After that, Liu Yue took out a few more toys, but unfortunately Chen Bing was not interested in any of them.

This made her a little discouraged. Other children were very easy to coax. They could laugh from ear to ear by shaking a rattle. Her own child rarely laughed, which made her, as a mother, feel very unsuccessful.

"Then why don't you take a look at which one you want to play with?"

Disheartened, she lost the motivation to search. Anyway, no matter what she took out, Bingbing would not be interested, right?

So, she threw all the toys on the bed in despair, and then picked up Chen Bing and let him choose one by one.

Let's say, does it have to play with this toy? Chen Bing didn't understand why Liu Yue insisted that he take a toy to play with, so he could only cooperate with her and prepare to pick one at random.

They are all for babies to play with. How can a twenty-year-old official like me be interested in this?

Because Chen Bing's eyesight is not well developed yet, he can only get closer to look at them one by one. Just as he was about to play with the "colorful" piano keys, a small black box beside him attracted his attention.

Is this a radio?

Chen Bing couldn't figure out why it appeared here, but there was no doubt that he was more interested in this than the others.

"Ahhh." His little hand pointed at the radio, indicating that he wanted to play with it.

"Ah? This? This seems to be grandpa's radio, how did it get into this box?"

Liu Yue talked to herself, and had no intention of giving it to Chen Bing to play with.

Now it was Chen Bing's turn to be anxious. The moment he saw the radio, he thought of using it to listen to foreign language broadcasts. After all, there was only one TV at home, and it was unlikely that he would occupy it to watch foreign language programs. And he didn't have any requirements for the picture, so overall, the radio was a good choice.

You are an incompetent mother, you dare to hinder your motivated child.

There was no way, Chen Bing didn't want to use this trick, it was my mother who forced me.

"Hmm... hum... woooo ... "Hey, it's no big deal. The radio has been broken for a long time, just let him play with it."

Grandma also left the room with a smile, and prepared to tell others what had just happened.

She smiled, but Chen Bing couldn't laugh at all.

Why didn't you tell me earlier that it was out of power and broken? I cried for nothing.

This precocious baby sighed in his heart, and then pretended to fiddle with the radio for a while, and then started his crying offensive again.

About five minutes later, when the brand new red radio bought by grandpa appeared in Chen Bing's hand, he finally stopped crying.

At this time, Dad, Mom, Grandpa, Grandma, and Uncle and Aunt were all in the room. They witnessed the scene that they stopped crying after getting a good, usable radio, and they were a little surprised for a while.

After gathering together for a while, they left the room and went to do their own things.

Chen Bing felt a little guilty for using the privileges of a child for the first time, but all these guilty feelings seemed insignificant in front of the radio. Especially when Daniel Radcliffe recited Shakespeare's Hamlet on the radio, the joyful mood was particularly obvious.

What, you asked me how I knew it was this person who recited this?

Of course it was because there was a Chinese introduction before the recitation began, otherwise how could I have heard it?

Not only Chen Bing heard this Chinese introduction, but Liu Yue beside her also heard it clearly.

She first fell into a period of contemplation, and then after seeing Chen Bing listening seriously, she selectively closed her mouth and held her breath, as if she was afraid of disturbing a major event.

After the magnetic voice continued for a few minutes, she tiptoed off the bed, opened the door and went to do something.

This feeling is very strange. Although I know only a little about this recitation, I can easily immerse myself in it.In it. Every familiar or unfamiliar word, like a robber, invaded Chen Bing's brain fiercely. This feeling of being surrounded by a wall of knowledge is so wonderful. Is this the sensitivity of babies to language?

No, if this is the case, there must be more people in the world who can speak multiple languages ​​at the age of three or four than there are now. So, is it the result of the mixed effect of his adult soul and his body in the cradle period?

Putting these speculations aside for the time being, Chen Bing listened to the recitation from the radio infatuatedly and couldn't extricate himself for a long time.

And at the window that he couldn't see, his relatives were watching him there at the moment.


More than six months passed in a blink of an eye. During this time, my grandfather's big red Wanlida radio almost became his personal property. Every day he would clamor for his family to play foreign recitations for him.

And every time he heard this, Chen Bing would cooperate and not make a fuss.

Thus, when the college entrance examination candidates of the same year were still wrapped in diapers and playing with rattles, he had learned four languages ​​including English, Japanese, Portuguese and Russian, and was proficient in them!

Although Portuguese and Russian were still illiterate, considering that this baby was only seven and a half months old, this achievement was enough to laugh at his peers around the world.

No, is it interesting to compare with a group of little kids wrapped in diapers?

Narrator: Don't say anything, just say it out of envy.

In short, Chen Bing is now proficient in five languages. In this era when the level of translation software is limited and Chinese people generally worship foreign things, he is still a high-end talent.

However, there are still some problems.

That is, he can't just speak a few foreign words for no reason. Although he can speak, he must make sure that there are no other people around him when practicing oral English.

Normal children will speak when they are one year old, so even if he can't wait, he has to hold it in until October before calling mom and dad. Otherwise, he is not a genius, but a person possessed by a ghost.

The same is true for walking. Chen Bing plans to learn how to walk by the end of September.

Although he cannot walk yet, Chen Bing has already mastered the "crawling" skill in front of his family a month and a half ago. So now the whole house is his range of activities. No matter where he wants to go, he doesn't need to find a driver. This feeling is as convenient as having a BYD car in the city.

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