"What's the problem? Miss Ace? Bai Ye asked Ace in an old voice.

"Is there anything strange about me?"


Ace stared at Bai Ye, as if confused, but then shook her head, "No, it's nothing. "


Bai Ye was silent for a moment, sighed, and then looked away and looked at Finn again.

"Captain Finn, dare to ask what day the expedition of your family begins?" Bai Ye asked.

Finn raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and then the expression on his face also converged.

"The expedition will start the day after tomorrow, and before it begins, how about Mr. Robin Hood stay in our clan for the time being?"

"It's not impossible, but there should be a reason, right?" Bai Ye raised his eyebrows and asked 25.

"Hmm... Let's be honest, I'm worried that Mr. Robin Hood will delay this expedition because of something..."

Finn spread his hands, "Whether it's a person who worries about the sky or a dictatorship, I'm so worried!" "

"If you come here and I let you go, I won't be able to sleep well for the next two days!"

"I see, hehe..."

But at Finn's words, laughter came from under the cloak.

"Captain Finn is indeed very cautious, this caution is great! Well, I'll just stay here for two days! "

"That's great!" Finn breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

The stakes of an expedition are very high, and it takes a lot of manpower and materials to carry out an expedition.

If it is delayed for any reason, the loss for the family is extremely huge.

What's more, the fact that the expedition was delayed was something Finn couldn't bear...

If Bai Ye remembers correctly, the Finn Leader in front of him, he seems to have an extremely grand ideal - to revitalize the Lilliputians.

Came to Olari for this ideal, worked hard for almost half a lifetime, became a 1v.6 adventurer, and laid a world of his own in the center of the world of Olalie, so that the reputation of the little man Finn spread almost all over the world!

And this expedition is regarded by him as a hope to break into the unknown level below the 50th floor of the dungeon, once it reaches there, the Lilliputians are bound to become famous all over the world again!

Such an opportunity, Finn would never want.

It was also his obsession that made Bai Ye empathize, so he didn't refuse the invitation.

After all, he has now reached the mouth of the upgrade, as long as he works hard, it will only be a matter of a day or two to become 1v.2!

"However, during the expedition, this will be a lot, don't worry about not being promoted, and it doesn't hurt to promise here!"

If you want to upgrade, whether it's from 1v.1 to 1v.2, or 1v.2 to 1v.3... And so on, in addition to accumulating the ability value to a certain standard, it is also necessary to achieve a necessary 'great cause'!

The so-called 'great cause' can be simply understood as experience points that can only be obtained with great difficulty.

Defeat opponents that are not something of your own level can defeat, and overcome great difficulties and dangers... These are 'great deeds'.

And only by achieving a 'great cause' can the adventurer level up, make the ability worthy of a new update, and the strength will be turned upside down!

And for Bai Ye, the 'great cause' is indeed a bit difficult.

His usual battles are tempered by 1v.3 monsters, so defeating monsters of this level is just ordinary for him, and it can't be regarded as a 'great cause'.

If you want to achieve 'great things', you must fight at least one 1v.4 monster.

If it weren't for the expedition, Bai Ye would be ready to go to 30 today, find a few Lv4. monsters to fight, and achieve the 'great cause' necessary for upgrading.

"But I don't have a map of the lower layers!" Bai Ye lamented in his heart.

Because of this, it is not easy to find 1v.4 monsters in more than 30 layers, and it must take a lot of time to level up.

In light of this, maybe it would be faster to follow the Loki family?


Finn quickly arranged for someone to take Hakuno and help him arrange a place to live.

And in the room, only Ace and Finn were left.

"You don't have to hide in front of me, do you? That Mr. Robin Hood... Have you seen this before? Finn said.

“...... How does the head of the regiment know? "

Ace tilted her head, and although she didn't show it, there was surprise and curiosity in her expression.

Finn 607 smiled lightly, "It's very simple, Mr. Robin Hood, but I called your name directly!" "

"If I hadn't seen it before, I would have called you 'Miss Kenhime', or asked for your opinion before calling you by name."

Ace immediately blinked when she heard this, revealing a sudden expression, "There is still such a thing?!" "

Finn was stunned and couldn't help but say helplessly: "And then, how do you feel?" "

Ace nodded, "The wind coming from that person's body has a familiar smell, it should be someone I've seen before... However, I can't remember which old man it was. "

Ace is one of the few perceptual experts who can detect changes in the air and get information from nature.

As a result, her opinion is highly valued by Finn.

"Hmm...," Finn groaned, then shrugged his shoulders, "I know, there is no need to investigate this matter, since others trust us, then we must also give each other enough respect!" "

"Good!" Ace nodded in response.

But in her heart, she still cares a little...

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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