The Rebirth Of A Fashion Mogul

Chapter 16 - Modelling Classes

" Be the Diva! You walk , pose and act like you are the most important person in the room!"

A tall, slightly chubby woman with short slicked back hair shouted at them.

In the background, a repetitive rhythmic track played while the modeling and runway coach from 99 Scenes shouted at the 5 young modeling trainees.

Song Xia watched dubiously while Coach Han lay on a neon pink lounge seat with her legs partly spread and back arched.

The way her ċhėst heaved and red face flushed made her look a bit vulgar.

However her advice was not bad.

"When you pose you need to position your body and not just focus on your face.Modeling is communication! Every part of your body tells a story and you need to do whatever it takes to get the perfect shot."

Han Yong was the perfect example of a one hit wonder . She did not meet the criteria of a model whether proportions , height or face after years of trying so she settled for the next best thing a runway coach. As fate would have it she was quite lucky and quickly got a job working for a fashion agency in a good 2 nd tier company and even conducted fashion shows for good companies in D and F city for about 2 years but fell into a bad life style.After being fired she tried to start over but a bad reputation stays with you for a lifetime.

Hence after 10 years she was teaching model trainees in a trivial 3rd modeling agency in G City.

After speaking about some theoretical knowledge Coach Han told them to arrange themselves into groups. Since they were five trainees they needed 3 in one group and 2 in the other.After ȧssigning them two topics she left the room and stated that she will be back in 25 minutes to evaluate each of them .

A snobbish girl in a fawn colored dress and white ankle boots called over a boy who was dressed in a red buŧŧon down shirt over to her side while sneering at Song Xia and the others.

" Hi, I'm Wu Qingge, don't mind them they are always like that. "

Wu Qinnge was very friendly and welcoming to Song Xia. She had thick eyelashes that decorated her phoenix eyes, pale skin with naturally flushed skin and full lips and pretty teeth. She gave of a sunny happy atmosphere that was had to ignore.

She was shorter than Song Xia about 169 cm.

Snort." They always think they are better than us but they are just stinky rich brats!"A teenage boy about 17 grumbled under his breath before greeting Song Xia.

"Hello , I'm He Bohai. "Turning his back on the other two before introducing himself.

"Hi, I'm Song Xia."She greeted them before over hearing the snobbish girl say.

"Just what we needed another wannabe!"Song Xia just ignored her because she didn't want to argue with an annoying teenage girl.However this caused He Bohai to explode .

"Liu Ting, what is your problem !Why are you so conceited and annoying!"he yelled at her .

Soon after, Liu Ting replied " Ha. I'm just better than all of you. Sounds like you are just jealous ."

Liu Ting was rich and has always been the most gorgeous one in the room so she couldn't stand it if anyone was better than her.She disliked Wu Qingge because she was prettier than her but she had a better body than her so she felt she was the better model.

Now that this new girl had shown up with that perfect body, endless long legs and ethereal face she was downright jealous.

So she insulted the other three models. They didn't look like they were rich or had any powerful backers so she was fearless when confronting them.Her haughty attitude grated on everyone's nerves even Du Kang who had a crush on her.

Song Xia had enough of Liu Ting 's none sense and wanted to get back to work .

" Wu Qingge,He Bohai let's go back to work .

Insane dogs will even bark at a wall if you let it."Song Xia walked to her chair , sat down and read the task.

" Who are you called a dog!"Liu Ting screeched glaring at Song Xia.

" Who's a dog?"Song Xia offhandedly replied.

"I'm a dog!" Liu Ting said without intending to and then became furious at the loud laughter.

"Song Xia, you were great!" He Bohai howled with laughter and tears streaked down the corners of his eyes as he remembered Liu Ting 's twisted face.

Wu Qingge's reaction was not so extreme and she just gave Song Xia a small smile before they got back to work. The task was very simple . A girl/ boy was dumped and now they have bought a new perfume that is really great and making their ex drown regret.

It was cliche topic but had many ways to portray the topic.When they first began Wu Qingge presented first.

Coach Han watched Wu Qingge with satisfaction she was a girl who knew how to present.

First a pitiful look using her face and body language to show her sadness, then hopeful after getting the perfume- it was just a bit lacking that she didn't focus on the product for much time before moving onto a dreamy infatuated girl that has met her one true love.

To be honest Wu Qingge has a lot of potential to be a good model. She was better than Liu Ting where all of her efforts where like pouring water into a sieve. Liu Ting never took her advice seriously and kept repeating the same mistakes.

She kept her nose in the air and was overly arrogant person who couldn't take criticism therefore it would be extremely difficult for her to survive in the modeling industry.

Next was He Bohai his performance was average and the typical pitch of thanks to this perfume he could have any girl he wanted.

Song Xia was a breathe of fresh air and did not take the usual route of finding love but rather confidence in oneself.

Then the whole atmosphere changed around her, determined , golden, blazing eyes that flashed as she stood up and held her head high.

She grabbed the 'perfume ' prop looked at it then looked at them - elegantly held it in her hand.

A slight spray on her wrist then a delicate inhalation of the perfume that elongated of her lovely neck.

A slight flutter of her long eyelashes against her high check bones before an ȧssertive smile appeared on her face.

She only spoke one word-"Confidence "

Song Xia had stolen everyone's breathe with her convincing performance.

It wasn't over exaggerated but overwhelming and Han Yong couldn't help but think - this is a model.

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