Since girls enter puberty earlier than boys, during the period of sixth and seventh grade, relatively mature girls generally look at boys in the same class with some disdain. This is why the proportion of early love across grades in junior high school is relatively high.

Zhang Xinyu's family is well-off, and her experience since childhood has made her horizons broader than her peers. For the same reason, her mental age is also older than others. Therefore, subconsciously, she is more likely to have a good impression of more mature boys. The wisdom flashing in Chen Bing's conversation just now, and the humble and mature words, all touched her heart.

This psychological change is manifested externally, that is, when she finished listening to Chen Bing's words, her eyes were fixed on the other's back, and she stood there for a long time.

And this scene happened to be seen by Ma Shaolong on the side.

The boy's heart was mixed with mixed feelings. After pursing his lips, he retracted his eyes and continued to laugh with his roommate next to him.

After the morning military training was over, the hungry soldiers swarmed into the school cafeteria, and then came to the window to order two meat dishes and one vegetable dish, and then scooped a self-service soup with a stainless steel bowl, took three or two soft white steamed buns, and sat in their seats to eat heartily.

"Pah, why is this eggplant stewed with meat so unpalatable?" Cai Kunnan has loved eggplant since he was a child. When he saw that there was eggplant for lunch today, his inner joy was indescribable.

But when the excited chopsticks put the eggplant into his mouth, the child's face suddenly twisted.

"How did they do this? The eggplant is not only greasy and hard, but the sour taste is not dealt with at all."

Cai Kunnan, who didn't believe in evil, picked up another piece of eggplant and tasted it, but this time he spit it out directly.

"Ugh, this is really unpalatable, don't eat this."

Jiang Yu, who was sitting next to Cai Kunnan, didn't care when he heard this. In the past, his family conditions were not very good, so he developed a good habit since he was a child - not to waste food.

No matter what the food tastes like, salty or bitter, as long as he doesn't have diarrhea after eating it, he will eat it cleanly.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yu was slightly proud in his heart, and then picked up a piece of eggplant and put it in his mouth.

Ugh! This eggplant is poisonous and can't be eaten!

At the same time, at Yunxuan's house, Chen Bing also picked up a piece of eggplant stewed meat and put it in his mouth.

"Well! Aunt Xuan, you are a great cook, the taste is rich and the taste is rich. The eggplant in the dish fully absorbs the deliciousness of the gravy, becomes soft and delicious, and also retains the unique aroma of eggplant."

After hearing Chen Bing's exaggerated words, Yunxuan covered her mouth and smiled.

"How can it be so exaggerated? You just want to coax your aunt Xuan, right?" After dinner, Yunxuan happily cleaned up the table, humming a pleasant tune at the same time, and she seemed to be in a very good mood.

Seeing her mother so happy, Shang Yunmiao felt an indescribable strangeness in his heart.

"Chen Bing, do you like eggplant very much?" The little girl put one hand on Chen Bing's shoulder, and her behavior was very intimate. It seemed that she had fulfilled what she said to Chen Bing in the morning at school very well, and her intimacy with each other went up several levels as soon as she came home.

"Eggplant, I like it if it's delicious." When saying this, Chen Bing couldn't help but think of the eggplant stew that dominated his junior high school for three years in his previous life, and a chill rose in his heart.

I don't know what the chef in the school restaurant was thinking. His eggplant stew was obviously terrible, but he still insisted on making it two or three times a week.

Shang Yunmiao didn't have the ability to read minds, so of course he couldn't see Chen Bing's inner thoughts. But from what the other party said, Shang Yunmiao knew that Chen Bing liked delicious food.

"When I was at home not long ago, I helped my mother make a braised pork dish, which was also delicious."

"Really? That's amazing."

After realizing that she was perfunctory by Chen Bing, Shang Yunmiao was a little unhappy. She pouted her cute little mouth, but soon finished her self-enlightenment.

"Chen Bing, if you like delicious food, I can learn from my mother and cook it for you often in the future, okay?"

Turtle, what kind of angel is this.

Looking at the serious look on Xiao Shang's face, Chen Bing couldn't help but sigh that after a few years, after the awakening of "feminism" under capital speculation, there will be more young girls who can't cook than boys.

And a little girl as cute and well-behaved as Shang Yunmiao suddenly told you seriously that she wanted to learn cooking skills and cook for you. Dare I ask if you are moved? Anyway, Chen Bing was very moved, and he felt a sense of relief that his daughter finally knew filial piety after being raised.

He solemnly put his hand on Shang Yunmiao'sMiao's head, and hummed with relief.

"Of course, I won't forget my parents."

After a short rest at home at noon, Chen Bing and Shang Yunmiao were sent to school by Yunxuan for military training.

After the afternoon military training was over, as agreed with Yunxuan in advance, Chen Bing took Shang Yunmiao out of the school alone, and then found a small restaurant at the school gate to eat casually.

It was okay, the spicy Kung Pao Chicken tasted good. Although it was a little worse than what I ate at home, it was still much better than the food in the Devil's Canteen.

After Shang Yunmiao and Shang Bing came back from school at a leisurely pace, the two simply strolled around the campus. After the food in their stomachs was almost digested, they returned to the classroom before the evening self-study bell rang.

Fang Anmin, who had been waiting on the podium for a long time, saw that everyone in the class had arrived, and picked up a stack of letter paper from the podium and handed it to Ma Shaolong and Zhang Xinyu.

"Come on, pass this down, four sheets per person."

It should be mentioned here that when Ma Shaolong received the letter paper from the head teacher, a small incident occurred. Ma Shaolong accidentally touched Zhang Xinyu's hand.

After noticing it, Ma Shaolong himself was quite embarrassed. He stood there with an awkward look on his face and looked at Zhang Xinyu, but the other party did her work without caring at all.

After reacting, Ma Shaolong also immediately went to distribute the letter paper.

After a short period of chaos, the class returned to calm.

After making sure everyone had received the letter paper, Fang Anmin said, "In order to give students something to do during evening self-study, our school requires that students write a diary every day during military training to record their feelings at the moment. From today, Monday, to Thursday, one diary per day for four days of evening self-study.

Write well, because you have to put it away after the military training, and the teacher will read it one by one. Also, if you write well, you can read it on stage at the commendation meeting on Friday."

When the classmates heard that they had to write a diary every day, they were a little dissatisfied. But when they heard that they could read it at the commendation meeting if they wrote well, this dissatisfaction instantly turned into excitement.

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