“I’ve been around the provinces for three months now, haven’t I? But in those three months, so much has happened that I’m stunned.”

Because Reina was on a business trip, Iveca had to have lunch with Sid alone. Sid raised his eyebrows as if to talk while eating without saying a word. Iveca frowned and dipped the salad with a fork.

“I wonder if Princess Ashe was evil enough to poison Prince William, and Prince Ruben, who had longed for the throne, suddenly left with everything down, and I know nothing about King Daniel, who now sits on the throne. I thought he was a sweet man… Something feels strange when we’re together.”

She couldn’t bear to say that Daniel heard everything that happened at the last drinking party. Sid already thought she said everything she could not say as she did with Reina, but if she talked about it, she won’t be able to say anything anymore. Sid said as he ate quietly.

“He’s a good man. I can bet you at least a three-month salary that he won’t be a tyrant. But royalty is always different inside and outside. I don’t know what he is thinking inside. That’s what it is as a monarch. I heard everyone is panicking now because he did not throw away the progressive nobles after he ascended to the throne.”


“Don’t get too involved. After all, in two months, Kayden will come back.”

Sid said firmly. Iveca laughed bashfully.

“Still, he is handsome. Is it the essence of a handsome man? When I look at it, my eyes feel like watching something luxurious.”

“Do you want more salad?”

“Ah, thank you. But Senior, why aren’t you eating today?”

“The chief turned the snack around in the morning. You probably did not get it because you were on your way reporting.”

“No wonder! Everyone did not go to lunch… But why did you come?”

Iveca rolled her eyes and spoke, but Sid bluntly scratched the back of his ear without changing his expression.

“I don’t skip meals.”


“Anyway, don’t get too close. For an employee of an affiliated agency who is close to the royal family, the ending has never been good.”

“His Majesty did not even think well of me.” Iveca sighed with her lower voice. “He hasn’t been interested in it for a month, but I’m not even halfway through. Anyway, it’s not my favourite job. No fun.”

Sid shrugged his shoulders.

“I think it’s better to run on the field.”

Iveca was famous in the Bureau of Investigation for throwing daggers quickly and accurately. Supporting the skills learned from Anriq, the Bureau of Investigation’s training was added to help her deal with all kinds of memorization well. She has been involved in many dangerous tasks, but each time Iveca had achieved quite excellent results, and the achievements completely overshadowed the shy bastard of the past.

“Hold on, Kayden is coming soon.”

She could not believe that she would wait for her unfamiliar junior, Kayden. Iveca sighed. At least she would not have been so uncomfortable if she had not noticed the conversation at the party.


Two days later, when she entered the palace with an urgent report, she was told that Daniel was hunting with some nobles. Since it was a report on the rebel forces of the Empire, Iveca did not hesitate to borrow a horse and head to the hunting ground.

After learning that the idea of forming a rebel army was republicanism, Daniel’s mind was focused more on it than anything else. The report was quite urgent because it included the Staram Island that they were watching on.

Judging from his usual behaviour, it was unlikely that he would enjoy hunting, and he would just treat it as a social gathering with nobles. He would not want to delay an urgent report just because he was hunting.

Having entered the hunting grounds without difficulty, she heard Daniel’s location from the maids and steered her horse towards it. As she drove her horse without thinking, she suddenly saw Daniel caught in her sight, and she was bewildered.

Daniel’s profile pulling a bow in the hunting ground was new, so she paused. There was a moment of cruelty in the cold eyes while preying, and the tension shown in his tight lips. The unshakable posture and firmly standing muscles were anew.

Iveca looked at the King’s bow without knowing why he was hanging it around. She stood in dazed until Daniel’s arrow flew swiftly in a parabola to hit a beast, and as the hound ran out, Daniel looked straight at her.

When he looked at her, his cruel eyes vanished, and his friendly eyes smiled. But Eve noticed that the sweet face was his consciousness for the surrounding people. This was because the sarcastic informal language remained.

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