When all the boys of the same age had short hair, mushroom hair, and a tuft of hair on their foreheads, Chen Bing was ahead of the trend and had this hairstyle ten years in advance.

With his impeccable handsome face at this stage, I believe everyone who sees him will call him a handsome boy, right?

"Chen Bing, I'll blow it for you."

Because the boy's hair is very short, Chen Bing couldn't fantasize for too long before he was called back to reality by Xiao Shang's voice.

"Ah? Oh, okay." Chen Bing fiddled with the hair on his forehead casually, then turned his head to look at Shang Yunmiao behind him.

"Chen Bing, is it comfortable for me to blow for you?"

"Very good."

"Hey, then, can you read me a bedtime story?" Shang Yunmiao looked at the closed bedroom door, thinking that her mother would not be able to come for a while, so she trotted over to get a colorful picture book from the cabinet next to her and handed it to Chen Bing, "Can I? Chen Bing..."

What's wrong with that? Chen Bing took the picture book neatly and led Shang Yunmiao to sit on the edge of the bed.

Shang Yunmiao happily got into the bed, holding the edge of the quilt with both hands, and looked at Chen Bing expectantly with his two big eyes.

"Ahem!" After coughing twice to relieve his inner throbbing, Chen Bing opened the picture book and told a fairy tale in it.

His voice was very gentle and sounded very warm.

If I use color to describe it, it would probably be a light orange color, just like one day in the autumn when you jump and lie on the soft haystack. The warm sun shines on every corner of the body but does not make people feel hot. On the contrary, it is a kind of wrapping, very gentle and very safe.

Under this gentle wrapping, Xiao Shang fell asleep quickly.

Maybe he had too much fun today and just took a comfortable bath, so he fell asleep as soon as he touched the bed?

Chen Bing closed the picture book and gently placed it on the bedside. Then he tiptoed to the door of the room, said good night softly, and turned off the light.

What surprised Chen Bing a little was that when the light on the ceiling went out, a ball of orange light gradually lit up in the dark room. Looking carefully, it turned out to be a night light at the end of Shang Yunmiao's bed.

Shang Yunmiao must be afraid of the dark when he sleeps at night, right?

After looking at her gently again, Chen Bing walked out of the room and closed the door.

It's great, a cute, innocent child. Does Teacher Yun coax Shang Yunmiao to sleep like this every night? No wonder they are both so gentle and kind.

Oh, by the way. By the way, what is Aunt Xuan doing? Why is there no movement? Is she still scolding Uncle Shang?

Chen Bing thought so, walked through the short corridor, and saw a loving couple in the living room hugging each other sweetly through the corner, and they were in that kind of greasy posture.

Question: When Chen Bing saw the two people opposite, the other party could also see him. What is the principle?

Answer: Do you know that the action of force is mutual? It has nothing to do with that. The answer is the Pythagorean theorem.

The moment she saw Chen Bing, Yun Xuan hurriedly got off her husband. Then after patting him twice in anger, she pretended that nothing had happened and walked in front of Chen Bing, saying that she would take him to the cleaned room to sleep.

Chen Bing also pretended to be very innocent and didn't know anything. He didn't mention what happened just now. He just followed Yun Xuan to the room silently.

But under his calm appearance, what he actually thought was...

Oh, Teacher Yun, you are so intimate with Uncle Shang at home.

After sending Chen Bing back to the room, Yun Xuan also went back to her bedroom with her husband to rest.

Facing the other party's dishonest hands and feet, Yun Xuan slapped away the salty pig's hand.

"I want to tell you something serious. This afternoon, Yun Miao and Bing Bing played house together in the room. Then, Yun Miao didn't know when she heard it from us. She said...

So, can you please pay attention to the occasion in the future? It will have a bad influence if the children hear it..."

Shang Zhengxin felt very wronged after hearing this. He hugged his wife's waist and said in a low voice: "But, every time it is obviously you first..."

Before he finished speaking, Yun Xuan's little hand pinched his mouth, looking embarrassed and annoyed.

Shang Zhengxin stopped talking and quietly closed his eyes and went to sleep.

The silence in the dark night lasted for a while, and Yunxuan suddenly opened her eyes and said, "I don't think I have taught Yunmiao to ride a bike today."


The next morning, after the four of them had breakfast, Yunxuan took Shang Yunmiao and Chen Bing downstairs to practice riding.As for Shang Zhengxin, he still has to go to work in the county for work reasons.

To be honest, even if he works part-time in the Education Bureau and Shangping Experimental Middle School, he won't have to work so hard. Uncle Shang probably wants to work hard while he is young to seek a better career.

It seems that in terms of advancement, the fathers of both families have performed very well.

Chen Bing thought about it with relief, and then continued to teach Shang Yunmiao to ride a bike with Yunxuan.

Although this little girl is not very talented, her perseverance is impeccable.

From more than ten o'clock in the morning, except for having a meal at noon and taking a nap, she has been staying downstairs and practicing riding a bike with the help of her mother.

When the time came to more than five o'clock in the afternoon, after nearly a day of practice, the little girl was able to ride a short distance.

"Mom! Chen Bing, look at me, am I awesome!"

"Awesome, awesome (.^▽^)" Yunxuan recalled the bitterness of the day, while enduring it, she clapped for her daughter.

Shang Yunmiao was very happy to see this scene, she then cast her eyes to Chen Bing beside her, but found that the other party was not looking at her at all.

Seeing this scene, Shang Yunmiao was not angry, she followed Chen Bing's gaze to the gate of the community, and found a familiar car with four rings connected to each other, slowly driving towards this side.

The black car stopped four or five meters away from the three people, and then the passenger door was slowly pushed open, and Liu Yue got out of the car with a smile on her face.

"It's Aunt Yueyue!"

"Little Yunmiao!"

After taking a few steps forward and holding the lovely Shang Yunmiao in her arms, Liu Yue walked up to Yunxuan and chatted with her about family matters. After interacting with the two, she slowly asked Chen Bing if he had been doing well these past two days.

After learning that Chen Bing had spent the past two days at Yunxuan's house, Liu Yue invited Yunxuan and her husband to her house to sit down and taste the local specialties she brought from Pengcheng.

Yunxuan naturally agreed, and then the three women ignored Chen Bing and his son and pushed their bicycles into the apartment building.

Seeing this, Chen Bing wanted to follow them back, but when he was about to leave, he was stopped by a faint voice behind him.

"Hey, son, wait a minute."

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