Chapter 15: Attending the Flower Show

Translator: Tuiwen Editor: Tuiwen

“What’s the hurry? Wei, who’s this person causing trouble?”

The youth who came over to give them the news said, “I don’t know much about him. He appears younger than us and is very cocky. Four bodyguards follow him wherever he goes. He seems to come from a rich family.”

Gao Chang thought this over. “Sit down and give this no mind.”

A few youths who were all geared up for action said reluctantly, “But Brother Chang, this just so happens to be our territory. We can’t just allow them to behave so atrociously. Besides, Huanhuan is the one being bullied. Didn’t you favor Huanhuan the most in the past?”

Gao Chang glanced over at them. They knew that they had stepped on a sensitive area, so they hurried to shut up.

Right then, Gao Chang remembered the matter that Zhu Shaodan had instigated. Although the Zhu family was doing all they could to cover it up, it was impossible to keep everything under wraps. Zhu Shaodan had provoked someone he shouldn’t have and now had gotten himself involved in a big lawsuit. Now, the Zhu family was running around frantically like a headless chicken, trying to get this matter under control.

Just who was this person?

The youths did as they were told and sat down obediently. The commotion outside grew more and more intense. Once in a while, a couple of shrill screams from hysterical females would turn the atmosphere in the room tenser. Some of the onlookers, who had been fans of Huanhuan, rushed in and tried to save her.

While sighing deeply, Gao Chang got up and made his way out of the room.

“Who do you exactly think you are? You have no right to tell me what to do. I’m here to teach this girl a lesson and you can’t do anything about it.”

The words came out of a very handsome young man’s mouth. However, his brow exuded a very arrogant and ruthless air. He lifted his face and showed clear and fearless features. He proved through and through that he was a good-for-nothing son of a wealthy family to the fullest.

He was stepping on a young woman with light makeup on her face. At this time, her features were full of embarrassment and humiliation.

When she saw that it was Gao Chang, she started moving around and said, “Young Master Gao, please help me…”

The young man gave Gao Chang the once-over. “Your surname is Gao? Are you really from the Gao family?”

Gao Chang right away started making his way over and said with a smile on his face, “Young Master Bai, how are you doing?”

The youth started to frown. Though his skin was rather exquisite and beautiful, his gaze when looking at Gao Chang was very unfriendly. He snorted. “Do I know you?”

“The Bai family’s young master is here to visit Jiang City. As the host, how can I go about not treating him well? You can blame me for this offense. This is all my fault.”

“Stop your hypocrisy. I don’t need it.”

“Young Master Bai, though this girl has made you unhappy and she deserves a beating, she’s still only a smelly girl. Don’t bother dirtying Young Master Bai’s hands. Leave it to me. I assure you that she will never show up in front of Young Master Bai from this point on.”

Bai Ziyan knew what he was getting at. The Gao family was different from the Zhus. The Zhus had yet to establish themselves, while the Gaos had been in Jiang City for years. They also had strong support from the capital, so they were not as easy to push around as the Zhu family.

Bai Ziyan was not so hard-headed that he didn’t know how to think for himself. Since the other party said this, he would be sure to try and benefit from this as much as possible.

“Alright, then I won’t make you lose face. Get her out of my sight as soon as possible and be sure to teach her well.”

Pretty soon, Xie Huanhuan was taken away. Before leaving, she gave Gao Chang a grateful look. Though her eyes were full of affection for her savior, Gao Chang did not even give her a second glance.

“Young Master Bai, please join me for a drink. If you’d like, we can drink until we are both drunk.”

With a smile on his face, Bai Ziyan said, “You certainly know how to behave. You’re way better than that Zhu Shaodan.”

Gao Chang did not know if he should agree or not. “The Zhu family have spoiled Zhu Shaodan. And now they must take responsibility for their own incompetence.”

“Alright, we’re off to a good start. I’m definitely going to make you into a good friend of mine. Let’s get drunk right away.”

