The Real Daughter Has Become Famous All Over the World for Fortune-telling

Chapter 407: Do your best to fulfill your last wish

Chapter 407 Do your best to fulfill your last wish

Shen Yueran decided to fulfill Pei Anzhu’s last wishes one by one personally before he experienced the thunder disaster.

 The first is the issue of elderly care for old Taoist priests.

Shen Yueran went to Biqi Lake Community and found the place where the old Taoist priest lived. He informed him of Pei Anzhu's death, promised to take good care of him in the future, and asked him if he wanted to change his residence.

 When the old Taoist priest heard the news of Pei Anzhu's death, he was a little stunned for a moment. He asked:

"You mean, my beautiful eldest granddaughter is dead?"

 “Yes.” Shen Yueran nodded.

"That's it...that's a pity." The old Taoist priest murmured and said, "I don't want to change my place, I will live here. This is the house she prepared for me. I am used to it."

"Okay, then please write down my phone number. If you need anything, remember to contact me." Shen Yueran gave his phone number to the old Taoist priest and also gave a copy to the nanny.

With Pei Anzhu gone, she will take his place and fulfill her filial piety for the old Taoist priest.

 The old Taoist priest was seriously injured in the previous car accident and stayed in the ICU for a long time. When he woke up, he had forgotten that he had adopted a granddaughter, and his memory seemed to stay in his youth.

Not only did his personality become more out-of-the-box, but his temperament was also like that of young people. He liked playing games. Later, he even formed an e-sports team and planned to play professional games.

 So, at this moment, facing the news of Pei Anzhu's death, although the old Taoist priest felt a little sad, he was not necessarily very sad. He was just very sorry.

Perhaps, this is also God’s will.

It is God's will to make the old Taoist priest forget his past and cut off the bond between the old Taoist priest and Pei Anzhu, so that the old Taoist priest does not have to endure the tragic death of his loved ones and the pain of separation between yin and yang at such a long age.

In fact, after Pei Anzhu came from the world of cultivation, he spent very little time with the old Taoist priest. Therefore, to the old Taoist priest who lost his memory, Pei Anzhu was just a familiar stranger.

 It's also a good thing that he doesn't have to wallow in grief.

After Shen Yueran was sure that there was nothing wrong with the old Taoist priest, she left the Biqi Lake community. At the same time, she also arranged for her trustworthy comrades from the Yi Tiao Bureau to live in Biqi Lake, right next to the old Taoist priest, so that they could help the old Taoist priest at any time. provide help.

You should know that when Pei Anzhu lived in Biqi Lake, Shen Yueran bought a house next door to Pei Anzhu to be closer to her. Now her house is vacant and can be used by comrades from the Special Investigation Bureau to live in.

 After all, Director Guo promised to provide for the old Taoist priest in his old age, and Pei Anzhu left enough money, but the old man still had to be accompanied by someone.

  No matter what happens, from now on, the old Taoist priest will be the responsibility of Shen Yueran and Yi Tiaoju.

They were willing to do it for Pei Anzhu.

 Then, Shen Yueran went to find Qin Xiaoyu in person.

Assistant Mountain Education Program, this idea was originally proposed by Pei Anzhu, Qin Xiaoyu was responsible for its implementation, and Shen Yueran also joined it, so this was a project run by the three of them.

 Now that Pei Anzhu has left, Shen Yueran and Qin Xiaoyu discussed it and felt that everything Pei Anzhu did could not be covered up and buried. They planned to hold a press conference.

The press conference was grand. Qin Xiaoyu and Shen Yueran attended the press conference holding a photo of Pei Anzhu.

Qin Xiaoyu was in charge of the speech. She told how Pei Anzhu used to go to the mountainous areas to do business and was very concerned about the education of girls in the mountains. Later, he spent money and effort to hire people to build roads and schools. Now in the mountainous areas of Pancheng, there are basically There are many schools, and they offer tuition and fees exemption for admission.

 At the same time, Shen Yueran also announced the establishment of the "Pei Anzhu Education Fund" and the "Pei Anzhu Scholarship".

