After Shang Yunmiao introduced each item, he gave it to Chen Bing. After repeating this several times, Chen Bing's hands were full of things.

These things are small gadgets with rural characteristics, which city people can't really buy. Although Chen Bing was born in the countryside, compared with the traditional rural area of ​​Shang Yunmiao's grandmother's home surrounded by mountains and rivers, the Baixiang Village where Chen Bing lives is more like a residential area attached to the town.

Not only are all the houses built in bungalows, but the streets and alleys are also cement roads and asphalt roads full of modern industrial sense. Chen Bing really likes such novel and interesting gifts.

"I also went to catch birds with my cousin, but I didn't catch any after squatting for a day, and I was bitten by mosquitoes on my legs." Shang Yunmiao said, and touched his calf with lingering fear, and the expression on his face was as if he recalled the scene at that time.

"It would be great if you could go with me next time, Chen Bing. It's fun there." After a lot of chatter, Shang Yunmiao looked at Chen Bing with expectant eyes and concluded.

"Okay, if there is a chance, I will definitely go back with you next time."

"Hehe, okay~" After happily hugging Chen Bing, Shang Yunmiao released his arms.

This girl is no longer a little girl. Since she entered the sixth grade, her appearance has changed significantly. The most obvious aspect is her height. According to the measurement not long ago, the height of this little girl has reached 1.49 meters, just 10 centimeters shorter than Chen Bing.

Considering that boys will not start to develop until the first grade of junior high school, the gap may be further narrowed, but it is highly likely that they will not exceed Chen Bing. After all, there is a gap of 10 centimeters, and the height of adult women is generally only 160 to 165. Therefore, Chen Bing is not very worried that he will be surpassed by Shang Yunmiao in height, and then lose his dignity as an adult.

Apart from height, there are some other aspects, such as voice, and occasional pimples. Chen Bing doesn't know much about other things. Because entering puberty brings changes to little girls not only in appearance, but also in psychology, they gradually become mature, and their attitudes towards the opposite sex will naturally change a little.

Even for the neighbor brother who has played with her since childhood, grown up with her, and always admired her, there will be a little bit of strangeness in her heart, so she can no longer be as honest and pure as when she was a child.

For example, the bloody incident a week or two ago, after listening to Yunxuan's popular science, Shang Yunmiao, the little girl who had to talk to Chen Bing about everything from childhood to adulthood, has never been embarrassed to tell Chen Bing until now.

Alas, it can only be said that there is a sad barrier between the two of them! (Sad)

However, Shang Yunmiao is not the only one who has these psychological changes. Although Chen Bing has not yet reached puberty and lacks the corresponding hormone stimulation in his body, with a mature mind, he has naturally paid some attention to the relationship between him and the increasingly mature Shang Yunmiao.

For example, when they just hugged each other, Chen Bing did not hug as deeply as when they were young.

So, there is a sad barrier between them! (Sad*2)

While Chen Bing was sighing, Yunxuan, who had packed up and washed the fruit, opened the door and walked in with a plate with a smile.

"It's time to eat cherries. Do you two want to eat in the room? Or come with me to the living room?"

"We want to eat here, Mom." Shang Yunmiao raised her little hand high and answered, and Yunxuan put the plate on the table beside her.

"Well, then you guys can have fun here." After nodding, the aunt who was still young and beautiful in her thirties seemed to have thought of something, and turned to Chen Bing and asked, "By the way, Bingbing, are your parents at home? Auntie will also send them some cherries."

"My parents have gone out to work, and there is no one at home now."

"Is that so? Then when you go home later, can you help Auntie Xuan send some by the way?"


After seeing Chen Bing agreed, Yunxuan smiled and turned to leave.

When she closed the door, a breeze from the window gently broke in due to the pressure difference between indoors and outdoors, and then bypassed Shang Yunmiao's thin back and brushed the thin hair by Yunxuan's ears.

She walked past there quietly, like a beautiful painting. The breeze was like a gentle messenger, as if whispering in her ear. The hair was as soft as silk, fluttering gently, as if given life.

This scene brought Chen Bing's memory back to a quiet afternoon when he was about to graduate from junior high school in his previous life.When I raised my head to relax from the sea of ​​questions, I happened to see the wind outside the window gently curling up Yunxuan's hair as she bent over to write a lesson plan.

By the way, was she my teacher at first?

After nearly ten years of getting along, Yunxuan has replaced the original impression in Chen Bing's mind, and now she has completely become the image of the aunt next door.

"Chen Bing, what's wrong with you? Don't you want to eat cherries?" Shang Yunmiao's words called him back from his memories. After turning his head and looking into Shang Yunmiao's eyes, Chen Bing asked the other party with the feeling in his heart: "Where are you going to school after graduating from elementary school?"

After graduation, further study...?

This question is not far away for Shang Yunmiao. It is already May 1st. In just one and a half months, they will graduate from elementary school and start the next stage of their study career. So Shang Yunmiao has thought about this question before.

Emotionally, she definitely wanted to go to Baishi No. 1 Middle School where her mother taught, but because she didn't know where Chen Bing wanted to go to school, she had never told anyone about this idea in her heart. Although Chen Bing mentioned it now, she just shook her head and said that she hadn't made up her mind yet.

"Is that so." Chen Bing nodded, and then suddenly continued, "I want to go to Baishi No. 1 Middle School."

"Huh?" Shang Yunmiao was slightly surprised. She knew that Chen Bing's family had recently bought a house in the county, so she thought that the other party would move there soon and then go to junior high school in the county.

"But... But Chen Bing, didn't your family buy a house in the county? Why are you still studying in the town?" Although Xiao Shang's words were full of doubts, the tone contained in them was a small relief that could not be concealed.

"Well, you don't have to live in the house you bought. Besides, I'm used to living in my own home. When Lao Chen and his family move over, I still want to live here.

Actually, I mainly want to go to school as a day student. After all, it's too troublesome to wash clothes at school, and there's no place to take a shower, and the food is not delicious. I'll go back here after school from Monday to Friday, and go to the county town during holidays.

In addition, the county experimental junior high school is a bit far from the house my family bought, and the strength of other schools is not that good. So after thinking about it, I still prefer Baishi No. 1 Middle School..."

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