The weather forecast was sunny all throughout the weekend. Ming Jing woke up early to go about her morning lessons. By six o’clock, she finished her morning routine. She made her way into the kitchen to make some breakfast.

By now, Nanny Zhou was used to Ming Jing appearing in the kitchen early in the morning. She even went out of her way to help Ming Jing prepare breakfast.

Ming Jing worked quickly and pretty soon, she had Grandma Zhu’s breakfast ready.

Her meals were usually very simple and light. In regards to the others, Ming Jing did not care to prepare them anything.

Zhu Xiangxiang rarely saw Ming Jing at the dining table. Today Ming Jing decided to join the rest of them.

“Thank you for saving my life the night before last.” No matter what was going on in that little head of hers, at least Zhu Xiangxiang’s eyes and tone of voice showed her sincerity.

Ming Jing said simply, “You’re very welcome.”

Zhu Xiangxiang understood that this was just how she was and did not say anything further. The few of them at the table ate breakfast without saying a word.

“Xiangxiang, are you feeling better? Why don’t you take care and rest at home today? I’ll go to the flower show on my own,” Ling Qing said in a worried voice.

“It’s okay. I’m doing better. I can go with you.”

At that moment, Zhu Xiangxiang looked over at Ming Jing, who was quietly enjoying her breakfast opposite her. She thought this over and said, “Ming Jing, Mom and I are heading over to the Swan Lake Flower Show today. Do you want to join us?”

Lin Qing frowned and said, “That place is not for her. It’s better if she stays at home and not stir up any trouble for us.”

Ming Jing turned to look at Lin Qing and all of a sudden, her face lit up with a smile on it. “Sure, I was raised in the countryside, so I’ve never been to a flower show before. It’s a good chance for me to broaden my horizons.”

Lin Qing choked at her words and cursed her silently in her heart, ‘Damn girl, you’re doing this on purpose, right?’

Every year, attendees from every part of the city would show up at the Swan Lake Flower Show, the biggest annual public event in Jiang City. At this time, the Swan Garden would be overflowing with hundreds of flowers in full bloom. Gardeners from all over would enter their flowers to compete in the contest.

This flower show was separated into two sections.

Regular attendees played and admired the flowers in the general garden area, while the Orchid Garden was a place specifically roped off for the upper-class ladies and other socialites to play.

Once Zhu Xiangxiang and the other two got to the Orchid Garden, many ladies and socialites were already gathered in that place. Lin Qing’s eyes did a sweep over the area, but there was no sign of Mrs. Jiang. Feeling let down, she could not help but feel a little disappointed.

She bit down and just bore the disappointment and started to socialize with the other ladies and socialites while walking next to Zhu Xiangxiang. At this time, her social skills came in handy as she greeted everyone with a friendly voice.

Today, Ming Jing was dressed in a white gauze skirt that reached her ankles. Her tall stature showed off her elegant temperament. As she was walking in with Zhu Xiangxiang and Lin Qing by her side, all eyes were drawn to her.

Someone took note of her presence and asked Lin Qing, “Could she be the real daughter that the Zhu family just discovered?”

Lin Qing has always shown her best face in front of outsiders. With a smile on her face, she pulled Ming Jing over. “Yes, Ming Jing, let me introduce you to Madam Li.”

Ming Jing obediently greeted her, “Madam Li. Nice to meet you.”

Unlike Zhu Xiangxiang’s elegant appearance, Ming Jing was not an all-out beauty. However, there was just something about her that was difficult to capture with words. For those rich ladies, who turned to Buddhist thought in their old age, she brought about her a very familiar feeling. They started liking her at first sight.

“Oh, Mrs. Zhu, you are a lucky woman. Your daughter is no ordinary girl.”

Lin Qing appeared happy when Ming Jing was given this compliment. Honestly, she could not see what was there to like about Ming Jing. Perhaps this woman was just being polite. She did not take Madam Li’s word to heart at all..

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