capable people in the underworld, it was not difficult to find out the reasons, so the old man knew that the Feng family was being manipulated by evil people. Hands and feet.

 The key to breaking the situation is to marry the daughter of the Pei family.

 As for why she is the daughter of the Pei family?

 Pei Anzhu remembered the time the old lady told her. The old man entrusted her with the dream, one month before Pei Anzhu was found by the Pei family.

Then Pei Anzhu can boldly guess that it was Black and White Wuchang who pointed the way to Mr. Feng, because not long after she traveled to this world, she opened the gate of **** because of a century-old grudge, and saw Black and White Wuchang.

Heibai Wuchang knew her until she was a Taoist genius in the world of cultivation, so he gave old man Feng directions and asked the old lady to go to the Pei family to propose marriage.

The Pei family did not want to put their treasure on a vegetative person who had been lying in a vegetative state for three years, and they did not want their carefully raised daughter to be wronged. They did not think that Feng Jinglan could really wake up and inherit the Feng family.

 Therefore, the Pei family took advantage of the opportunity, found her biological daughter, and asked her to go to the Feng family to celebrate the wedding.

The cause and effect of all this is almost complete.

After Pei Anzhu thought about this, he felt that his time traveling through time was carrying an important mission. After all, even the black and white impermanence was contributing to all of this, which showed that there was indeed a great crisis in this world.

Without her, whether it is the evil cultivator in black robes, the zombie that does not turn into bones, or the thousand-year-old monster, any one of them can cause catastrophe to the Dragon Kingdom.

 And this is the meaning of her time traveling.

After figuring it out, Pei Anzhu smiled and said to Mrs. Feng:

"The doubts in my heart have been explained clearly. Now I will tell you everything I discovered. Please be mentally prepared."

 Old lady Feng’s face turned serious:

"you say."

Pei Anzhu paused, organized his words a little, and then said:

"The thing is like this, there is an evil cultivator, you can understand it as a very bad cultivator. He has set his sights on your Feng family's luck and wants to steal the Feng family's luck and lifespan for his own use."

"But for many years, your Feng family has lived on this mountain. This mountain is protected by spiritual energy, and the Feng family has accumulated good deeds for generations, and has merit and deeds to protect itself, so it can't find any loopholes to exploit."

“Especially Feng Jinglan, he is a man of great luck. It can be said that if there are no accidents, he will be the son of luck in this world. He will be rich, prosperous, and have a smooth life.”

“Under such circumstances, it is a bit unrealistic for evil cultivators to try to seize your family.”

"So, he secretly caused a car accident. According to Feng Jinglan's luck, the car accident would not have caused any harm to him at all. However, an evil cultivator was secretly doing it. He used some secret method to temporarily suppress Feng Jinglan. Jing Lan was so lucky that he was seriously injured in the car accident and fell into a coma. "

"And at this time, the evil cultivator's soul invaded Feng Jinglan's body, trying to seize Feng Jinglan's body, use Feng Jinglan's body to be reborn, and take over Feng Jinglan's lifespan and luck. Unexpectedly, Feng Jinglan Lan has a strong mind, and even in a coma, he quickly fought back the moment he realized someone was invading his body. "

"Since then, Feng Jinglan has had two souls in his body, one is his own white good soul, and the other is the black evil soul belonging to the intruder's evil cultivator. The two souls compete for control of the body. At any time, Feng Jinglan will never wake up until one side completely gains the upper hand. This is the truth why he became a vegetative state and was in a coma for several years."

Pei Anzhu did not go into great detail when giving old lady Feng popular science. He only talked about everything with "an evil cultivator". If he wanted to talk about the origin of the evil cultivator, he would have to start with the curse of the big demon and the rift in time and space. Talk about it.

This was too far away, and it was not something Old Mrs. Feng should know, so Pei Anzhu only talked about something related to the Feng family.

After hearing this, the old lady had a slightly surprised look on her face:

"So that's it. I asked why the hospital couldn't find out what's wrong with Jinglan. After the car accident, his whole body was checked. All his limbs, hands and feet were fine. There was no damage to his internal organs, and there was no damage to his brain. There are no blood clots, nerve compression, etc. No matter how you check, he is a normal and good person."

“It turns out that this is the truth. Two souls are fighting for control of the body. Who would have imagined this? No wonder the hospital can’t find anything.”

Pei Anzhu saw that the old lady accepted it well, so he spoke again:

 “Also, there is one more thing.”