The purpose of the education fund is to provide help to children in mountainous areas across the country, and to provide a channel for help for families who want to study but do not have the conditions.

Scholarships are intended to reward those who are perseverant and indomitable in difficult situations. They struggle out of the quagmire, seize the opportunity to study and achieve excellent results. Such children deserve rewards and praise.

Pei Anzhu left a large amount of wealth. Except for leaving part of it for the old Taoist priests to provide for their retirement, the rest was used to support education programs in mountainous areas.

At the same time, Qin Xiaoyu and Shen Yueran also spent money to maintain the operation of this project.

 They want Pei Anzhu's name to be resounding throughout the Dragon Kingdom.

After the press conference, they hired professionals to take care of the foundation and run the project, and strictly controlled every link to prevent internal corruption or abuse of power for personal gain, and to prevent external use of deception, concealment and other means. Get money.

 After confirming that there were no problems, Shen Yueran started the next step.

 She went to Fenlei Mountain to find Silver Wolf.

The last time Pei Anzhu came to Fenlei Mountain to find Ji Lianhe, Shen Yueran was presiding over the compilation of Taoist classics at Shuyunguan.

Hence, Yin Lang and Shen Yueran have never met.

But that's okay.

Yin Lang is most familiar with the aura of Master Shu Yun, and the aura of Pei Anzhu who came to find him later is exactly the same as that of Master Shu Yun. Now that Shen Yueran is Pei Anzhu's disciple, he naturally has the same aura.

 So, Yin Lang opened up his demon realm and met Shen Yueran.

“Who are you?” Silver Wolf asked.

Since Pei Anzhu left last time, Silver Wolf has been practicing speaking in private. It has already practiced human speech, but no one has talked to it for thousands of years, so it is a little hesitant to speak.

 After this period of practice, it can already communicate with people very fluently.

“I am her disciple and the new master of Shu Yunguan.” Shen Yueran said.

When mentioning Shuyun Temple, Yin Lang thought of Master Shu Yun. This place was founded by Master Shu Yun, but it was already a long, long time ago.

Shen Yueran approached the silver wolf cautiously, reached out and touched its head, and said:

"Pei Anzhu, she died during the thunder catastrophe of ascension. Before the thunder catastrophe, she left a will to treat you and the little fox well, saying that you are both pure and good monsters with meritorious deeds."

"So today, I came to see you on her behalf, and by the way, I asked you if you would like to live in Shuyunguan with me. I know she promised you that she would take you away when everything is resolved, but she can't come now ”

“I will inherit her legacy and stick to what she wants to do meticulously, so are you willing to follow me?”

Yin Lang shook his head decisively and said:

"No, I'm used to this snowy plateau. This is the place where I have lived for more than a thousand years. I can't bear to leave it, and I can't leave it. I keep my promise to Master Shu Yun and will always stay here and protect it. Dragon Veins."

"I don't like the human world, and I'm not used to it. After you leave, I will cover this place with the demon realm, and no one will be allowed in. No matter how many years pass, I will remain the same."

Shen Yueran respected Yinlang’s decision and nodded:

"Okay, if you like it here, you can stay here forever, but you will inevitably feel lonely if you stay here alone. I will let the little fox come over to keep you company every month, okay?"

"It is also a demon, and it is also enlightened by Xiaozhu. Maybe you can have a common language. What's more, I ask it to bring a lot of delicious food every month. Xiaozhu said you like to eat roasted lamb legs, roasted whole lamb, and Roast chicken and duck, I’ll bring them to you when the time comes.”

Yinlang was stunned for a while, remembering what Pei Anzhu had fed it, and the beautiful taste, and finally nodded.

 It might be good to have delicious food once a month, and also have an additional demon friend.

No matter how far its life span goes in the future, no matter how long it can guard the dragon's veins here, at least its long life will not be completely lonely and boring.

Even if you are approaching old age and dying, looking back, you still have a different view.

 After making peace with Yin Lang, Shen Yueran left Fenlei Mountain.

