Chapter 99 Illusion of the Ancient Battlefield

Pei Anzhu was not afraid of the strong murderous intention, so he just stood there, unmoving.

Han Peng was trembling in his heart, but he touched the amulet he was wearing, and then he felt relieved, swallowed, and followed Pei Anzhu's example, standing still.

Sure enough, even if the swaying breath destroyed the heaven and earth, when it passed by Pei Anzhu and Han Peng, it was like a wild goose passing by without leaving any trace.

 But the old man and the young apprentice were not so lucky.

The murderous intent accumulated underground for hundreds of years, and the ferocity condensed by countless battlefield weapons, were used to cut countless wounds on their bodies with knives, swords, and spears in various ways.

The wounds were not deep, but they were densely packed, and soon the clothes were stained red.

Especially the young apprentice. He was knocked out earlier and suffered internal injuries. Now he has suffered external injuries. He looks very embarrassed.

 “Master, help!” He lay on the ground and asked the old man for help.

But the old man had no time to take care of himself. He moved hard and hid behind a big tree, trying to use the big tree to shield himself.

This move was also effective. The murderous intent hit the tree, leaving a series of holes, but it was still unable to penetrate the tree and cause harm to the old man.

 The old man breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't dare to be careless. He just shrank down and tried his best to avoid it.

 On Hualibao Mountain, the dark wind howled.

The originally bright moonlight in the night sky also became dim, as if the sky was covered by dark clouds, and there was an aura of imminent rain hanging between the sky and the earth.

In the village at the foot of the mountain, someone heard the noise, got up, closed the window, and muttered:

 “The weather is not right! Is it going to rain?”

However, after muttering, the doors and windows are closed, and those who should sleep still have to sleep.

I don’t know how long it took, but the noise of the Dongling Stone Formation being destroyed gradually subsided, and murderous intent and ferocity no longer wandered around.

Immediately afterwards, a knife slowly appeared in the middle area of ​​the aventurine stone formation.

This knife emerged from the ground, as if it was being held up by invisible hands. It floated to more than three feet above the ground and then stopped in mid-air.

"Antique weapon..." When the old man saw the knife, his eyes lit up and he murmured.

Pei Anzhu looked towards the knife—

 The handle plus the blade are three feet and four inches long in total.

There is a groove on the blade, with cloud patterns engraved on the bottom. The blade is cold and glowing with blood-red light, as if it has been soaked in blood for many years.

The handle of the knife is made of fine iron birch wood, and is engraved with a soaring golden dragon with extremely fine carvings, exuding unparalleled domineering power.

"The sword owner is domineering and has the aura of an emperor." Pei Anzhu looked at the sword and took a few steps forward involuntarily, his eyes burning.

 This is a magical weapon.

"Qingzhu Immortal Lord, what should I do?" Han Peng asked, trembling.

At the beginning, he just wanted to invite Qingzhu Immortal Lord to the village to help fight against counterfeiting.

Obviously at the beginning, he just wanted to watch the fun and collect materials for fun.

Who would have thought that this would happen?

The aventurine stone cracked, the formation was destroyed, and knives floated out from the ground... This scene was grand, and it was even more outrageous than the special effects in the movie.

"Don't panic." Pei Anzhu said calmly, "At present, it seems that this knife has no ill intentions toward us, and the formation has no tendency to wreak havoc in the village for the time being. I will find an opportunity later to see if I can use this formation to Completely repaired and resealed.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the knife emitted a faint red light, mysterious and strange.

The red light gradually expanded and enveloped the four people present. Pei Anzhu felt as if a red mist appeared in front of his eyes, like smoke and veil. Immediately afterwards, there was a sudden spin, and the scene in front of me suddenly changed -

This is no longer the hinterland of Hualibao Mountain, but an open wilderness, and the surroundings are no longer surrounded by dense forests, but instead are surrounded by cavalry with loud killing sounds.

This is a battlefield, a battlefield hundreds of years ago.

"What's going on? Why am I here?" The young apprentice was caught off guard by this scene and screamed in panic, dodging the soldiers and horses rushing around.

Pei Anzhu glanced at him coldly and said:

“This is an illusion, and it can also be seen as the memory of this knife.”

“This knife once followed its owner and fought on this battlefield, recording the scene of the battle between the two sides. But this year, many years later, it is shown in front of us in the form of a fantasy.”

 In the illusion, there is no danger for the time being.

 After all, this was just a passing period, and the two warring parties could not see outsiders like them, so the old man and his apprentice finally got together and supported each other.

Han Peng took out his mobile phone from his pocket, turned on the video mode, and pointed it at the battlefield.

Unfortunately, this was just an illusion. Although it was visible to the naked eye, it could not be captured by technological instruments. He was unable to capture this real and shocking scene.

However, he also had other ideas. He immediately turned on the recording on his mobile phone and began to explain on his own:

“The two sides fighting are both cavalry. One side is wearing red armor and the other side is wearing black armor. Judging from the current battle situation, the Black Armor Army seems to be better."

“The Red Army’s formation has been dispersed and their left wing has been outflanked. If they cannot return to defense in time, their defeat will be certain.”

“Look, a group of people has appeared behind the Black Armor Army. It’s another group of Red Armor Army! The leader of the army is holding this sword!”

“He is so powerful, with his sword unsheathed, he can kill gods when he blocks a god, and kill a Buddha when he blocks a Buddha. actually a woman??? Why does she look like you?”

Pei Anzhu looked steadily at the woman riding the horse, who had a face that looked almost exactly like hers.

 It's just that the other person's skin is a little darker than hers, and there is a heroic spirit between his eyebrows.

At this moment, the scene in front of Pei Anzhu changed again, from a battlefield with loud killing sounds to a sword-making workshop with a huge furnace—

The woman wearing a python robe, with her hair tied high, bowed her hands towards an old man with white hair and long beard:

 “If I am lucky enough to receive meteorite iron, I am willing to fight for the common people.”

In the furnace next to it, there is the predecessor of the knife, which is the raw material, a meteorite that fell from the sky.

Pei Anzhu quickly understood that this was the origin of the knife.

About a few hundred years ago, meteorites fell from the sky, which contained a very rare metal component that was very hard and suitable for forging weapons.

And this young woman wearing a python robe was the crown prince of that country at that time.

 She went to ask the world's top forging master to help him create a useful weapon, and made a promise to him:

 The sword in her hand will always fight to protect the common people.

The master agreed, and spent three years forging this sword. He followed the prince to conquer the north and south, pacified the world, and restored peace to the world.

This prince has exactly the same appearance as Pei Anzhu.

 That was one of her countless reincarnations.

Pei Anzhu didn’t know what the other three people saw. In short, the scene in front of her kept jumping around. Through these interrelated fragments, she completed the experience of that life:

 She was once the first founding empress of the Pei Dynasty.

 At the same time, he is also the owner of that knife.

 (End of this chapter)

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