Seeing such good cigarettes, the math teacher stopped hesitating and turned to the noisy students in the class to say that he would study on his own, then turned around and followed them to the corridor.

It is not difficult to see from Chaoyang Garden's enrollment strategy this year that their main goal is to spend a lot of money to produce a class of model students, and then use this to increase their popularity. Therefore, in addition to the usual wide-net operation, there will inevitably be indicators of "picking fat fish".

It is based on the above that the admissions office teacher called the math teacher out, and the purpose was to ask him about the top students in the class.

In fact, this year Chaoyang Garden's combination of punches is very powerful. Many students with better grades in Class 1 of Grade 6 have some thoughts on applying for Chaoyang Garden. Among them, Shang Yunmiao, who has a crush on Bai Shiyi, is included.

"Chen Bing, let's go to the enrollment exam in seven days together. If you do well, you can get 10,000 yuan!"

Hearing her words, many people around also turned to look at Chen Bing, obviously wanting to hear his thoughts.

"Well, he only said that the maximum amount he could get was 10,000 yuan. In fact, private schools like this will try their best to reduce expenses, so the 10,000 yuan will not be given out, but will only be given if someone really gets good grades."

"But, Brother Bing, you have such good grades, you must be able to get it, why not give it a try?" After hearing what Chen Bing said, a girl who was listening said to him in an advising tone. Obviously, she wanted to take the exam.

Hearing this, Chen Bing shook his head slightly.

"It's useless to just do well in the exam. If you don't enroll, he will definitely not give you the money. Moreover, the entrance examination of Experimental No. 1 Middle School (Shangping County Experimental Junior High School) will be held in seven days. He set the time like this to let the candidates choose one of the two. If you go there, you will not have the chance to go to Experimental No. 1 Middle School.

I guess the threshold of Chaoyang Garden's entrance bonus must be very low. When you see that you can get a scholarship of 1,800 yuan as long as you enroll, will you go there because you are reluctant to give it up? Its tuition is very expensive, and you can spit out the admission bonus of a few melons and two dates in a minute.

I can only say that this private middle school is not very authentic. Since it wants to attract students with high scholarships, it is still so stingy in the specific implementation."

The above is not a rumor made up by Chen Bing. These are all the actual operations of Chaoyang Garden that he learned after the junior high school started in his previous life. I heard that the girl who ranked first in the entrance examination that year only got 3,000 yuan in the end, which was more than half of the 10,000 yuan mentioned by Chaoyang Garden.

I did say the highest is 10,000, but that means you have to get more than 95% in each subject. What? You said you are the first, sorry, the first prize is 3,000 yuan.

Chen Bing's words made the people around him understand all of a sudden.

"So that's how it is, you are worthy of being Brother Bing."

"Then I'd better not apply, they are all liars."

"The teacher just said so well, I almost got tempted, luckily there is Brother Bing."

Everyone around had a look of relief, and they criticized each other for being unkind.

If the teacher in the admissions office knew that the effect he had achieved after talking for most of the class was offset by Chen Bing's few words, I wonder how he would feel.

It can only be said that Chen Bing has been accumulating prestige among his classmates for too long, so no matter what he said, everyone believed it without doubt.

In fact, although what Chen Bing said just now was not wrong, it was based on his previous life. There is indeed no objective information in this life to support Chen Bing's statement, but even so, others will not think there is a problem.

Shang Yunmiao, who was standing aside, was very proud when he saw that everyone was so convinced of Chen Bing.

Look! This is my neighbor's brother. You only know that he has good grades, is good at sports, is mature, and is loved by teachers. Everyone wants to play with him, but you don't know that he played house with me yesterday! He also made an appointment with me to go to junior high school together. We have such a good relationship. You don't know these!

Since the embarrassing incident in the fourth grade, Shang Yunmiao and Chen Bing's relationship in school has gradually turned underground. In the eyes of others, these two people are just ordinary friends who sit together at the same table, and because they are neighbors, they often go to school together, and they often chat a few words because of this...

Hehe, this kind of underground secret feels really good.

Shang Yunmiao thought proudly in his heart, and then secretly scratched Chen Bing's palm with his little hand under the table.

Chen Bing turned around calmly and looked at Shang Yunmiao, but the other party responded with a puzzled look of "What's the matter?"

Okay, okay, Xiao Shang, you play like this, right?

Chen Bing's face remained unchanged.She was not very interested, but secretly grabbed Shang Yunmiao's hand. This action broke Shang Yunmiao's defense. She widened her eyes and looked around nervously, afraid that someone would see her.

Really, Chen Bing! Touching heads, holding hands, and hugging are all fine at home, because we are innocent good friends. But at school, because we are of the opposite sex, what if we still do this and get misunderstood by others?

Looking at the eyes of the people around her, Shang Yunmiao's little heart almost jumped out of nervousness.

Fortunately, the math teacher who suddenly returned to the classroom saved her.

"Chen Bing, come out for a while... Stop making noise and study quietly."

After Chen Bing left, the classroom did not become quiet, but became more noisy. Everyone was chattering about why the teacher asked Chen Bing to go out.

Everyone's doubts were soon answered, because after Chen Bing came back, several top students were called out one after another. After they came back, everyone understood that they were called out to ask if they wanted to take the internal route and go directly to Chaoyang Park to study.

"Then did you agree, Brother Bing?"

Faced with the questions around him, Chen Bing shook his head: "No, the conditions he gave were very restrictive and insincere."

"As expected of Brother Bing!"

After everyone discussed it again, they turned back to continue studying at the urging of the math teacher.

After waiting for the get out of class to end, Zhang Yuan, who wanted to go play football with Chen Bing, looked at the big sun outside and finally gave up with a sigh.

Just when he put the football back in his bag, he happened to look up and saw a girl in the class, holding a piece of pink paper and walking in front of him, and then walked straight to his brother Bingbing's position.

Someone sent a love letter to Brother Bing again?

Zhang Yuan instantly became energetic, his eyes widened and he took two steps at a time, and soon followed the girl's footsteps to Chen Bing's side.

"Chen Bing, this is for you."

After saying this, the girl turned around and left.

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