"Except for Feng Jinglan, other members of the Feng family were also invaded by evil cultivators. However, the others did not encounter accidents such as car accidents, nor did they fall into coma. They were conscious, so it was not an invasion by evil spirits, but a wisp of evil spirits. Divine Invasion."

"A cultivator can separate his soul and consciousness. The evil cultivator split his own consciousness and invaded the minds of other people in the Feng family when they were unstable because of Feng Jinglan's car accident. , and will be stored in them from now on.”

“The evil cultivator used this ray of spiritual thought to absorb the longevity and luck of other members of the Feng family, and at the same time changed their fate, turning them from great wealth and long life to a short life and early death.”

"I think you may have noticed that your son, daughter-in-law, grandson, and granddaughter seem to be undergoing some subtle changes, but you can't find out the reason for the change. Therefore, on the surface, you seem to be The authority of the Feng family has been handed over to Feng Shenghua, but in fact it is still controlled secretly because you are not confident about them and are afraid that they will ruin the reputation and foundation of the Feng family for generations, right? "

 This is what Pei Anzhu has seen before.

At that time, she was still in the Golden Core stage and her cultivation level was not that high. She had met the Feng family once. At that time, she couldn't see the specific reason, but she only found the Feng family to be very interesting.

Every aspect is obviously very good, but the behavior and language always make people look down on it, and there is a strong sense of separation.

Especially Feng Yiyi, probably because she is young and has the most unstable temperament, so she is particularly affected. She often targets Pei Anzhu, saying that she is an orphan who cannot be promoted, an abandoned child that the Pei family does not want, and so on.

Feng Shenghua and Yao Fangling also tended to help Feng Yiyi. Every time Feng Yiyi got into trouble, they would clean up the aftermath for her.

 But these things should not have happened in the Feng family.

  Give a very simple example—

Old Mrs. Feng, even though she first knew that the person she was marrying was Pei Anzhu, and even though she felt that she was not suitable to be the wife of the heir to the Feng family, she never humiliated or suppressed her, and even gave her a valuable gift when they first met. The expensive bracelet is also another level of recognition.

After Pei Anzhu entered the Feng family, the old lady assigned Aunt Xiang to be responsible for her three meals a day and daily chores. As a normal person in the Feng family who had not been contaminated by evil cultivators, Aunt Xiang stayed with the old lady all year round. She was also gentle and tolerant. He never relied on the fact that he was the person next to the old lady to give orders and obey her orders.

Another important and normal person in the Feng family is the housekeeper Feng Qing. He is the adopted son of the old man Feng Yongwang. He also grew up with the education and rules of the Feng family. Without being contaminated by evil cultivators, Feng Qing can be said to be a He took the Feng family's education to the extreme.

 Judging from these three people, the juniors and juniors such as Feng Shenghua, Feng Jingrun, and Feng Yiyi should not have the appearance of a nouveau riche who is a villain, but their words and deeds do.

 There is a serious discrepancy between appearance and behavior, which is enough to prove that something is impressing their minds.

In the past, Pei Anzhu, who was in the golden elixir stage, couldn't see it, but now Pei Anzhu, who is in the **** transformation stage, can see everything clearly. Several people in the Feng family who were originally very lucky were all affected by the evil cultivator's spiritual thoughts. Invasion and sojourn.

 Old Mrs. Feng’s eyes gradually turned red after listening to Pei Anzhu’s words:

"Yeah, I don't understand why they have changed. They still have the same faces, but they have become strangers and I don't even recognize them anymore. I can't understand what they are doing."

"They left Jinglan in a deserted yard and ignored him. This alone is enough to make me feel chilled. Jinglan has become a vegetable and is no longer an heir, but he is still their son!"

"How could someone be so cruel to their son? But I mentioned it several times openly and secretly, but they just refused to change. I once overheard their conversation and mentioned Jinglan in their words, saying that he was a useless person. It’s worth thinking about, is this what a parent can say?”

“At that time, I didn’t know why, and I wasn’t sure if there was something wrong with my education. After all, the Feng family has followed the family motto for generations, and it has always been good. However, this generation has gone astray.”

"But I have kept it in mind. I dare not continue to delegate power to Feng Shenghua. On the surface, he is the head of the Feng family, but in fact, I still control the power. I can't believe him. I just I want to hold on until Jinglan wakes up, I believe Jinglan won’t become like them.”

Pei Anzhu patted the old lady's junior and made a comforting gesture. In fact, he injected soothing spiritual energy into her body to make her feel better.

