Adult college entrance examination is the abbreviation of the National Unified Examination for Adult Higher Education Admissions. It is an entrance examination for adult higher education schools in my country to select qualified graduates to enter higher-level academic education.

Its enrollment targets mainly include in-service personnel, past graduates, social personnel, etc. The academic levels of adult college entrance examination include high school to junior college, high school to undergraduate, and junior college to undergraduate.

The registration conditions require academic qualifications: for high school to junior college and high school to undergraduate levels, candidates must have a high school or equivalent academic level.

Although junior high school education does not meet this requirement, since a high school diploma is not required when registering for the adult college entrance examination, junior high school education can also participate.

Adult college entrance examination, this unfamiliar term in the previous life, has frequently entered Chen Bing's ears in the past one or two years because of Chen Shichao's registration.

Let's not talk about Chen Shichao's efforts over the past year. As for the results, today is the day he announced his results.

On this day, the three members of the Chen family sat around the computer, chatting while waiting for the page to refresh.

When the time passed 16:00, Lao Chen rolled his Adam's apple and clicked the refresh button with trembling fingers.


The total score of the adult college entrance examination is 450 points, so this score can be said to be quite high!

The moment he saw this score, Chen Shichao cheered and stood up from his seat, then picked up Liu Yue and spun around. He shouted happy words and pecked his wife's pretty face.

"Great! Long live! I passed the exam!"

Chen Bing, who was watching this scene, couldn't help but be surprised. He didn't expect that the unreliable Lao Chen was so promising and successfully passed the exam in one try.

"In previous years, the hotel management major of Pengcheng University of Technology could be admitted with more than 350 points, and this year it must be stable!"

After being happy enough, Chen Shichao put Liu Yue down from his arms, and then pecked her face happily again. Since this was indeed a great thing, Liu Yue had no choice but to go along with him, endure the shyness of her son watching from the side, and let the old pervert kiss her.

"My baby is really amazing." Liu Yue touched the back of Chen Shichao's head with one hand, and said this like coaxing a child. But Chen Shichao just fell for it. He buried his head in his wife's arms and acted coquettishly happily.

That's right, from today on, I, Chen Shichao, am also a top student of a double first-class university!

Pengcheng University of Technology, as a key university directly under the Ministry of Education and Jiangsu Province, has been a key institution of higher learning since its establishment. Since it was included in the 211 Project, the quality of education and reputation have been further improved, and it has become a truly famous school.

You have to know that this is a 211. For a small county, this level of academic qualifications is still very good. Like Chen Bing in his previous life, he studied so hard, but in the end he only entered an ordinary first-class university.

"Ah, it's great. I feel like I'm dreaming now." After the excitement, Chen Shichao smacked his lips and looked up at the ceiling at a 40-50 degree angle, as if he was recalling the bitterness and pain of the past year.

"Then, Lao Chen, are you going to Pengcheng to study after the school starts?"

Although it is a very happy thing to see his father become a successful person, Chen Bing felt a little dissatisfied when he thought that Chen Shichao would abandon his family's business and go to study far away.

What era is this? I'm not going to be told the ancient story of abandoning my wife and children and going out to study, right?

Hearing Chen Bing say this, Chen Shichao, as a father, rarely showed an expression of "you don't understand this", and said leisurely: "The way of going to college you mentioned is full-time study, which has basically been cancelled.

Now the way of studying for the adult college entrance examination is mainly correspondence and part-time. To put it simply, I usually study at home, and then go to Pengcheng to study for one to two weeks every semester, which is almost like a business trip.

Besides, I applied for the major of hotel management. It happens to be the same as my current business. Learning while practicing will definitely not cause any trouble."

Chen Bing didn't really know these, and he nodded suddenly. It seems that his daily life will not change because of Chen Shichao's further study.

"Also, you kid, don't call me Lao Chen Lao Chen all day long, hurry up, call me dad and let me hear it." Chen Shichao, who has made progress, finally raised his eyebrows in front of his son. At this time, he pinched his waist with both hands, looking very proud.

Out of respect for Chen Shichao's time together, Chen Bing was willing to praise him by calling him "Dad".

Hearing this, Chen Shichao was even happier. He seemed to have turned into a balloon filled with air, floating up to the sky leisurely.

It can be said that he had been waiting for this day to vent his anger.I've been waiting for a long time.

Ever since he came back from working outside, Chen Shichao gradually felt that something was wrong. He had a low level of education and started working after junior high school. Liu Yue was even more incompetent. She barely finished junior high school and high school under the strong pressure of Liu Wucheng. But why would the child born to us two poor students be as smart as Chen Bing?

If he was just smart and witty, it would be fine, but this kid is so evil. Not to mention that he knows everything from astronomy to geography, at least he can be considered a child prodigy.

Compared with Liu Yue, Chen Shichao knows his son's intelligence better. Especially after he decided to take the adult college entrance examination, as the depth and breadth of his study continued to expand, he had a deeper understanding of the junior high school and high school knowledge that Chen Bing tinkered with every night.

Calligraphy, performance, finance, computer, mathematics, literary reading...

So, why is this?

After thinking about it, Chen Shichao suddenly had an idea that shocked himself.

Could it be that this child is not his own at all! Could it be that the child was taken by mistake in the hospital! Could it be that Yueyue did not tell me...

After having these thoughts, Chen Shichao made a decision that his ancestors had never made in a sleepless night - paternity test.

Fortunately, after a long wait, the results of the paternity test supported the relationship between the two as father and son.

After learning this conclusion, Chen Shichao breathed a sigh of relief. After having two drinks happily, he returned home and happily asked Chen Bing to call him dad.

However, the other party saw that he was drunk and looked frivolous, and did not care about him at all. He just said, "You went out to drink so late, wait for Yueyue to scold you." Then, Chen Bing lowered his head to continue doing his math test paper.

Chen Shichao felt a little indignant, thinking, "I am your father, how can you talk to me like this?"

He then approached Chen Bing to see what the boy was writing, and ended up seeing a bunch of math problems that he couldn't even understand.

At that moment, Chen Shichao suddenly became much more sober.

The blood connection was true, but from a spiritual point of view, how could he be qualified to be Chen Bing's father?

He went out to work in the year when Chen Bing was just born, and after returning, he was addicted to the computer for a whole year. During this period, it was undoubtedly Liu Yue who took care of Chen Bing, but when he just realized his mistake and wanted to take on the responsibility of the family, it was this boy who told him that he had earned more than 1.8 million and gave it to him to start a business.

So, Chen Shichao gradually had a psychological barrier. A sense of guilt for receiving the favor of his children but not contributing anything.

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