After letting the students in the class riot for a while, Fang Anmin took advantage of the lively atmosphere to say some encouraging words to the students.

"Okay, so you should study hard in the next month and strive to lay a good foundation for the next three years of junior high school. Then... the third thing is about the arrangement of our class's work and rest time and schedule. I will briefly talk about it here, and I will post it in front later. If you are interested, you can take a look."

After briefly introducing the schedule, Fang Anmin talked about the key point of the third thing, the arrangement of work and rest time.

"The schedule during the military training is to make you adapt to junior high school first. Now that the military training is over, I will talk about the official schedule of the first grade of our school.

6:50 to 7:30 in the morning is the time for morning reading, and 7:30 to 8:00 for lunch. Then there are four classes until 11:30 in the afternoon, and lunch break starts at 12:30, sleeping for an hour and a half until 14:00.

The school requires that students take a nap in the dormitory during this period. Of course, we do not object to students coming to the classroom to study, and students who go to school on a daily basis can also stay in the classroom and take a nap.

14:00 to 17:20 is the afternoon Four classes, according to the school's requirements, our science and technology class has to add a self-study class until 17:50. 17:50 to 19:00 is the time for eating and free activities. Day students can leave the school during this time.

Then from 19:00, evening self-study begins, each class lasts for 40 minutes. Day students can leave after the second class, which is 20:30. The get out of class for those who live on campus ends at 21:10, and they go to bed at 22:30.

After saying so much in one breath, Fang Anmin felt a little dry in his mouth. He took a sip of the lethal amount of wolfberry tea in the cup and asked the class: "Are there any more questions?"

Ma Shaolong immediately raised his hand. After being called up, he asked: "When will the class leaders be elected?"

"No hurry, no hurry. "After waving his hands twice to let Ma Shaolong sit down, Fang Anmin assumed that no one else had any objections, so after saying "quiet study", he took the note and his glass, tightened his belt under his belly, and then left the classroom for the meeting room.

Soon after Fang Anmin left, the bell for the second evening study session rang.

After packing up, Chen Bing just stood up and saw Shang Yunmiao had just finished packing his schoolbag and had walked in front of him.

The other party lowered his head slightly, looking like he was worried.

"Let's go."

"Yeah. "

Shang Yunmiao was indeed worried tonight. The girl's heart was like the moonlight tonight, which was slightly obscured by the passing clouds.

On the one hand, Shang Yunmiao really wanted to discuss with Chen Bing about sitting together after the monthly exam, but on the other hand, she was struggling with whether she should do so.

First of all, she was sitting with Ma Lele at the moment. If she abandoned him and sat with Chen Bing, what would Ma Lele do? If there were no other girls sitting with her, she would be too guilty.

Secondly, it was Chen Bing who took the initiative to ask them to sit separately. What if she asked them to sit together and he refused?

It was in this tangle that Shang Yunmiao became silent. Some troubles bothered the adolescent girl, so much so that she didn't even notice that Chen Bing and her mother discussed riding an electric bike to school the next day.

"Yunmiao, what do you think?"

"Ah? What, what do you think? "After being called by her mother suddenly, Shang Yunmiao raised her head and showed a puzzled head.

"What do you think? Brother Chen Bing told mom that he will ride an electric bike to and from school in the future, and asked if you want to go with him."

Hearing this, Shang Yunmiao was a little happy, and then nodded and said yes. If she could ride a bike to school with Chen Bing, she would undoubtedly be much freer. At the same time, it would also make her mother more relaxed, so that she would not have to change her work and rest schedule for many years, going to work an hour earlier every day and leaving get off work two or three hours later.

But this unexpected surprise was soon drowned in the girl's endless entanglement. Until the next day, Chen Bing really sat in the front seat of the electric bike and honked the horn to urge her to get on, she did not come out of it.

"What's wrong, you look worried, are you worried about something?" Facing the morning breeze, Chen Bing, who had noticed the girl's strangeness since last night, asked.

"Ah? No, nothing. "After answering that it was okay, Shang Yunmiao put his arms around Chen Bing's waist, and then put his little face on his warm, sun-scented back.

I'm so weird, I can't even say I want to sit with you after the monthly exam, but I can do intimate actions so naturally. Shang Yunmiao reflected a little in his heart, thinking that maybe he was used to it since he was a child, or maybe he really liked Chen Bing...This thought kept bothering her.

Perhaps she would never figure it out in her life. This strange feeling was the strange feeling of closeness and alienation brought about by the two people gradually getting closer from a close relationship to another close relationship due to their growth.

The reason why she could make intimate actions without hesitation was because the intimacy of childhood was still there. The reason why she couldn't say that she wanted to sit at the same table with you was because the budding youth made her discover an unprecedented emotion in the boy.

We usually call this kind of feeling love, but unlike ordinary heartbeats, the love between the two is an extraordinary love that sprouts from friendship, family affection, and admiration, so from the beginning, it is destined to have some extraordinary little troubles.

After buying Shang Yunmiao a cup of yogurt at the school gate, Chen Bing pushed the cart and entered the campus with her. After leaving the security uncle's sight, Chen Bing once again carried Shang Yunmiao and galloped in the breeze of early autumn again.

After parking the electric bike in the parking space under the old acacia tree, the two walked into the classroom and returned to their seats.

After a morning reading class where they didn't know what to read, the students who lived in the class rushed out of the classroom and headed towards the canteen.

Although the main meals at noon and in the evening were terrible, fortunately the taste of breakfast was still edible. After all, boiled eggs, pickled vegetables, kelp, fried dough sticks, and boiled meatballs were not bad no matter how they were made.

After the class dispersed, there were only five or six people left in the huge class.

After seeing that the surroundings had quieted down, Chen Bing closed the book on the table. He wanted to chat with Shang Yunmiao, but he didn't expect that an unexpected person took the initiative to sit in Cai Kunnan's seat.

Looking up, the person turned out to be Zhang Xinyu.

"Hello." Zhang Xinyu waved a beautiful hand and greeted Chen Bing with a smile.

"Good morning." After nodding simply, Chen Bing turned his gaze to Shang Yunmiao who was looking over here.

The little girl's expression was not good at this time, a little surprised, plus very nervous and worried.

After signaling with his eyes that he would be there soon, Chen Bing turned his gaze back to Zhang Xinyu, curious about what she came to see him for.

After noticing the change in Chen Bing's gaze, Zhang Xinyu turned her head and released a kind look to Shang Yunmiao, and then opened her mouth to speak to Chen Bing.

(Guess what ꉂ (๑¯ਊ¯)σ)

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