“Now that I know the truth, do you feel better knowing that your son, grandson, and granddaughter did not become such people intentionally, but were controlled by evil cultivators?” Pei Anzhu asked with a smile. "Yes, there is no problem with my education, and the Feng family's family training has not failed. There is an enemy that I can't see or touch, an enemy that I can't fight against, which secretly caused all this." The old lady nodded. head.

Pei Anzhu saw that the old lady had accepted all the facts, and then he explained his purpose:

"Old Madam, after I have told you so much, you should have figured out that I am not an ordinary person. Let me tell you the truth, I am actually a metaphysician who specializes in punishing rapes, eradicating evil, and catching ghosts and demons. ”

“I have been in the Feng family for so long, and I often go out for many days, sometimes even as long as a month or several months. This is because I cooperate with the country to eliminate the evil spirits hiding in the dark for the Dragon Kingdom.”

"Now, I have to deal with the evil spirits in the Feng family. I wonder if you are willing to cooperate with me?"

 After listening to Pei Anzhu's explanation, the old lady suddenly realized.

In the past, she only felt that Pei Anzhu's whereabouts were unpredictable. Sometimes he would go back to Feng's house and stay there for a long time, but sometimes he would go out and go out for a long time.

She didn't know what Pei Anzhu was doing, but now she understood that he was working hard for the long-term peace and stability of the Dragon Kingdom.

 So, the old lady nodded:

"Of course I have to cooperate. The Feng family cannot be destroyed by evil hands, and my descendants should not have their original fate changed. Xiaozhu, just tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Pei Anzhu did not speak too clearly for the time being, so he only said:

“Your attitude is enough. It’s not a good time to alert the enemy now. I’ll let you know when I’ve finalized the plan.”

 “Okay, I’ll wait for you.” The old lady nodded solemnly.

The secret conversation between the two ended. Pei Anzhu gave the old lady a reassurance and then left. She had to go to the Foreign Affairs Bureau first and tell Bureau Guo and Officer Du about the evil cultivators of the Five Formations Sect.

No matter how this evil cultivator is dealt with, at least Pei Anzhu must be notified and cannot deal with it privately.

 After arriving at Yi Tiao Bureau, Bureau Guo personally came to entertain her.

 “Where are the others?” Pei Anzhu asked.

"They are all busy." Director Guo said, "The matter of He Zha and Ku E still needs to be resolved in the future. There are other abnormal events in the Dragon Kingdom. Miss Shen also rushed over to take a look. Now the Irregularity Bureau has formed a system. Finally, I don’t have to bother you with everything, Master Pei.”

“It’s okay, for the common people in the world, it’s okay to be a little tired.” Pei Anzhu said, “I came here this time because I have something important to say. I already know about the evil cultivators of the Five Formations Sect who escaped on the island.”

"Seriously? Where is he at this time?" Director Guo immediately asked, "Is he hiding in the dark again, trying to do some conspiracy? How does Master Pei plan to deal with him? How can we cooperate with the Special Adjustment Bureau?"

This evil cultivator is like a piece of malaria on the giant Dragon Kingdom, deep-rooted and highly contagious.

If he is not careful, he may develop a group of fans and do some evil things in the Dragon Kingdom.

This is also the concern of people with knowledge of various departments in the Dragon Kingdom. Now that they have finally found the location of the disease, they must take it down in one go, otherwise everyone will be uneasy.

Pei Anzhu didn't hold back, and directly told the story about the Feng family, focusing on the old lady being entrusted with a dream by the old man, and the fact that several members of the Feng family were inhabited by evil cultivators.

After hearing this, Bureau Guo couldn’t help but frown:

"This matter is difficult to handle. The Feng family is a huge family. Don't look at it. There are only a few people from the main line of the Feng family living on the mountain. But in fact, the Feng family is a very large family. Its branches are intertwined, and talents are spread across all walks of life in the Dragon Kingdom. , there are many senior officials who have served in the military and political circles, and those who want to influence the main line of the Feng family will probably encounter their opposition. "

"What's more, although the Feng family has been occupied by evil cultivators in recent years, they have really not done anything to harm the country. If we deal with them rashly, I am afraid it will affect the Feng Group's stock price, destabilize the business world, and cause economic turmoil. This is not I'm exaggerating, but the Feng family really has this strength."