 The fourth thing she had to do was to go to the Feng family to find Feng Jinglan.

Fengjia Mountain has been repaired, and the places struck by thunder have been treated. Those dark and bare places were replanted with plants, and a small courtyard was built, in which Pei Anzhu's spiritual tablet was placed.

This is the place where Pei Anzhu ascended and fell, and the Feng family will always remember it.

Since that day, Feng Jingrun was taken away by the Foreign Affairs Bureau to serve his sentence. Under the control of the old lady, the Feng family did not have any major troubles. Everyone on the mountain signed a confidentiality agreement and kept secret about what happened that day.

As for Feng's Building, Feng Shenghua is still the temporary agent for the company's affairs. He will be the leader of the company. If he has any doubts, he will come back to ask the old lady. As soon as Feng Jinglan recovers his health, he will give the Feng family great power. Give it back to him.

When Shen Yueran came over, a group of people from the Feng family were gathering in the house where the old lady lived, greeting Feng Jinglan.

That's right, Feng Jinglan has recovered better since he woke up and is now able to sit up. The Feng family specially customized a wheelchair for him so that he can sit around in it.

 Speaking of which, Feng Jinglan didn’t have much trouble to begin with.

In the car accident, he was not seriously injured at all. His limbs were sound and his mind was intact. However, it was only the invasion of the evil cultivator that made him comatose for several years. So when the evil cultivator left, Feng Jinglan had nothing but a little weakness. Big deal.

 “Old madam, I am the eldest young master.” Shen Yueran greeted the people in the room.

"Girl of the Shen family." The old lady said, and then she remembered something, "Oh no, now it's time to call you Master Shen. Please take a seat."

In the past, Shen Yueran was just a junior member of the Shen family in the eyes of the old lady. Now that he has the status of Pei Anzhu's apprentice, he has transformed into Master Shen.

 It can be seen that Pei Anzhu still has a lot of face.

Shen Yueran smiled and sat down without being polite. Without any pretense, she said directly:

“I am here today to fulfill Xiaozhu’s last wish.”

When everyone heard this, they immediately became concerned:

"What last wish did she leave? Is there anything we can do to help?" If it hadn't been for Pei Anzhu, the Feng family would have almost fallen apart. How would they still have the carefree life they have now? It can be said that Pei Anzhu was the savior of the Feng family, and he was reborn with kindness.

If we can contribute to her last wish, then the Feng family will not hesitate even if they try their best.

"Xiaozhu wants to dissolve her marriage with Master Feng." Shen Yueran said, taking out the recording given to her by Director Guo, and Pei Anzhu's voice came from it, "I came today just for this matter."

After hearing this, Feng Jinglan said:

 “It doesn’t have to be so troublesome.”

“If she were still here, it would be normal to dissolve the marriage, but since she is gone, the marriage is in name only, so there is no need to do anything more.”

Just like in this mortal world and all living beings, after ordinary people lose their husbands and wives, they don’t need to go out of their way to dissolve the marriage before they can get married again.

 In fact, the marriage relationship is automatically dissolved the moment the spouse dies.

 This situation is also consistent with Pei Anzhu.

Now everyone thinks that she died in a thunderstorm, so it doesn't matter whether she wants to dissolve her marriage with Feng Jinglan or not. There is no need to bother.

After hearing this, Shen Yueran shook his head:

 “No, it’s different.”

"Xiaozhu values ​​​​cause and effect. She doesn't want to be involved in cause and effect with you. Marriage is a **** for her, so I can understand that she doesn't want to continue this marriage with you even if she dies."

 “I respect her last wish, so I must fulfill it.”

"I think that when your Feng family married her for a happy occasion, you used your connections to go through the process and got a legal marriage certificate without her being present. So I think, now she is still not present, but you Feng family I should also be able to get a divorce certificate, right?”

Feng Jinglan looked at Shen Yueran and asked with some sadness:

"Does it have to be like this? She has already left. Is it okay for me to keep this title as a thought?"

