"Aunt Xuan, what do you think?" Without waiting for Shang Yunmiao to answer, Chen Bing turned to Yunxuan who was driving in front and said.

"Aunt Xuan has no objection, as long as you study hard at home. However, you have to ask your uncle Shang about this matter. He is the strictest in managing students. When he was the head of the grade, he sent a student who was often late home to reflect for a week."

Hearing her mother's words, Shang Yunmiao nodded with deep emotion, and then added: "Well, my father is very strict. After entering junior high school, he asked me to study for a while every day after returning home."

Hearing these words, Chen Bing was not intimidated by the difficulties in front of him. On the one hand, he knew that for middle school, especially for high school, students only need grades, which is everything.

It is natural to enjoy all kinds of privileges that do not violate principles. In this Tianchao Middle School where only scores are considered, as long as you have the hope of being admitted to the two top universities, including the principal, everything in the school will be open to you.

In addition to grades, in Chen Bing's eyes, Shang Zhengxin never showed too much cruelty. In his previous life, when he was studying at Shangping Experimental Middle School, he didn't work there. In this life, although he was serious in front of him, he always gave him a kind feeling.

Therefore, Chen Bing didn't think it was difficult to persuade Shang Zhengxin to agree that he didn't go to morning reading and evening self-study.

What? You ask me why I have to ask him to agree?

Nonsense, taking someone else's daughter and letting someone else's wife send you to school late and leave early all day, don't you take the deputy director of the Education Bureau seriously? Do you understand the value of the director of the Education Bureau? The so-called director of the Education Bureau means that in a county, all matters in the field of education, no matter how big or small, no matter what, must be subject to the instructions of the director.

Not to mention whether a junior high school student goes to evening self-study, even the establishment of the principal and vice principal of Baishi No. 1 Middle School... the entire leadership team, don't we have to see what the director thinks?

Just kidding, the director is not the emperor, how can he be so broad-minded? The above-mentioned things are all based on procedures, rules and democracy. The director is just coordinating these tasks and making major policies.

However, Chen Bing's lateness and early departure are not included in the "above". Personally, I think Shang Zhengxin's opinions in this regard may be more important than those of Chen Shichao and his wife who let their children run wild.

With the idea of ​​seeking Uncle Shang's opinion, Chen Bing stayed at Shang Yunmiao's house after school, playing, studying, eating and waiting for Shang Zhengxin to come home.

In this way, time passed in a blink of an eye and it was more than nine o'clock in the evening. Shang Zhengxin dragged his tired body to open the door and shouted to his wife and daughter in the house: "I'm back."

"You've worked hard. I'll go heat up the food for you."

"Welcome home, Dad."

"Uncle Shang, you've worked hard."

Looking up at the living room, Shang Zhengxin saw Chen Bing who was greeting him.

"Bingbing is home, welcome, welcome, you can continue to play, no need to greet uncle."

After waving to the other party, the vigorous Shang Zhengxin first went back to the bedroom to get clothes, then went to the bathroom to take a good bath, and then went to the kitchen to eat today's midnight snack like a whirlwind.

Although he had dinner at school, the workload was relatively large after all. Shang Zhengxin was a good principal who could not sit still. Even if he had nothing to do, he always liked to patrol the classrooms of various grades.

Moreover, the food at home was definitely different from that in the school cafeteria. This was a midnight snack made by his gentle and virtuous wife. It not only satisfied his physical hunger, but also was Shang Zhengxin's spiritual food.

Just ask, is there anything happier than working diligently for a day, returning home to look at the faces of his wife and daughter, taking a comfortable bath and eating, and then hugging his beautiful wife to watch TV for a while, and teaching his smart daughter to learn something?

If there is, it is to play two more games of Go with the kid next door.

"Xiao Chen, come on, let's go to the balcony to play Go with uncle."

How could Chen Bing refuse Shang Zhengxin's invitation? He immediately stood up and prepared to speak out his thoughts while playing Go with him.

After the chessboard was set up, Chen Bing heard Shang Zhengxin ask before he could speak: "By the way, Xiaoxuan said that your school's monthly exam results are coming out soon, right?"

This topic hit Chen Bing's heart. After he finished playing the chess in his hand, he smiled and replied: "I was just about to tell you that the results just came out at noon today."

Shang Zhengxin nodded. He knew that Chen Bing had a good grade in elementary school and often ranked first in the school in exams., full marks in all subjects.

He even heard from his daughter that she had already started to prepare for middle school knowledge. However, junior high school is different from elementary school. The knowledge is obviously more difficult in terms of difficulty and quantity. Therefore, compared with his daughter who knew the answer, he wanted to know Chen Bing's test results more.

"It's out. Seeing your smile, I guess you did well in the test, right?"

"Well, I got 509 points by chance, the first in the school."

Since Shang Zhengxin started working, he has mainly focused on high school education. Therefore, if he didn't think about it carefully, he really didn't realize that 510 points was the full score for the first grade of junior high school.

However, he knew that although the overall strength of Baishi No. 1 Middle School where his wife taught was not ranked among the top in the county, the first place in the high school entrance examinations over the years could be admitted to the top ten or even the top five in the county.

Therefore, when he heard that Chen Bing got the first place, he was quite relieved.

"First place, not bad, not bad. You must keep calm and keep working hard. If you do well in the high school entrance examination and get a high ranking in the city, and bring honor to our county, your uncle, as the deputy director of the county education bureau, will definitely give you a big reward."

"Thank you, Uncle Shang, but don't draw me a big cake. I have a small request right now and want to ask your opinion."

Oh, Shang Zhengxin was happy to hear that Chen Bing had a "small request". In the past, when he was teaching top students in school, even if he said this, the top students would only treat it as a joke or a polite remark. It was really rare for someone like Chen Bing to climb up the stick and make requests on the spot.

However, he didn't hate it.

"Well, OK, tell your uncle what you want. I will satisfy whatever I can..." Shang Zhengxin paused when he said this. He quickly glanced at his daughter who was sitting on the sofa and watching TV with his wife, and then changed the subject and said, "I will satisfy you depending on the situation." Chen Bing, who was studying the chessboard with his head down, did not notice the other party's change of mind. He stated his request after placing the chess piece.

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