Chapter 8 Debt-ridden

After the [Life Lover] ran away, Pei Anzhu was the only one left in the live broadcast room.

 Netizens were talking a lot, urging Pei Anzhu to give an explanation:

—Anchor, was that really a murderer just now?

—Qingzhu Immortal Lord, how did you calculate it? Is fortune telling really so magical?

—You said before that the police would catch him within twenty minutes, but he hung up the video and ran away. Is this time still accurate?

—I still find it incredible, is this really not a script?


Pei Anzhu looked at the dense barrage and wanted to know the inside story, so she counted with her fingers and made sure that nothing unexpected would happen before she said:

 “Everything I said is true, he is a murderer.”

"How did I figure it out? By chance, I know all the five arts of metaphysics and fortune-telling by mountain doctors."

“When I opened the video and saw him, I not only found that his appearance was strange, but he also had a lot of karmic debts wrapped around him.”

"You ordinary people can't see it, but I can see at a glance that these debts are hanging over his head. The deepest causal line has turned red and black. It has obviously been more than ten years ago."

“This indicates that he committed murder for the first time, at least twenty years ago.”

“But don’t worry, he has never been caught by the police before. That’s because no one knew that he had undergone plastic surgery and replaced his identity as Zhu Yongming.”

"Now that he has met me, his true identity has been revealed, and he cannot run away..."

The barrage in the live broadcast room gradually decreased.

Netizens were listening carefully to Pei Anzhu's explanation, but at this moment, the phone that Pei Anzhu had at hand rang.

 She took a look at the caller ID and felt something, so she said to netizens:

“I’m sorry everyone, today’s live broadcast of fortune telling ends here. If you still have any unanswered questions, you can leave them to me for answers next time. Goodbye.”

 After saying this, Pei Anzhu closed the live broadcast room without hesitation, regardless of the audience's persuasion.

  Immediately afterwards, she answered the phone.

A slightly rich middle-aged man’s voice sounded on the other end of the phone:

“This is Yuncheng Police Station. My surname is Du. You can call me Officer Du. Are you Miss Pei Anzhu?”

"It's me." Pei Anzhu agreed.

Police Officer Du paused and explained:

“Fifteen minutes ago, our police station received a report claiming that at the south gate of Wutong Community on Zhuque Avenue, there was a man named Zhu Yongming, who was a wanted murderer who had been on the run for more than 20 years.”

“After our verification, this report message was sent by you, right?”

“Yes, I sent it.” Pei Anzhu admitted.

 She called the police when [Love Life Home] had a video chat with her.

●In order not to alert others, she chose to send a report.

The other party was gibbering, trying to use various rationales to prove that Pei Anzhu was a liar. Little did he know that Pei Anzhu would send him to jail if he reported him back.

Police Officer Du couldn't help but be curious when he heard Pei Anzhu's admission:

“According to the mobile phone IP address we found, you should be in Pingcheng now. How did you know about Zhuque Street in Yuncheng?”

“So, has that person been arrested?” Pei Anzhu asked without answering.

“Caught,” Officer Du said, “No matter whether he is a real murderer or not, since someone has reported the case, we must verify it with the most rigorous attitude.”

Pei Anzhu was silent for a moment and then said:

"Don't worry about how I knew it. I can only tell you three things." "First, his name was not Zhu Yongming. Zhu Yongming should have been killed by him. As for his original surname, you still need to find out. "

"Second, his first murder should have been more than 20 years ago. The reason for the murder was related to money, probably a bank robbery or something like that. You can look through past case records to see if there are any suspects who meet the conditions."

“Third, after confirming his identity, please give me my reward. I know there is a reward for reporting wanted criminals.”

 This is also the reason why Pei Anzhu said in the live broadcast room before that others would give her money.

Police Officer Du was almost choked by Pei Anzhu's outspoken words. He smiled and said:

“Don’t worry, Ms. Pei, if it is confirmed that he is a wanted criminal, we will definitely give you the bonus.”

“In the past few days, please keep your phone open, Ms. Pei. We may contact you at any time to learn about the situation.”

"I understand." Pei Anzhu agreed.

 After hanging up the phone, Pei Anzhu went to the backstage of the live broadcast room to check today's live broadcast income.

In addition to Wang Cheng and [Life Lovers] who rewarded the sea view villa, there were also other spectators who rewarded some colorful pearls, colorful gems and the like here and there.

 The total income added up is more than 3,000 yuan.

However, these more than 3,000 still need to be divided with the Dolphin live broadcast platform.

 As for the share ratio, it depends on what kind of contract the platform signs with her.

 Some platforms are more harsh on new anchors. Since the newcomers have no foundation, they themselves take the majority of the live broadcast income, but let the anchors take a small part.

This is not a good way to sign a contract for Pei Anzhu, who is extremely short of money.

 But she is not in a hurry.

 With tens of thousands of people watching her first broadcast, and her popularity reaching the top of the list of “potential newcomers”, she has the confidence to negotiate terms with the platform.

I believe it won’t be long before people from the Dolphin Live Broadcasting Platform come to visit.

While Pei Anzhu was waiting patiently, hot searches related to her live broadcast room were gradually fermenting on different websites—

    青竹仙君:hardcore live broadcast#

   #I want to raise one dollar from the crowd to buy Qingzhu Xianjun’s mouth! #

  #青竹仙君 exposes the academic fraud case at T University#

               , by the victims of the academic fraud case, their personal statements#

A wanted criminal who has been on the run for 20 years suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room of #青竹仙君? #

  #Who can analyze whether Qingzhu Xianjun’s live broadcast of fortune telling is true or false? #


 At the beginning, these topics were not very popular.

The one with the highest number of clicks is the clipped video of Pei Anzhu angrily criticizing Heizi. Netizens commented and made meme:

—If I had a mouth like hers, why would I worry about not being able to win against the tongue-tied women during the Chinese New Year?

  —This is simply my Internet replacement!

—Sometimes it’s really annoying to see those idiots, but I’m stupid and can’t win against them. Qingzhu Fairy did it for me!

 —Where is she live broadcasting? I followed it, not for anything else but to learn how to curse!


With the popularity of this curse video, the name "Qingzhu Xianjun" has gradually entered the public consciousness.

 Following this, she relied on fortune-telling to expose the case of academic fraud and the disguised identity of the fugitive murderer.

Metaphysics is inherently mysterious, and the process of these two cases was quite tortuous and bizarre, which aroused the interest of most people for a while.

 Netizens who have not watched the live broadcast even went to the Dolphin live broadcast platform, registered an account, and searched for Pei Anzhu's live broadcast replay to watch.

In this way, the number of user registrations on the Dolphin Live Broadcasting Platform surged.

 The fact that a newcomer has brought such a huge customer base has alarmed the top management of Dolphin Live Platform.

To show their concern, they decided to send the general manager of the contracting department to personally communicate with Pei Anzhu.

 (End of this chapter)

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