After Liu Chenggong repeated the story again, Liu Jing also roughly understood what happened. Although it was not as serious as she imagined, her brows were still slightly locked and she looked very sad.

"Okay, okay, why are you all gathered together? It's not a big deal, just live your life as you should."

Liu Wuben himself didn't think it was a big deal. Since there was no way to have surgery or cure it, everyone should do what they should do. He also ate and drank as usual. When the time came, he would just lie on the ground and bury himself in the soil.

Seeing his optimistic look, everyone's mood improved a little. After staying with his father (grandfather) for a while, they went back to their own homes.

At about ten o'clock that night, Chen Shichao dragged his tired body back from the town. When he was about to find Liu Yue to comfort him, he saw that the other party was telling about his father's affairs with a sad face.

Unable to get comfort, he could only comfort his wife and comfort her that it was nothing. The family is not as good as before. We have money now and can buy some supplements and medicines for the elderly. We can also afford medical treatment and hospitalization. As long as we accompany the elderly to spend the last stage of his life, that is what we, as children, can do.

Liu Yue hummed twice after hearing this, then raised her head and began to feel fortunate that her man was capable and could make money.

Chen Shichao was a little embarrassed because Chen Bing was listening beside him.

Chen Bing didn't have much feeling about his credit being taken by others and praised in front of him. He is now like Liu Yue, feeling lost in this bad news.

Unlike the previous life when he only had a few memories of his grandfather, he spent a long time with him in this life, and felt the love between grandparents and grandchildren from him that he had never felt before.

Now, when he thought that such a kind old man would pass away in the near future and would no longer be able to participate in his future life. He felt lost in his heart because he could no longer see his future achievements.

Life and death are inseparable, and things in the world are unpredictable.

Chen Bing wanted to spend more time with his grandfather and work harder at the end of his life. Let him see his own growth, through his own brilliance when he was five or six years old, and see the continuation of his bloodline bursting with brilliant brilliance in the future century.

With this idea in mind, time leaped from 2009 to the 1910s, and Chen Bing also started the senior class at the age of five.

In the past six months, grandpa's physical condition was not as optimistic as imagined. His stomach hurt more and more, so that he had difficulty swallowing when eating, which made him look much thinner.

My uncle also came twice during this period, because he saw that his father was in good condition, so he didn't stay for long. His business was in Jinling, and he was doing well, so he couldn't leave for too long.

When he returned to Jinling on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month this year, he took his father to see a doctor, and the result was the same. The doctor only said that he ate well and drank well.

After seeing the doctor, he stayed in Jinling for more than ten days, and then he kept talking about coming back.

In all his life, Jinling should be the most prosperous city he has ever seen.

There are tall buildings and many new things there. But at his age, he has no interest in new things. He still likes places that he is familiar with.

Small Shangping County, small Baishi Town, small Baixiang Village.

For decades, Liu Wucheng has taken root in this land. He grew up here, lived here, worked here, his wife is here, and his memories of everything are also here.

I remember the high wheat piles in the fields, the uncle who rode a bicycle to sell popsicles, my old colleagues, and the little classmates I taught.

The vagueness in the memory, after the baptism of the years, has made many people who have not seen for many years unrecognizable.

But it is this vagueness that outlines his beautiful memories of the past.

So, when he heard from others that the village would be demolished in a few years, he was happy because he happened to be ahead of it.

Taking advantage of this joy, he recalled his memories since birth again and again.

Whenever he recalled something joyful, he would think twice more. For example, when he became a teacher in the town primary school, when he married his wife, when his children were born...

His memory wandered around and he remembered an interesting thing.

It was a summer and autumn in the last century. After the school holiday, he and his wife went to the fields to work.

The weather was better than it is now. In the afterglow of the evening, dragonflies were flying all over the sky. As long as you take a net and throw it into the sky, you can catch countless dragonflies.

At that time, I helped my little daughter catch several dragonflies to play with, and then used the net in my pocket to catch them.He rolled some tobacco on a paper roll and smoked one while watering the field.

When his wife saw this, she came up and grumbled, so he had to lift his buttocks from the ridge and prepare to continue working.

Just then, the sound of selling popsicles came from afar. Before the little daughter could clamor for food, his wife poked her waist with two fingers and clamored that she wanted to eat.

So he took out a crumpled banknote from his waist, and called his little daughter who was playing nearby to buy two popsicles.

Liu Wucheng naturally didn't eat them. One of the two popsicles was held by the little daughter, and the other was held by his wife. He sat on the ridge again with peace of mind and lit a cigarette comfortably.

This time his wife didn't say anything, and she sat down beside him, one eating a popsicle and the other smoking a cigarette. Quietly watching the water flow through the field and flowing through the memory of that time.

By the way, what did the popsicles taste like back then?

I haven't seen people pushing bicycles and selling popsicles for many years.

There seems to be a store selling popsicles at the back of the village, but his body can no longer support him to walk so far to buy them.

However, he can let his children and grandchildren buy them like he did more than 20 years ago.

Looking at his grandson who was showing him calligraphy, Liu Wucheng smiled, and then took out two crumpled banknotes from his waist with two fingers.

"Your grandpa, I want to eat popsicles, go buy me one."

After the grandson took the banknotes, he trotted away.

Although his figure ran out, he ran in in his memory.

I still remember that it was also a summer one year. He was looking at his wife's photo in a daze, and suddenly heard a childish "Grandpa" from outside the door.

Since then, this mature and sensible grandson often came to visit him alone.

How old was he at that time? When other children couldn't even recognize people, he could cross half the village to come to his home.

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