It was okay for Zhang Anran to not know that the moth had landed on her textbook, but a kind bystander reminded her.

"The moth has landed on your textbook! It's crawling onto your hand!"

Hearing this, Zhang Anran was about to cry. She stamped her feet unconsciously and asked her deskmate Qiao Mengmeng for help in a crying voice.

Although Qiao Mengmeng was fat and strong, with a big face, she was just a weak woman in her heart. While the moth was flying on Zhang Anran's biology textbook, she ran away early.

Right now, the situation has really reached the most critical moment. Which warrior can stand up and perform a hero saving a beauty?

Ma Shaolong? Hiding aside with fear on his face.

Chen Bing? Sitting in his seat as if it had nothing to do with him.

Cai Kunnan? Although he was very interested in this moth, he was helpless because the place was remote and there were many people seeking refuge around him.

Shang Yunmiao, Zhang Xinyu, Ma Lele, Wen Xin, Li Wentong? Not to mention the girls, including Zhang Xinyu, all of them stayed away, so whether a person is mature or not is completely different from whether they are afraid of insects.


It seems that... the so-called celebrities in the world are nothing but incompetent rats. The only one who can be called a hero in Class 1, Grade 7 is me, Cai Shichen.

Just when Zhang Anran was in despair, a man stepped forward, bypassed the panicked crowd, and resolutely walked towards the big moth.

Everyone in the class saw him holding a paper stick, and his thick black bangs covered half of his eyes. A simple black dress made his skin look even darker, and the whole person was like a messenger walking out of the night sky.

He is Cai Shichen!

Seeing that someone finally came to help her, Zhang Anran's gratitude was endless. She looked at Cai Shichen with expectant eyes. Although he was dark, short and ugly, it did not affect his tall image at all.

Others in the class also looked at Cai Shichen with new eyes. They did not expect that this person who looked naughty and unruly on weekdays would be so brave at the critical moment.

The classmates looked at him with new eyes, the look of Zhang Anran with twin ponytails expecting a hero, and several boys in the back row shouted from afar, "Come on, Brother Chen!". Hearing this, Cai Shichen felt that his whole body was full of strength as if he had been injected with chicken blood. The paper stick rolled up with math books in his hand was no longer a paper stick, but the sword of the brave predicted by the gods. The moth he went to challenge was no longer a moth, but the devil who lived in the devil's city and kidnapped the princess.

Today, I am the brave Cai Shichen! I must kill the devil!

Cai Shichen was ready to stare at the moth, and his whole body exuded a murderous aura.

After feeling the murderous aura coming from the surrounding air, the moth lying on the biology textbook instinctively spread its wings.

My God, what kind of picture was that for Cai Shichen?

The ugly moth, which was only half the size of a fist, actually covered one-fourth of a biology textbook with its wings spread out! Moreover, the fluff hidden under the wings and the ugly tail that beat like a heart were all displayed in front of Cai Shichen. I couldn't see it clearly at a distance just now, but when I got closer, I found that this insect was so scary.

Nature is really wonderful, and humans are really strange.

When he was young, when Cai Shichen heard from the animal world or somewhere else that animals would spread their wings, arms and other things when they were frightened to scare the enemy, he often felt that this behavior was stupid.

But today, the moth proved to him through a practical demonstration that it was not stupid to spread its wings to intimidate the enemy, and it was really effective.

In addition to the increase in size, the moth with its wings spread also sent a dangerous signal to Cai Shichen, that is, "I will take off soon, and I will go to your mouth next."

Cai Shichen was frightened. The brave man who was still high-spirited just now was like a three-year-old child, screaming and running away from the terrifying big moth.

Although his classmates despised his performance, no one paid attention to his embarrassing scene. Because the moth had taken off again and hovered over the classroom again.

After the moth left, the frightened Zhang Anran directly lay on the desk and buried her head and cried. What moth or not, she didn't care at all.

As soon as the moth left, the distribution of people in the class changed significantly. Many people moved from one side to the other in a noisy manner, and the wall of people blocking Cai Kunnan finally dispersed.

Unable to contain his excitement, he picked up the Holy Sword of Geography and charged towards the moth with audacity and arrogance., and seemed to want to collect it as a specimen.

"Ah! It's flying over there!"

Accompanied by this frightened voice, Qiao Mengmeng, who had just abandoned Zhang Anran, found that the moth was flying straight towards her at a very fast speed, and soon, it landed steadily on her big face.


The frightened Qiao Mengmeng launched a 130-decibel scream attack on the moth, which effectively scared it away, and then continued to hover in the air.

However, Cai Kunnan, who had already rushed up, was also accidentally injured by her scream attack. For a while, he was shocked and held his head, bending his body in pain, and obviously lost his fighting power.

In this way, everyone in the class watched the moth hovering over the classroom again and again, and the fear in their hearts was like that of civilians facing a bomber.

Seeing this, Chen Bing rolled up the homework book in his hand to protect himself, and at the same time he was looking for a suitable opportunity to take action.

But at this moment, the flight path of the moth changed again.

"Ah! It's going to fall over there!"

That was the first one or two rows by the window of the classroom, where Shang Yunmiao, Zhang Xinyu, Ma Lele and other girls were.

The delicate girls screamed again, but the moth just hovered over them and didn't fall, as if its purpose was to scare them.

The most beautiful girls in the class were frightened like this, and the boys, including Ma Shaolong, were heartbroken for a while. But facing the moth that really dared to land on people's faces, they didn't dare to act rashly. Being able to stare blankly at the side was already a warrior. Most people had already slipped away and ran out of the classroom.

Perhaps it was a little tired after flying for a long time, the speed of the moth slowly decreased, and the height of the hovering became lower and lower, obviously preparing to land on the top of a few black heads.

Zhang Xinyu noticed this and raised her tearful eyes, mustered up her courage and waved the book, but the moth easily dodged it. Now, she had no courage anymore.

"Who, who can help me!?"

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