Chapter 72 Hitchhiking

  In the Pei family restaurant, there was a gloomy atmosphere.

Zhou Yalan couldn't help crying, but she still took into account the dignity of a wealthy lady and gently wiped her tears, trying not to lose her composure.

Young Master Pei Yu was silent for a long time, then stood up and said:

“Father, I’ve eaten enough. Now I’m going to the hospital to see how Mingzhu is recovering.”

 After saying this, he turned and left.

Pei Jinchang was so angry with Pei Anzhu that he couldn't eat any more. He also got up and went upstairs, saying by the way:

“Steward Chen, come to the study with me.”

 Chen Henian followed Pei Jinchang upstairs and into the study. After closing the door, he heard the other party ask:

 “Tell me exactly what happened after you met her.”

At this moment, Pei Jinchang only realized later:

This biological daughter left behind seems completely different from what he imagined.

 He had briefly imagined Pei Anzhu’s character before—

 Either because he has suffered too much and suddenly learns that he is a real daughter, his vanity is bursting and he asks for more benefits from the Pei family.

 Either because they are lonely and helpless, they are extremely longing for family affection, they are greedy for the warmth of family, and they have extra requirements for their family.

But he never thought that with the wealth and status of the Pei family, there would be people eager to repay the favor and draw a clear line.

 If this is really the case, then his previous plan will not work.

 So, it is necessary for him to increase his understanding of her and then make other plans.


Pei Anzhu walked out of the gate of Junlintianxia villa area.

In the surprised and wary eyes of the security guard, he left without looking away, as if he didn't take this expensive villa area seriously at all.

 The night is dark and the autumn wind is cold.

The clear brilliance of the moonlight spreads on the ground, intersects with the lights on both sides of the road, and reflects the shadows of the woods on the roadside.

Suddenly, a burst of light came from not far ahead, and the car's high beam was particularly dazzling. Pei Anzhu raised his hand to cover it, and waited until the other party changed the high beam to low beam before putting it down. Then he saw the car parked next to him.

 The driver's seat window opened, revealing a familiar face:

 “Master Pei?”

Pei Anzhu looked around and saw that the driver of the Shen family was Li Guokun, whom he had met before.

Last time she came to Yuncheng, Driver Li was responsible for picking up and dropping off her. Later, by chance, she also rescued Driver Li's daughter Li Yuanyuan.

 "Uncle Li." Pei Anzhu nodded in greeting.

"It's so late, why are you here?" Li Guokun asked smoothly, and then he felt that he should not inquire about the master's personal affairs, so he quickly said, "Master Pei, where are you going? I will take you there!"

As he spoke, he got out of the car and picked up Pei Anzhu's suitcase.

"No need, Mr. Li should be going to Shen's house, right? Don't delay because of me." Pei Anzhu refused.

"No delay." Li Guokun said, "You are my savior and Mr. Shen's guest. If Mr. Shen knew that I asked you to go out and take a taxi alone, then I wouldn't have to do this job."

Li Guokun said as he put Pei Anzhu's luggage in the trunk.

He then explained that there was nothing wrong with him going to Shen's house. It was just that the car had just been taken out for maintenance and it was just being sent back after the maintenance was completed. There would be no delay if it was delayed.

After hearing this, Pei Anzhu made sure not to delay the other party's business, so he got into the car.

Li Guokun breathed a sigh of relief and waited for Pei Anzhu to sit down before starting the vehicle, turning around and driving out—

 In fact, he knew it well.

Even if Mr. Shen knew that he had used the car for other purposes, if he knew that the person he gave it to was Master Pei, Mr. Shen would not only not blame him, but would also reward him.

 After all, a capable master is much more important than those empty rules.

 (End of this chapter)

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