There were no serious classes on the first day of school. The three teachers of Chinese, mathematics, and moral character took turns to enter the classroom, either talking casually or asking the students to read quietly.

During the break, the students were allowed to move freely, but except for going to the toilet, the students who were not familiar with the new environment did not leave their seats much.

During this period, Chen Bing only took Shang Yunmiao to find the toilet once, and sat in his seat all the time. Either read the books he brought, or play Sudoku, or chat with Shang Yunmiao or Zhang Yuan.

The morning passed quickly.

Unlike kindergartens, elementary schools will be dismissed at noon.

Considering that it was the first day of school, the teachers did not wave their hands and let the students leave the school directly after school, but waited for parents to pick them up in the school according to the usual practice of the first day of school.

Liu Yue came relatively early, and Yunxuan, who met at the school gate, came with her.

Just like the noon break in elementary schools, Yunxuan, a junior high school teacher, also got a break at this time.

After all, it was the first day of school. It would not be good if others were responsible for the children's commuting. Therefore, Yunxuan took advantage of the noon break to rush to pick up her daughter.

After being taken home by the two mothers to have a meal and rest for a while, the two were sent back in the afternoon.

However, this time, parents were not allowed to enter the school. Chen Bing took Shang Yunmiao to walk the short distance from the school gate to the classroom.

Chen Bing, who had just entered the classroom, heard someone calling his name before he sat down.

He turned around and looked at the source of the sound. It turned out to be two girls with pigtails, who were greeting him from a distance.

Chen Bing remembered these two people. They lived in the same community as him and played together occasionally. But he didn't know their names very well. He only knew that one of them was named Tongtong and the other was named Yueyue.

After waving his hand and saying hello to them, Chen Bing sat down in his seat.

He had just put down his schoolbag and had not had time to unzip it when he heard someone calling his name again.

This time it was a boy who was in the same class as him in kindergarten.

Chen Bing, who had just finished saying hello to him, heard someone calling his name again. The shouts were like dominoes, one after another, and it felt like there were no less than six or seven voices.

To be honest, this scene was a bit weird. Generally speaking, this would either appear in horror movies, or in the scenes of uprisings in historical dramas, or at some concerts. But in any case, it was unlikely to appear in a first-grade class in elementary school.

Chen Bing had some impression of these people who called him, and knew that they called him just because they saw a familiar person in the class, so he said hello.

But how come so many of them knew me?

Chen Bing thought about it and suddenly realized that he didn't know himself well enough.

Just ask yourself, how eye-catching would a person with an adult mind be among a group of children. In that small group in childhood, or kindergarten class, you may not remember most people, but you must still have an impression of the most eye-catching, mature, smartest, and most leadership-oriented person.

And Chen Bing is such a person.

All the children who have come into contact with him and played with him have a deep impression of him. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that these children in Class 1 will have the current situation after hearing the familiar name "Chen Bing" and seeing him.

As more and more people gathered here with Chen Bing, more and more children who did not know Chen Bing but followed the trend gathered here.

Humans are creatures that like to follow the crowd. Even when the class bell rang, the crowd of people gathered did not disperse.

This scene was indeed a bit exaggerated. Shang Yunmiao, who was sitting on the side, was so scared that he could not raise his head when he saw this scene.

After Chen Bing, the protagonist of the incident, came to his senses, he immediately stood up while protecting Shang Yunmiao.

"Okay, okay, you all are fine. Class has started now. Those who don't want to be yelled at by the teacher, go back to your seats before I count to three!"

"One! Two! Three!"

Mr. Chen is a respectable man, and he still has some face in front of a group of naughty children.

As he raised his hand and counted down, the children scattered and hurried back to their seats before he counted to three.

After doing all this, Chen Bing breathed a sigh of relief and sat down.

"You're not scared, are you?" The first thing after sitting down was, of course, to check if his little follower was scared.

Seeing the crowd being driven away by Chen Bing, Shang Yunmiao also breathed a sigh of relief. She straightened up and told Chen Bing that it was okay, and then used admiration to.

Chen Bing is so powerful that he can command so many people.

After receiving the admiring gaze of the little loli, Chen Bing felt that he was in a very good mood. He coughed twice in a serious manner, and then sat upright, just like a good boy.

Not long after this incident, the middle-aged female teacher I met in the morning walked into the classroom.

She wore a pair of red-framed glasses and was thin. Her sparse hair was tied into a ponytail with a red hairband, giving people a shrewd and mean feeling.

She taught Chinese in this class and probably also served as the head teacher.

Compared with Yun Xuan's gentleness and warmth, she was completely at the other extreme in terms of being a teacher.

So why did she lead the first-grade students? How can she look like a female math teacher who graduated from high school?

After the teacher came in, she didn't force the class to study like in the morning. Instead, she asked them to take out the textbooks and immediately entered the class state.

Didn't even introduce myself, so swift and decisive? Or did he simply think it was useless to talk to these ignorant little brats?

Without thinking too much, Chen Bing opened his textbook and pretended to listen to the class for a while, and then he was lost in thought.

One class passed quickly, followed by the second math class.

After two classes, Chen Bing's overall feeling can be described in one word - boring.

The first grade curriculum is not interesting, and it is not even as fun as kindergarten.

Anyway, staying here is a waste of time, otherwise, apply for a leave of absence?

"Chen Bing, I want to go to the bathroom." Just as he was thinking about it, Shang Yunmiao grabbed the corner of his clothes and put his little face close to him and whispered.

Well... yes, if I leave, who will take care of this little fool?

After the second class, it was time for the big break. After nearly a day of getting familiar with the place, the first-year students who had just arrived gradually became bolder and dared to go out and play during the break.

Chen Bing also took Shang Yunmiao out to the toilet during this time.

Watching the little girl timidly go to the toilet, Chen Bing retracted his gaze and leaned against the wall, waiting quietly.

The blue sky was dotted with a few white clouds, and children of all grades were running and playing freely on the concrete playground. The sound of silver bell-like laughter was endless.

By the way, was the sky so blue when you were a child?

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