"What do you want to think about?" Shen Yueran was surprised, "As far as I know, you and Xiaozhu have met each other from beginning to end, and it was after she helped you extract the evil spirits from your body that you woke up We met in just a few seconds, right? You haven't been together day and night, and you haven't experienced any unforgettable love, so why bother?"

After listening to the conversation between Feng Jinglan and Shen Yueran, the old lady sighed and said to her grandson:

"I know you like her. Even if we only meet her for a few seconds, it will be hard to forget her once you see her. But Jinglan, this is Xiaozhu's last wish, respect her."

 Feng Jinglan was silent for a long time after hearing what the old lady said.

  His first half of life was smooth sailing, he was born into a top wealthy family, and he lived a life of unimaginable luxury from the moment he was born. He was also very ambitious, excellent in studies, and extremely capable, and he could do the best in whatever he did.

The only setback was the car accident a few years ago, which allowed evil cultivators to take advantage of it.

  It can be said that in the first half of his life, he had almost no regrets, except for Pei Anzhu.

 He was lucky, the girl he fell in love with at first sight became his wife.

 But he is also unfortunate. He and the woman he likes have never been together for a moment, and they are already separated from each other.

Now, if you want to keep this marriage relationship for a while, you can’t.

"I know, I'll ask someone to do it immediately. Please wait a moment, Miss Shen." Feng Jinglan finally compromised.

He could insist not to do it, after all, this marriage is no longer in the secular sense, but grandma was right, this was her last wish.

Pei Anzhu did not marry him voluntarily, and now it is normal for him to want to leave innocently and alone.

With the ability of the Feng family, it was just a simple matter to apply for a divorce certificate without both the man and the woman being present. Feng Jinglan sent someone to do it, and it was done quickly, and the divorce certificate was handed over immediately. Gave it to Shen Yueran.

 After Shen Yueran got the divorce certificate, she left the Feng family.

 At this point, Pei Anzhu has fulfilled four of the five last wishes she left before her death, leaving only the last one to succeed as the master of Shuyun Temple and start a mountain to recruit disciples.

 This is a big deal.

Shen Yueran prepared this succession ceremony based on the ancient system recorded in Shu Yunguan's classics. However, she did not need to prepare it personally because the Yi Tiao Bureau took over this task.

  After all, there is no sect where the head of a sect needs to prepare for the succession by himself.

However, Shuyun Temple is now deserted, and there are no other disciples in the temple except Shen Yueran, so the Yi Tiao Bureau took the initiative to take over the task of organizing the succession ceremony for Shen Yueran.

During the preparations for the succession ceremony, Shen Yueran has been living in the Shen family because she wants to spend her last leisure time spending time with her parents and brothers.

After succeeding to Shuyunguan, she will take on the responsibility of a temple owner and follow Pei Anzhu's last wish to open a temple and recruit disciples. At that time, she will stay in Shuyunguan for a long time and be separated from the world.

 In the simplest terms, it means becoming a monk.

Shen Yueran wants to become a monk, not as a monk or a nun, but as a Taoist nun. This is the path she has chosen.

"Have you thought about it?" Mrs. Shen looked at her daughter who she had loved and loved since childhood, her eyes were red, and she was quite reluctant to leave. "It will be a very lonely road. If you go, your parents will be with you, but They are really people from two worlds.”

Most people who become monks and practice Buddhism want to cut off the cause and effect of the mortal world.

 “I’ve thought about it.” Shen Yueran also nodded with red eyes.

She hugged her mother, rested her head on her mother's shoulder, clinging to her mother as she did when she was a child, and said:

“Mom, more than two years ago, I never thought that I would do such a meaningful thing.”

“At that time, I had just graduated from college, and I was raised by you to be carefree. I didn’t know the sufferings of the world, and I didn’t know what worries and sorrows were. My biggest worries were just what to eat today and where to go to play.”

“I have you, my father, and my brother at home, so I don’t need to make a big contribution because you will make me happy and worry-free all my life, so I don’t have any big ideals.”

