"Yes, teacher, you are right. Money is indeed very important in modern society, and no one can criticize others' money worship from a moral high ground. Because they are not short of money, and they never worry about money.

I know that a family will squeeze into a small house in order to save electricity bills in winter; I know that my parents rush to open the store in the cold wind at three or four in the morning to earn a few melons and two dates a day.

But this is not a question of whether the money worship is right or wrong. We children are only six or seven years old, and we are in the enlightenment stage of life. Have you ever thought about your words? Every line will have a great impact on us.

Yes, there are all kinds of problems in this society. But social problems cannot be solved by complaining and gossiping.

As a teacher, you should subtly influence our generation through your words and deeds, and educate our generation to become a healthy group. Nowadays, you use the identity of a teacher to say things in the classroom that are contrary to your mission and responsibilities. Is this what you should do with a clear conscience? "

Chen Bing never thought that he was superior to others after his family became rich. Wasn't this money earned from one "poor person" after another? Moreover, most of the time in his memory was spent in ordinary days, watching his parents work hard in an ordinary way, and using their hard-earned money to go to school and grow up in an ordinary way.

Similarly, he didn't think that he was superior to others because he passed the civil service exam in his previous life. No matter what position, isn't it serving the people? No matter what career, isn't it for socialist construction?

After saying all this in one breath, Chen Bing was breathing heavily. He admitted that he said something totally inappropriate for his age in a fit of excitement. But even if he calmed down and chose again, he would only say those words more decisively and forcefully.

The classroom fell into a brief silence, and everyone fell silent because of Chen Bing's words. Unlike the children who fell silent because they didn't understand, the teacher sitting on the podium was speechless because she was lectured by a six or seven-year-old child.

She first organized a rebuttal in her mind, but because she couldn't think of anything to refute the sentence "Is this what you should do, and what you should be clear about", she had to choose to use her power to suppress others.

"As a student, you openly insult the teacher in class. Is this what you should do? Do you have the qualifications?! Call your parents after school!" She stood up and shouted at Chen Bing with her eyes wide open.

In the first and second grades, teachers are definitely the most intimidating people in the minds of children. Not to mention that her voice was loud and sharp, which frightened many children who had never seen this scene. Shang Yunmiao was sitting next to Chen Bing. She had never been bullied by anyone, and she was also afraid, and she was even more scared than others.

However, this little girl was trembling and wanted to stand up to share some of the pressure for Chen Bing.

Chen Bing, who noticed her intention, put a hand on Xiao Shang's shoulder and gave her a comforting look.

Looking up, Chen Bing looked at the teacher who was like a lioness.

You are like this now, just scaring the first-grade children. It's just calling a parent. Can you, a teacher, expel me? Or what?

Besides, I know my own parents.

Chen Bing was not afraid of the teacher in front of him at all, and he was going to continue talking to her immediately.

However, before he spoke, a full-bodied voice came from the back row to the podium.

"Teacher Wang, you can't say that, can you?"

Red Glasses was startled when she heard the voice. She looked in the direction of the voice to the back row, and sure enough, she saw the principal who appeared there at some point.

"I..." She was so shocked that she couldn't speak for a moment, and only uttered "I" unconsciously.

Since coming in, the more Principal Lin listened to the teacher's words on the podium, the more strange they felt. Although the previous view of money made some sense, it always sounded wrong.

Later, when he heard the teacher's remarks about small classes, he became even more furious. Look, what the hell is this? Is this what a teacher should say?

But although this is your class, you can't educate the children like this, right?

Although Principal Lin was angry at the time, he didn't stand up and scold her directly because it was still in the classroom and in front of so many children. He just wanted to call this teacher away after class to criticize and educate her individually.Unexpectedly, among this group of first-grade children, someone would stand up and say what he wanted to say, and express it so clearly and logically.

At that time, he was not surprised that the other party could say these things at this age, but he sincerely admired this amazing child.

Before Principal Lin finished his sigh, he heard the teacher getting angry and scolding this great child.

As a principal who loves students as much as his own children, he could no longer hold back his inner impulse and stood up to speak for this child.

So, there was the scene just now.

Principal Lin stood up slowly, and after seeing the shocked expression of the fat student next to him, he pretended to be very serious and majestic and was ready to scold this unreasonable teacher.

However, he thought about it a little more. It was indeed very satisfying to scold her in public, but it was not a good influence to have so many children in the classroom.

So, he stood up and prepared to walk to the podium, but before that, he stopped by Chen Bing. He patted the kid on the shoulder and praised him in public. Then he looked at the teacher on the podium and said, "Teacher Wang, come with me."

After that, Principal Lin put his hands behind his back and walked out of the front door with a vigorous spirit.

After he went out, Red Glasses hesitated for a moment and followed him out with a dead look on his face.

The two of them left, and the classroom began to talk sporadically. Most of them didn't know what had just happened, they only knew that an old man who seemed to be very powerful called the teacher out, and the other party also praised Chen Bing loudly before leaving, calling on the whole class to learn from him.

From this, they came to a conclusion.

Chen Bing was right, Chen Bing made sense, and Chen Bing needed them to learn.

Now these children may not understand what is right and wrong, but it doesn't matter. Today's events will leave a deep impression in their hearts. When they grow up and become sensible, the correct influence brought to them by this event will gradually emerge.

Of course, at this stage, Chen Bing has undoubtedly gained the admiration of everyone in the class.

Just think about it, he went against the teacher as a student, and he also won the recognition of the grandfather who has a higher status. It is conceivable how shocking this incident must be for a group of children who have always been taught to listen to their teachers.

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