After hearing this, Pei Anzhu smiled immediately:

"Guo Bureau, you misunderstood. I don't plan to deal with the Feng family in a big way this time. After all, they are just inhabited by the evil cultivator's spiritual thoughts and have not been completely assimilated and devoured. They are essentially just ordinary people."

"So I thought about using a roundabout way. In fact, I already have a plan in mind. I am just reporting this. If you agree, I will take action."

“Can I take the liberty to ask, what is the plan?” Guo Bureau asked.

Pei Anzhu didn't hide anything, and directly stated all his thoughts.

It is not appropriate for the Foreign Affairs Bureau to come forward in this matter, otherwise it will arouse the vigilance and suspicion of the Feng family, and then things will be difficult to handle later. However, in order to respect the involvement of the Foreign Affairs Bureau, Pei Anzhu decided to also live broadcast to They watch.

Let the Bureau and the country know exactly what she has done, let them see it with their own eyes and feel completely at ease.

After hearing Pei Anzhu’s plan, Director Guo nodded and said:

"I believe Master Pei knows what's going on. I will report this to the leaders. When Master Pei takes action, he will inform us directly."

Pei Anzhu nodded: "Okay."

 After the matter was settled, Pei Anzhu returned to the Feng family.

She did not rush to see Mrs. Feng, nor did she tell her how to cooperate in advance. Instead, she lurked in the dead of night and began to set up formations around the entire mountain of the Feng family.

She had thought before that she could not give the evil cultivator a second chance to escape, so she had to trap him in Fengjia Mountain, and she had to make preparations in advance.

 The Feng family's mountain is so big that even Pei Anzhu would need a lot of time to complete a full circle.

What's more, she not only simply walked around, she also stopped from time to time, played with a few rocks, played with a few trees, and occasionally dug some dirt to bury some talismans and array disks in it.

Before taking the actual action, she went to Qin Xiaoyu to buy a large number of high-quality jade stones, and used those jade stones to carve talismans and formation disks. It's easy to break, but it has many benefits anyway.

 For the next week, Pei Anzhu has been in retreat, carving the talisman array, and has prepared all the things he needs.

Afterwards, I picked a few suitable opportunities, went out for a walk, and arranged all the prepared things on the Fengjia Mountain. Soon, spiritual energy was injected into the talismans and array plates, and a layer of transparency spread out on the entire Fengjia Mountain. cover.

 It isolates the outside world from entering and prevents people inside from escaping.

 After everything was ready, Pei Anzhu found Old Mrs. Feng, handed her a bottle of medicinal powder, and asked:

 “Do you believe me, madam?”

"Of course I believe it." The old lady nodded, "In fact, when you were busy in the yard a few days ago, I received a call from a big leader of the country. When my husband was still alive, I have met the big leader with him, and I have heard his voice. The big leader has confirmed your ability and affirmed your mission. Please cooperate with me."

Although the Feng family has a large business, all sources are reasonable and legal, and they never do anything that harms the country. This is why the country allows the Feng family to stand out among the powerful families.

The old lady had already agreed to cooperate with Pei Anzhu, and she was even more obligated to do so after receiving the order from the leader.

"You don't want to ask me what's in this bottle?" Pei Anzhu asked again.

"It can't be something harmful. You said you would only deal with evil cultivators and make sure that my family is safe and sound. I think the thing in this bottle should be something that can be effective against evil cultivators, right?" The old lady smiled. .

“Yes, the old lady is wise.” Pei Anzhu also smiled.

She couldn't help feeling that she was indeed a famous iron lady in the business world. She had a unique vision and could guess right.

"The medicinal powder in this bottle can make the Feng family fall into a deep sleep and make the evil cultivator's mind weak." Pei Anzhu explained, "I want you to find any reason to invite them to have a meal. You must All the important people will be gathered here, and then I will put this medicinal powder into their meals and let them fall asleep. At that time, I will take action to extract the spiritual thoughts that the evil cultivator has inhabited their minds."

 That’s right, this thing can be extracted.

 Including the evil spirit in Feng Jinglan's body, she could also pull it out. She didn't pull it out before because she was not strong enough, but she stopped pulling it out later because she wanted to verify the connection between what she did and Feng Jinglan.

 Now that she has cultivated enough, some doubts have been confirmed, and she can completely extract the things from the body of the Feng family.

However, she can also forcefully extract it, but if she is awake, the evil cultivator will also notice it and mount a fierce resistance, which may cause damage to the brains of the Feng family.

If you want to reduce this threat, it is natural to make arrangements in advance to weaken the resistance of evil cultivators.

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