Like this.

A sincere little girl will always have only one answer to this. That is to happily admit it, and then hold the hand of brother Chen Bing, whom she likes very much, and do things that both of them like together.

Such a sincere character is probably only in childhood, right?

When she grows up, it may be "Hey! Chen Bing".

However, if she subtly influences...

No, no, I am thinking about some obscene development plot. Your mental age is almost over 30, don't you feel disgusted when thinking about these? Uh, shrimp head ants, steaming disgusting, and the second dimension is also disgusting!

After holding Shang Yunmiao's hand, Chen Bing did not leave the room, but took her around here.

The bathroom does not leak, and the shower head is also normal. The lighting is good and the floor is high...

Speaking of which, when Chen Bing went to live alone in another place in his previous life, he had three or four years of experience renting a house. So from the perspective of experience, it must be much better than the random people present.

If the landlord rents out his own house, the overall quality is definitely more reliable than finding an agent. As long as you pay attention to the contract, there will be no problem.

"What is the landlord lady outside like?"

After checking, Chen Bing asked Shang Yunmiao beside him.

The little girl blinked her big eyes and answered subconsciously: "She often sends us food and eats people very well. Every time I see my mother, I talk to her for a long time."

Then there is no problem.

Chen Bing returned to the living room and told Liu Yue about his inspection results and opinions.

His words naturally surprised everyone present. They all lamented that this child could understand these at the age of a child, and thought in their hearts that if they could not use them for their own use, they would get rid of them. In contrast to these narrow-minded villains, Shang Meiren beside him secretly fell in love with him, and looked at him with her eyes, thinking about how to make him...

No, what abstract thing am I thinking about?

After filling a small cup, Chen Bing took Shang Yunmiao to her house to play.

This sentence sounds a bit strange, but it is actually true.

When they just walked out of the door, they happened to meet Chen Shichao who came to see the house. After pointing him the way, the two walked into Shang Yunmiao's house opposite.

"Welcome to my house!"

As soon as she entered the door, the little girl's temper was slightly relaxed.

"So this is your territory?" Seeing her lively spirit that was different from usual, Chen Bing smiled and teased her.

Five-year-old Shang Yunmiao didn't understand what he meant. She tilted her head slightly, looking very confused.

Like this: (・∀・*)?

Without further explanation, Chen Bing began to visit here with her.

The community where Shang Yunmiao lived was considered the best community in the town. Although it was much worse than the high-end communities in the county, it was still quite good in 2010.

Not only was there one elevator for two households, but the building was also nine stories high. Each household is about 150 square meters, including a kitchen, two bathrooms, a living room, three bedrooms, and a utility room, and also comes with a sizable balcony. It is more than enough to accommodate the three people in Chen Bing's family.

In addition to being clean and tidy, the small business has a lot of books, not only teaching materials, but also a lot of extracurricular books.

After all, both parents are teachers. Children who grow up in such an environment will not have bad grades in the future.

"Do you want to come to my room?" After taking Chen Bing around the house for a short circle, Shang Yunmiao asked, holding Chen Bing's wrist.

Girls' room? Wouldn't it be bad? After struggling in his heart for 3.1415926 seconds, Chen Bing patted Shang Yunmiao's head.

"Okay, let's go."

After pushing open the small wooden door with the words "Please knock before entering", Chen Bing saw the layout of Shang Yunmiao's boudoir.

The room is generally light pink, and the floor is covered with off-white cartoon carpet. In addition, there is a large round princess bed in the middle of the room, on which are placed many dolls of all sizes...

No way.

There are no disgusting otakus crawling in dark corners, thinking that beautiful girls' rooms are like this, right?

No way, no way?

In fact, Shang Yunmiao's room is very ordinary. Ordinary, a little messy, ordinary with a small desk, ordinary decoration without any girlish heart.

The only thing that fits the impression of disgusting otakus is probably the pink three-piece bed set, right?

After visiting Shang Yunmiao's home, the two played with toys for a while.

About twenty minutes later, Chen Bing, who was a little worried about Chen Shichao's situation, prepared to go over and take a look.

After promising Shang Yunmiao that she would be back in a while, the girl did not follow.

After arriving at the neighbor's house, Chen Bing saw four adults sitting at theOn the sofa, it sounded like they were discussing something about the rental contract.

"Have you decided?" Chen Bing walked to Liu Yue and asked her in her ear.

"Yes, it's decided. We will all live here for the next few years."

Chen Bing nodded lightly, then cast his eyes on the landlady who was talking.

"Well... if you rent it for 16 years, I can give you more discounts. Don't you really want to consider it?"

Chen Shichao glanced at Liu Yue, who dodged his gaze and was obviously unsure. There was no way, Chen Shichao had to take the attitude of the head of the family and make a tough decision.

"It's okay to be cheaper, but we may not be able to rent it until then. According to the developer, the new house will be delivered in about 14 years, and we will most likely move out after that."

Will the new house be delivered? I remember that I moved into the new house in the second semester of the fifth grade of elementary school in my previous life, which was the beginning of 16 years. After all, the house needs to be decorated after it is built, and the actual delivery is later than said.

So I didn't ask about renting for 16 years...


Chen Bing found a blind spot, that is, when 2016 comes, is it necessary for his family to move back to the new house built by the developer?

Let alone his Bitcoin, even if it is based on Chen Shichao's apparent income, I believe that his family will be able to save enough for the down payment of the new house in four or five years, right?

By then, he will definitely not be interested in the small house of just 100 square meters, so there is no need to consider this issue.

Chen Bing leaned close to Chen Shichao and whispered to him what he had just thought of.

"Just rent the house first. According to the current business of the family, we can buy a new house in 15 years at the latest, right?"

After listening, Chen Shichao felt that it made sense. So he made up his mind and wrote a big "2014" on the rental period.

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