"Mom! I'm here to take Bingbing home."

Just as grandma was instructing grandpa on how to hang clothes, a farm tricycle stopped at the door, and the person riding on it was Chen Bing's mother, the beautiful Ms. Liu Yue.

As soon as she arrived at the door, she saw her lovely son sitting in a basket at the door, so she jumped off the tricycle lightly, and then walked to Chen Bing, picked him up and gave him a good mouthful.

Good-looking people look good even when riding a tricycle.

Looking at the beauty of his mother when she was young, Chen Bing thought of himself in his previous life. Overall, he can see the shadow of a handsome guy, but he can't say he is very good-looking.

On the one hand, he is only 176 cm tall, but weighs 160 kg, so he looks a little fat.

Second, he likes to lick his teeth when he changes his teeth, which makes each tooth grow separately when he grows up, which looks very ugly.

Another thing is that he was naughty during adolescence and always couldn't help picking the pimples on his face, which led to a face full of pimple pits and acne marks.

Finally, the most critical point is that he is a typical science boy. Not only is he usually sloppy and untidy, but he also likes to play a certain two-word game.

These factors combined eventually shaped a standard disgusting fat otaku image in the eyes of the online trolls.

Although he learned his lesson after entering college, not only paid attention to his image, but also deleted a certain two-word game with great pain, but unfortunately it was too late.

For many years, he could not correct his habits such as hunched back and dull eyes. In the end, he played a good hand of cards badly.

Back to the point, Liu Yue now opened a breakfast shop at the entrance of the town primary school, selling vegetable cakes and porridge every morning, and was very busy.

So he had to get up at three or four o'clock every morning, put the sleeping Chen Bing at her mother's house at the other end of the village, and then ride a tricycle for several miles to the town to work.

Getting up so early every day, plus spending hours and hours in the dark and narrow breakfast shop frying vegetable pancakes, caused her to lose her youthful beauty and vitality at the age of only thirty, and turned into a completely yellow-faced woman.

"Mom! I'm taking Bingbing away!"

"Okay! Go ahead, I'll help you after I finish my farm work!"

Grandma stayed in the yard and didn't come out, just called out twice from a distance.

After getting a reply, Liu Yue put Chen Bing and the small basket Chen Bing was sitting on the back of the tricycle, then pedaled the tricycle back to her home.

About an hour or two later, grandma walked into the kitchen here with a rolling pin.

Days passed slowly, and the cicadas' chirping accompanied the midsummer breeze, blowing into this small house together. He sat aside and watched his mother and grandmother busy, making dough, kneading dough, chopping stuffing, tearing a piece of dough and rolling it into a pancake, and then wrapping the very solid stuffing in it.

The mother and daughter kept chatting about the trivialities of life, and their mouths never stopped. Their voices overwhelmed the poetic summer, but shaped Chen Bing's childhood in his memory.

Only a few fragments of his memory of when he was three or four years old remained, and in those fragments of memory, his mother was also busy at the same time, but she was much quieter than she is now.

Life is always full of tragedy, and what is more tragic than the tragedy itself is the people in it.

Struggling but unable to escape fate, roaring but useless. He could only watch helplessly as the expected black rhino slowly approached him, but he didn't know when it would really come.

So, tomorrow or an accident, which one would come first?

One day half a month later, the noise at home woke up Chen Bing who was sleeping soundly. It was two or three o'clock in the night, but he was not accompanied by Liu Yue. All the lights in the house were on.

Chen Bing had a bad premonition.

He climbed down from the bed unsteadily, and then went to the living room to see what was happening outside.

Just as he was crawling out, Liu Yue happened to push the door open.

She covered her mouth with one hand, and her eyes were red as if she had been crying hard for a while. When she saw Chen Bing crawling out of the bedroom, she sobbed softly, and then said in a gentle voice mixed with crying: "Baby, it's okay, it's okay, mommy will carry you back to sleep."

Seeing her like this, Chen Bing roughly guessed what happened.

Before he could react, he was carried back to bed by Liu Yue. She patted his back gently, trying to coax him to sleep as soon as possible.

Chen Bing cooperated with her and pretended to be asleep. When Liu Yue left, he turned over and climbed out of bed again, and then followed her to the door of the house from a distance.

"Ah, why are you here again?"

Liu Yue, who walked to the door of the house, inadvertently saw Chen Bing following behind her. She frowned and turned back to pick him up, ready to send him back to the room again.

At this time, I stillWhat sleep? Chen Bing struggled and screamed "Ahhh", trying to convey to Liu Yue that he didn't want to go back.

Seeing him like this, Liu Yue had to hold him and leave the house.

After turning left and right, Liu Yue held Chen Bing and came to his grandmother's house.

The lights were also bright here.

In addition to grandpa, there was a group of neighbors in grandma's house. Many people were crowded in such a small house, but there was no grandma.

"Did my mother send her?"

As soon as she came in, Liu Yue asked the crowd.

"She went, she asked your second brother to drive a motorcycle to the hospital, and your second uncle's eldest son also went."

Someone in the crowd responded to her, and after that, everyone fell into silence again.

Liu Yue was sobbing softly, and grandpa was smoking one pipe after another, his lips trembling slightly, and his head was always lowered.

Wisps of smoke came out of his nose or mouth, filling the whole room with smoke.

"Yue'er, take Bingbing back. Why leave the child here?"

After a long silence, Grandpa suddenly said to Liu Yue.

"Dad, Bingbing asked to come here."

Grandpa wanted to refute her, but after thinking about Chen Bing's cleverness, he finally said nothing. He just put out the cigarette silently and crossed his hands together.

A few minutes later, the roar of the motorcycle came from far away, breaking the silence of the village at night.

Hearing this sound, everyone felt nervous at first, and then saw Chen Bing's aunt Liu Jing, who came in with her husband with a big belly.

As soon as she came in, she hurriedly asked the people present what was going on.

Half an hour ago, she was awakened by a rapid phone ring. She took the phone and saw that it was her second uncle from her hometown calling her.

As soon as the call was connected, the second uncle told her that her mother was in the hospital and asked her to come home and see her.

After listening to the call, she rushed back from the town with her husband without stopping, and she still knew nothing at the moment.

After hearing her question, a person present immediately explained to her: "At twelve o'clock tonight, your mother said that she had a severe headache and chest tightness. Your father thought it was an old illness, so he gave the medicine to your mother to take. After taking the medicine, the old couple fell asleep.

Who would have thought that your mother would feel more and more uncomfortable in the middle of the night, and it didn't work after taking the medicine again. Then your father ran outside to call for help. After about a few minutes, he came back and saw that your mother had fallen to the ground and couldn't open her eyes. The eyeballs were all white, and she was still breathing.

Everyone saw that something was wrong, so they hurriedly asked your second brother to take her to the hospital. It has been more than 20 minutes now."

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