“At that time, I was playing around with Fu Chong and Xu Youyou all day long, either traveling or having parties, spending money like water, and living an ungrounded life.”

“But after I met Sister Xiaozhu, everything in my life was different.”

"To be honest, I really suffered a lot. I followed to catch ghosts, dig up corpses, fight monsters, fight zombies until they turn into bones, and I was even brave enough to risk my own life and go to the island to work as an undercover agent."

"I was also worried that I might die one day, but following Sister Xiaozhu and watching her rushing out to fight without hesitation every time, I suddenly found that I was no longer afraid of death. I even thought, if I could die, Meaning, then my life is worth it.”

 “Mom, can you understand me? I have found the path I want to take.”

Mrs. Shen did not speak, but tears fell one by one, sobbing silently, so Shen Yueran quickly wiped her tears, hugged her tightly, and comforted her.

 At this time, Shen Qinghe and Shen Yue'an appeared.

Shen Qinghe put his wife into his arms and advised:

"When your child grows up and has her own ideas, let her do what she wants to do. She used to be the little princess we held in our hands, but she still is now, and she will be in the future, and she will never change. ”

"What's more, Pingcheng is not far away. When An'er officially takes over the Shen family in two years, I will accompany you to Pingcheng to find a place to live. We will go to Shuyun Temple to offer incense and pray every day. I can see my daughter.”

Shen Qinghe’s words made Mrs. Shen laugh.

She then thought about it and realized that this was also the case. Shen Yueran just became a monk and became a Taoist nun, and she was not dead. Since it was not that Yin and Yang were separated and they would never see each other again, she should find a way to get closer to her daughter.

Shen Yue'an sighed at night:

"Well, you two can be the bosses and stay with your sister. I feel sorry for you. From now on, you will have to guard such a large group by yourself and be lonely."

Mrs. Shen immediately looked at him angrily and said:

"You are a man, you stand upright, and you should be the backbone of the family. How can you compare with your sister? She has never suffered anything since she was a child."

Shen Yueran knew that her relatives were caring about her, and she was extremely moved.

 After living in the Shen family for more than half a month and spending time with her parents and brothers, the Foreign Affairs Bureau finally called and said that the preparations for the succession ceremony were almost complete. It would be an auspicious day in three days and asked her to go to Pingcheng Shuyunguan to prepare.

Police Officer Du even asked her:

"The succession ceremony is a major event. In addition to the necessary procedures, there must also be people watching the ceremony. At the same time, Shu Yunguan's reputation must be made public, in order to achieve the effect of opening a new school and recruiting disciples."

“So, what the leaders want to do is to hold a live broadcast at that time and use Master Pei’s old live broadcast room to announce to the outside world that Shuyunguan will officially open the mountain and accept disciples.”

“The leaders will come that day, and so will the Foreign Affairs Bureau. Who else do you want to invite to the ceremony?”

After hearing this, Shen Yueran thought about it and said:

“When the news of the succession ceremony is released, there is no need to specially invite it. Just let everything happen. What should come will come naturally, and there is no need to force it.”

"Okay, then it's up to you." Officer Du said, "Be prepared, don't be nervous, little moon."

 This is a senior's comfort and encouragement to his juniors.

Police Officer Du once worked in the criminal police force for nearly twenty years. He was very good at catching criminals and murderers. However, he did not expect that when he reached middle age, he would change his career and become a ghost hunter.

Although he didn't catch ghosts and monsters with real swords and guns, it was indeed a very unique experience for Officer Du. He thought he would work as a criminal policeman until he retired, or maybe he would meet someone one day. A tough guy sacrificed his life heroically.

 However, the moment he met Pei Anzhu, his life had another possibility.

Now, Pei Anzhu's legacy continues on Shen Yueran, and Officer Du will continue to cooperate with Shen Yueran to eliminate all the demons and ghosts hidden in the dark in Long Kingdom one by one.

"Uncle Du, I'm not nervous." Shen Yueran rarely called him Officer Du. In her heart, at this moment, he was a senior uncle who was encouraging her.

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