On September 1, 2011, Baishi Town Central Primary School opened as scheduled.

Thanks to Shang Zhengxin's relationship, Chen Bing and Shang Yunmiao were assigned to the same class as they wished. As a leader of the County Education Bureau who was born and raised in Baishi, he still had this relationship.

At the same time, because September 1 was also the opening date of Baishi Town No. 1 Middle School, Yunxuan could not spare time to send her children to the first day of school, so Liu Yue led the two children alone on that day.

The relationship between the two families is getting closer and closer.

Chen Bing looked at Liu Yue's back as she bought bamboo tube rice dumplings for Shang Yunmiao at the school gate, and thought silently.

When he returned to his alma mater again after a decade or two, Chen Bing's inner thoughts were constantly surging. He spent the first six years of his life in this primary school. Here he had his happiness, his sadness, and also his childhood and his growth.

The school gate was still as he remembered, with a dazzling array of stationery stores, breakfast shops, and student homes...

Student home?

No, there has been a student home since 2011, right?

I believe that not only Chen Bing, but most people who have been to such a place will hate it, right?

The so-called student home is essentially a place for temporary custody and homework tutoring.

When the children are in the second or third grade, as the homework gradually increases, some parents will choose to spend three or four hundred yuan a month to enroll in such an institution. Every day after school, students will enter here and do their homework under the supervision and guidance of the tutoring teachers.

It’s not that there is anything wrong with the existence of this institution itself. After all, before the "double reduction" policy came out, it can not only help busy parents with low cultural level to supervise their children to do homework, but also create jobs and drive social and economic development.

Just, just.

Chen Bing was bullied when he was in this thing in his previous life.

It’s not the kind of bullying that was beaten and charged friend fees. The "bullying" here means that he has gained a lot of "beautiful" nicknames here-love comes from the cram school teacher.

I won't mention the specific nicknames and how they came about, just in case you laugh at me. Anyway, this incident was more or less a childhood shadow for Chen Bing, and he didn't have a very good impression of this kind of tutoring class.

Although I experienced all kinds of unbearable things in my previous life, this time I will go back with the memory of the future, and I will definitely break through this sky and make those who dare to look down on me and bully me pay a hundred times the price! ! !

Just kidding.

Chen Bing is not so petty that he would be upset about a small matter for a long time. In this life, he, who sits on the throne of the family, will never enter this place again.

"Bingbing is gone, what are you looking at?" After hearing Liu Yue calling him, Chen Bing immediately responded, then turned around and walked to her side.

"Do you want to eat this?" Liu Yue held a purple bamboo tube rice dumpling in her hand and shook it in front of Chen Bing's eyes like temptation.

Chen Bing saw that Liu Yue only had this one in her hand, and Shang Yunmiao also had one in her hand, so the other party obviously didn't think that he would really want it.

As expected, after Chen Bing refused, Liu Yue said, "Really?" while taking her hand back and silently taking a bite.

"This is very sweet and delicious. Right, Yunmiao?"

"Delicious, Aunt Yueyue."

After getting Shang Yunmiao's reply, Liu Yue smiled even more happily. She held the other party with one hand and held the snack in the other hand, and continued to walk towards the school gate with a smile.

Seeing this scene, Chen Bing could only sigh in his heart, and then followed the two into the school happily.

Today is the first day of school for all grades in elementary school. In addition to senior students, there are many new first-grade students and their parents who come to see them off.

The Central Primary School is also quite old. It existed more than 20 years ago when Liu Yue was still in primary school, but it was not here originally. The new school was moved here two or three years ago.

The new school is much larger than the original one, so Liu Yue was a little confused when she first came in.

But it is always right to follow others.

Following the crowd, the three of them successfully came to the place where the class list was posted.

Look, one, two, three, four, five, six, a total of six classes...

Six? Isn't it three classes?

Chen Bing temporarily suppressed his doubts and continued to follow Liu Yue, reading the words on the list one by one.

There is no class six, no class five, and class four, forget it, let's not waste words.

After some searching, Chen Bing found his own name and Shang Yunmiao's name on the list of class one.

"In class one, let's go, mom will take you to the classroom."

After learning that the two childrenWhen Liu Yue arrived at the class of the child, she just finished the snack in her hand. She was able to free one hand to hold Chen Bing, and then led them to the classroom of Class 1 with one child on each side.

A boy and a girl, both were well-behaved and cute, and it was so happy to have one in each hand.

Liu Yue walked into the classroom with this feeling of happiness.

Compared with the previous life in her memory, the classroom in this life seemed to be a little narrower. The old big fan hung high on the ceiling, and it was turning weakly at this moment. As always, various portraits of celebrities and their famous quotes were hung on the wall, and there were also bright socialist core values.

On the wall away from the classroom door, on the mottled rusty iron frame, there were pieces of glass inlaid. The glass looked a bit old, and although it was cleaned fairly well, it could not hide its long years.

There was no multimedia for lectures in the classroom, and there was only a large blackboard hanging on the front wall. Compared with the dark green blackboard and screen later, this simple design made Chen Bing feel a little unfamiliar.

I remember that in the second semester of the second grade in my previous life, after moving to the new teaching building, this old-fashioned blackboard disappeared.

This is a classroom that has been used in our country for more than ten or several decades before the advent of a new era. At first glance, it is inexplicably nostalgic.

At this time, on the podium, a middle-aged female teacher in her thirties was sitting on a bench that was temporarily moved, registering the students in line one by one.

Because there were not many people in front, it was soon the turn of Liu Yue and the other two.

When he saw that Liu Yue was dressed decently and behaved relatively civilized, he determined that this was a rich family. The teacher's attitude became a little kinder.

"Are these two your children here to report?"

"Yes, they are both mine."

Hearing this, the female teacher smiled and continued to ask: "What are their names? I'll register them."

"Shang Yunmiao and Chen Bing."

Different surnames?

Out of curiosity, the female teacher asked casually while looking for the two names on the list.

"Both children are in the first grade, are they twins?"

Hearing this, Liu Yue realized that she had just said the wrong thing. It turned out that the sentence "Are they all your children?" just now meant "Are they all your children?" instead of "Did you bring them all to register?"

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