With this in mind, Chen Bing led the group of children to the place the man said.

Just turn a corner and they will be there.

Before approaching, for safety reasons, he asked the others to stay where they were, and then he went to check the situation by himself.

After turning the corner, he looked over and saw a black dog lying quietly in the middle of the road.

But... looking at this half-grown puppy, with short black hair and sticking out its tongue and looking at him stupidly. Chen Bing couldn't connect it with the imagined vicious dog.

That's it?

He thought it might not be this one, so he waved his hand and called the kid who was watching to come over and let him identify it.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the man came over, the dog stood up and roared at him like a frightened bird.

"Woof! Woof! Woof! Woo woof!"

The child who was yelled at almost cried, and hid behind Chen Bing with a scream. Unexpectedly, the vicious dog chased after him, ran directly over and circled behind Chen Bing, and then continued to roar at him.

The child was about to urinate in fear, and he finally couldn't help crying completely. Then he ran around Chen Bing while crying, and the repair dog followed him while turning and roaring.

Although the silverfish kid cried miserably, Chen Bing, who was treated like a pillar, only felt that the scene in front of him was very funny.

It looked very interesting that the half-grown dog chased the half-grown kid.

But think about it, after all, he is an adult thinking, and he certainly won't take such a cute little dog seriously. But in the eyes of other children, this black dog, which is only a few months old, is much more "ferocious".

In order not to leave the psychological shadow of being chased by a dog to the silverfish child, Chen Bing decisively took action, grabbed the back of the repair dog's neck, and then lifted it up in the air.

After being caught, the other party suddenly became honest, and the small tail was clamped between its hind legs, trembling and looking very pitiful.

When the silverfish kid saw that the vicious dog chasing him was subdued by Brother Bingbing, he stopped immediately.

But the fear just now still lingered in his heart, making his tears unable to calm down for a long time.

The other little brats who were watching on the sidelines ran up to cheer after seeing Chen Bing heroically subdued the vicious dog.

Some of them went to comfort the silverfish kid, while others gathered in front of Chen Bing and bravely looked at the vicious dog.

Seeing so many people gathered around, the already trembling repair dog became even more scared.

"Okay, okay, let's disperse a little first, don't scare this dog."

Compared to the three, four or five-year-old human cubs who don't know anything, Chen Bing prefers the loyal and cute repair dog. In addition, it is now the weaker party, so he unconsciously favors it a little.

Hearing Chen Bing's orders, the group of children immediately dispersed far away, and some were afraid that they were not far enough away, giving face to our Brother Bingbing.

This feeling of being respected by others for every word and action gave Chen Bingwang a little satisfaction in his vanity.

He carried the dog and walked to the front of Xiao Yinyu.

Unexpectedly, the dog, who was trembling just now, overcame his instincts and roared at him fiercely the moment he saw Xiao Yinyu.

Why are you fine when you see others, but you bark like crazy when you see him?

"What are you barking about?" Chen Bing asked the arrogant dog Aotian in a stern voice.

The other party was obviously a bully, and after hearing his fierce tone, he immediately tucked his tail between his legs and behaved like a dog.

"Yes, yes! What are you barking about!" Xiao Yinyu was very scared when he saw the vicious dog barking at him again. But after seeing Brother Bingbing stand up for him, he immediately became arrogant.

Who of you two is the dog?

"Why are you barking again?" Chen Bing immediately questioned the little silver fish, making him lower his head.

Seeing this, the dog had a smug look on his face, and gently wagged his tail, looking very happy.

Although he was a little surprised at the spirituality of the dog, judging from its attitude towards different people, Silver Fish must have provoked it somewhere.

Thinking of this, Chen Bing took the little black dog into his arms, stroked it gently, and then asked the person in front of him: "Silver Fish, have you ever provoked this dog before?"

Silver Fish was stunned at first, thinking who is Silver Fish, I am not Silver Fish.

He didn't know if Chen Bing was talking to him, but he saw that the other party was looking at him when he said this, so he answered.

"I have never provoked it!" When he said this, he held his head high, as if he was sayingAs if it had done something very glorious.

"Why did it only yell at you and not others?" Chen Bing was amused. This naughty kid could actually lie with his eyes open.

It was like an honest villager who was suddenly yelled at by a knowledgeable scholar one day. The first thing he thought of was not why he yelled at me, but whether I really did something wrong.

Silverfish might have been convinced by Chen Bing's logic, or perhaps he was shocked by his authority.

In short, after racking his brains, he replied in an uncertain tone: "I blew up its nest with firecrackers a few days ago?"

Good guy, it turned out to be a revenge for the seizure of the house, no wonder the dog hated him so much.

After understanding the ins and outs of the matter, Chen Bing's small class started.

He solemnly told his small group about the hateful behavior of Silverfish and asked everyone to learn from it. Then he asked them to promise to treat living things well in the future and develop a beautiful relationship of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

Although it was a bit abstract to tell these things to these young kids, at least Chen Bing's purpose of having fun was achieved...

Ahem, no, no, the result was good. Not only did the children learn the correct concept, but the repair dog also received an apology from the silverfish, although it could not understand the apology.

In order to have fun for himself and to help the silverfish make amends, Chen Bing took the group of children to find the repair dog's nest and spent more than half an hour repairing it.

Seeing his new and comfortable nest, the repair dog barked twice with satisfaction.

After entering the nest and experiencing it, it enjoyed the ham sausage that the silverfish gave it to make amends.

After tasting the ham sausage, the repair dog generously forgave the silverfish and took the initiative to lick the back of his hand. Such licking of the dog made other people around very excited, and they all came forward to rub the repair dog.

Don't worry about these little devils hitting the dog too hard, because after the previous education, they all know to treat the dog gently. If someone hits the dog too hard, it may cause unanimous condemnation from others.

Slowly, Xiu Dog, who was enjoying the touch of the children, gradually let down his guard and turned over to show his belly.

Tsk, this dog is quite friendly.

Chen Bing looked at the warm picture of harmony between man and nature and world peace with satisfaction.

At this moment, Chen Bing, who was looking at the dog's jubilant look, suddenly remembered the things about this dog in his previous life.

The black dog in his memory is different from the current well-behaved and friendly state, but a real vicious dog.

The black dog in his previous life was active when he was four or five years old, and usually lived in a dry ditch on this road.

At that time, it not only had one eye blind, but also one front leg was lame, and these injuries were obviously man-made.

Although it was injured by humans, it did not fear humans because of this. On the contrary, it is not afraid of people at all. To be more precise, it is not afraid of children at all.

Except for sleeping and foraging, it hides in the ditch where it lives. Whenever it sees a child passing by alone, it will rush out and yell at the child like crazy.

If the child picks up something and pretends to fight back, it will be fine. Once he runs away in fear, the dog will chase him closely and even take a bite when he sees the opportunity.

I remember that one day in my previous life, I was targeted by it when I passed by here. I was only four or five years old at the time. When I heard the roar of the vicious dog, I immediately ran away crying. As a result, I was chased by the dog all the way, leaving a deep trauma in my childhood.

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