"Is business good or bad recently? If it's good, how do you have the time to come here? If it's not good, where do you get the spare money to buy a car?"

"Of course business is good." Chen Shichao started the car and refuted Chen Bing in a high-pitched tone, and then continued, "Have you ever seen a big boss who has to deal with business himself? They are all having fun. If there is anything in the business, of course, they will leave it to their subordinates to do it."

Hearing this, Chen Bing smiled slightly.

It seems that the business is really good, otherwise according to Chen Shichao's personality, he would not say such a thing. Although I don't know how much it has done, it must have increased several times in the past few years, from 10 or 20 million start-up capital to 50 or 60 million assets.

In this case, Chen Bing is much more relieved. The unreliable old Chen is actually quite reliable in business, and he didn't spend so much money.

"He just loves to brag." Liu Yue, who was sitting in the passenger seat, heard this and handed the phone in her hand to Shang Yunmiao, and then said, "According to his personality, if he hadn't just picked up the car yesterday and wanted to drive it out to show off, he would definitely not come to pick you up today."

Although Liu Yue's words meant to blame Chen Shichao for showing off, from that tone, it feels full of pride.

Well, Xiao Chen is indeed worthy of pride. Chen Bing feels that even with the information gap advantage brought by rebirth, he can't make money like the other party.

For a Chinese language and literature major like him, it is very simple to understand a lot of knowledge and principles, appreciate life, handle a lot of documents and office problems, but it is a bit stretched when it comes to business and financial management.

Therefore, for Chen Bing in his previous life, the most comfortable life state was to take the civil service exam, get a career, and go to work easily.

As for this life... I have money and I still go to work. I want to improve the quality of life, learn what I am interested in, be a fun person, and live a happy and high-quality life every day.

Ahem, let's get back to Chen's entrepreneurship. In terms of making money, although I have hoarded a lot of Bitcoin in advance, it is only 20 or 30 million at most, and I will only eat up all my wealth in my lifetime. Now it seems that it was a wise choice to use more than half of my wealth to support Chen Shichao's entrepreneurship.

Of course, this is all my credit.

After feeling proud in his heart, Chen Bing began to study the interior of the car. It can't be said that a good car is a good car, and it is expensive for a reason.

After watching for a while, Chen Bing was invited by Shang Yunmiao to watch his speech video together.

The self on the screen is handsome and generous. Just one look makes people sigh, "Fuck, who is this, so handsome?"

"Am I handsome when I speak?" It's not enough to think it looks good. As a social creature, it's more important to see what others think. So Chen Bing asked Shang Yunmiao, who was staring at him seriously.

"Handsome, very handsome!"

Xiao Shang also flattered Mr. Chen, which made him very happy. He immediately reached out and touched the little girl's head, muttering "You are also good-looking" and other commercial compliments.

Soon, the BMW driven by Chen Shichao drove into Shangping and stopped in front of a hotel building with more than ten or twenty floors.

Needless to say, this is Lao Chen's property.

After finding a place to have a simple lunch, Chen Shichao stayed here to take care of the work, while Liu Yue drove the two children back to their home in Shangping.

"Yunmiao, do you want to stay at your mother's house this week? I will drive you and Chen Bing back on Sunday."

Liu Yue proposed to Shang Yunmiao, who was sitting in the back seat, as soon as the car was parked in the parking garage on the first floor.

Hearing this, the little girl was obviously moved. However, after turning her head to look at Chen Bing beside her, she turned her head and shook her head to refuse.

"No, Mom, I'd better go home, otherwise it's not good for Mom to live alone at home."

Hearing this, Liu Yue did not insist. After getting off the car, she stretched out her hand to hold Shang Yunmiao's, and said while leading her into the house: "Okay, wait until your dad gets home from work in the evening, then you can follow him. Before that, play with Auntie at home first, or let's go shopping in the afternoon, okay? Recently, a large shopping mall has opened in the commercial street."

"Okay! I will listen to Mom."

The two walked into the house talking and laughing, and Chen Bing followed them happily with two bags.

An afternoon passed quickly, and Shang Yunmiao had a lot of fun during this half day. She first tried to make cookies with Liu Yue, and then went out shopping with her.Street. After returning in the afternoon, she played games with Chen Bing and ate some snacks.

Around eight o'clock in the evening, under the warm light, she and Chen Bing's family had dinner, took a bath and changed into new clothes, and then watched TV until about nine o'clock. Shang Zhengxin came to pick her up after get off work and then packed up to go home.

"Goodbye, Mom, goodbye Uncle Chen, goodbye Chen Bing."

Outside the villa, Shang Yunmiao, wearing a beautiful dress, grabbed her father's clothes with one hand and waved to say goodbye to Chen Bing's family with the other hand.

"I'll trouble my brother and sister-in-law to take care of my daughter."

"It's not a problem, it's not a problem. Our family likes Yunmiao very much. Let her come to our house more often when she is free to improve our relationship.

But Brother Shang came home so late after get off work. The work in the Education Bureau is hard enough."

"Hey, what's so hard about it."

After a congenial remark, the three parents chatted about work.

This made Shang Yunmiao feel a little embarrassed. After all, she had just said goodbye, so how could she not get away again?

Fortunately, Chen Bing was also standing there stupidly, so she let go of her hand holding her father's clothes and walked happily to Chen Bing's side.

After holding Xiao Shang's hand, Chen Bing glanced at the courtyard of the small villa. After discovering the swing located in a corner of the courtyard, he took the little girl there to play for a while.

Shang Yunmiao sat on the big wooden swing, and Chen Bing gently pushed her from behind and talked to her.

The weather was slightly cold at night in early autumn, and the clear night sky was dotted with stars. A bright moon was surrounded by it, and sometimes it was covered by a veil of thin clouds.

Against the backdrop of the bright moonlight, it seemed that the moon blocked the thin clouds, rather than the thin clouds covering the bright moon.

The distance between man and the moon became closer under this illusion, just like Shang Yunmiao's pair of talking eyes, crystal clear and bright, and with strands of hair floating by, it appeared particularly pure and white.

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