When the last note of the first movement of the E minor concerto fell, the applause that had stopped in the preparatory stage fell one after another.

Although the performer's strength was not outstanding among the candidates for the grade test, those things seemed insignificant at his age of six.

Grade 6 violin is considered a good level. Ordinary people need to receive one-on-one tutoring from professional teachers for five or six years and practice two hours a day to reach this level.

The little boy standing on the stage today played this piece completely and accurately at the age of six, which just shows that he has unlimited prospects.

After bowing, Chen Bing left the stage.

"Awesome, really awesome. It's much higher than before, and there is no nervousness or mistakes at all!" The violin teacher who brought Chen Bing to the grade test happily picked up Chen Bing and kissed him on the face enthusiastically, "You are really the teacher's pride!"

Although it was very happy to be close to the beautiful aunt, there was still a sense of shame.

Chen Bing smiled shyly and said many humble words.

"Actually, I was a little nervous. I was a little stiff when I changed the chord."

"It's amazing to be able to do this now. I didn't expect that I, a piano teacher in a small town, would meet such a talented student like you. Ah, I'm so happy. Let's go. Today, the teacher will treat you to McDonald's, and then take you to the amusement park, okay?"

Chen Bing agreed to all these, and then after a crazy day in the provincial capital, he took the train back to his hometown Shangping.

After a whole day of wandering in the big city, it felt quite warm to come back suddenly.

After waving goodbye to the teacher, Chen Bing followed Liu Yue to get on the family's new car, and soon returned home from the train station.

"How is it, is Quancheng fun?" On the way back, Liu Yue asked Chen Bing with a smile.

"It's fun, but I still feel comfortable staying at home. I feel familiar no matter where I go."

After hearing her son's unpromising words, Liu Yue was not angry, but was quite moved. Having said that, she still had to say something.

"When you go to college and find a class, can you still study here?"

"I still have a few days to go to elementary school. Isn't it too early to talk about that?"

"Hahaha, that's right."

As they talked, the car drove into the community garage. Chen Bing and Liu Yue took the elevator and soon returned home.

Seeing Chen Bing coming back, Chen Shichao rarely cared about him.

"How is it? Did you get that certificate?"

"It will take three or four months to announce the results. It's too early to talk about it now."

"Yeah." Chen Shichao simply responded and didn't say anything else. He is now preparing for the adult college entrance examination next year with all his heart and soul. He will seize the time to study whenever he has nothing to do.

It is said that serious and motivated men are the most attractive, and Chen Shichao is no exception. Liu Yue, his wife, is not to mention it. Even Chen Bing, his filial son, has a new look at him.

After nodding to Chen Shichao with satisfaction, Chen Bing returned to his room to study and read "Dream of the Red Chamber" for a while.

After having dinner and brushing his teeth, Chen Bing fell asleep early because of the day's fatigue.

The next morning, after eating the breakfast prepared by Liu Yue and watching her and Chen Shichao leave home for work, Chen Bing returned to his room and turned on the computer.

Please don't get me wrong, the main reason why Chen Bing turned on the computer was to learn computers. The future world is the world of the Internet. People who don't know computers are tantamount to new-age illiterates - this is what Chen Bing's information class teacher in his previous life said.

At that time, he also thought it made sense after listening to it, but he, a student of Chinese language and literature, really had no talent in this area. He learned and forgot, and the effect was not ideal anyway.

Later, after graduating and joining the work, he found that the saying that not knowing computers is new-age illiterate is fundamentally a false proposition.

Because, for liberal arts students, computers are not used at work at all.

The "cannot be used" here does not mean that a computer is not needed, but that you only need to go to a web page and use the computer to make a table or PPT.

Chen Bing, who was deceived by the teacher, naturally felt speechless, but as the saying goes, "more skills are better than less", so he didn't take it too seriously. The most important benefit is that if the computer breaks down, he can fix it himself.

However, Chen Bing in this life was free some time ago and watched a video about computer theory on the Internet. At that time, he became interested. After buying a few basic books and reading them, he started to practice on the computer at home.

It turned out that perhaps his brain was better developed in this life, or perhaps it was because of the foundation of his previous life, Chen BingLearning computers feels easy and comfortable.

Slowly, I became addicted to it.

After studying for a while, Chen Bing put down the book in his hand and clicked on the familiar CF icon.

Ahem, didn't I just say that the main purpose of turning on the computer is to learn computers, and the secondary purpose is of course to relax.

What? I, Chen Bing, have worked hard for so long, from the time I was about to graduate from kindergarten to the time when elementary school was about to start. For such a long time, I practiced piano, exercised, and studied day and night. I finally got through this period. There is nothing urgent. What's wrong with relaxing?

Didn't Liu Huangshu say this? I have fought all my life, so what's wrong with enjoying it? Continue to play music and continue to dance.

After comforting himself in his heart, Chen Bing put aside his guilt and continued to shoot happily.

Ah, Thor is so handsome, I am so awesome.

In the game headset, teammates called him rich brother and big brother, which inevitably made Chen Bing float. After playing a few rounds with them, the final victory was taken away by the opponent as expected.

Seeing that their side was defeated so easily, these teammates immediately turned their faces and refused to recognize them. Chen Bing couldn't help but doubt himself when he heard his teammates' comments on the weapon Thor and himself as "rubbish" and "waste".

Why am I, a child who is extremely talented and smart in all aspects, so bad at games?

First of all, I can rule out my own factors, so it is undoubtedly the problem of this old computer.

Calculating the time, it has a history of three or four years. Because no one in this family uses it except me, no one has thought of changing the computer so far.

After understanding this, Chen Bing felt a little better.

The failure of the matter is not the fault of the war.

Thinking of this, Chen Bing, who really couldn't stand his teammates' nagging, typed these words on the public screen at a very fast speed.

[Stop barking, I was just warming up. If you have the guts, play another game and show you my true strength.]

Due to their desire for hero-level weapons, the teammates who were still mumbling just now suddenly fell silent, just quietly put on the preparations, and then waited for the host to start the game.

Seeing this scene, Chen Bing smiled coldly. If the tiger doesn't show its power, you really think I am Hello KT.

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