Set them off yourself?

Shang Yunmiao shook her head gently: "I don't dare..."

The little girl obviously knew the power of the fireworks in the sky, so after hearing Chen Bing's proposal, she didn't dare to agree.

"Why not? It's not the kind in the sky." Chen Bing smiled at her, then took her back to the store, and followed the corner of his memory to find a bunch of fairy sticks and a lighter from a corner.

Shang Yunmiao had never seen such fireworks before. Because she was a girl and she was relatively young, the only firecrackers she had set off by herself were small goldfish.

She had seen the fountain fireworks and the fireworks that flew up to the sky and exploded with a "bang", but she had only seen Shang Zhengxin set them off. Obviously, this young and promising cadre would not set off such "face-losing" fireworks as fairy sticks.

Classmate Shang looked at the fairy stick in Chen Bing's hand curiously, wondering what it was.

After taking her to the open space in front of the store again, Chen Bing pressed the lighter and lit one of them.

The gorgeous fireworks slowly bloomed in the flames, one bunch after another, one wisp after another, as if the fireworks in the sky were picked up in the hands. The colorful brilliance was reflected on the little girl's face, illuminating her smooth cheek curves clearly in the dark night.

The fairy wand that Chen Bing held was relatively short, but it took only a few dozen seconds before it slowly went out in the dark night.

"How is it, is it beautiful, do you want to play?" Chen Bing asked Shang Yunmiao, who was already stunned, with a smile, and at the same time waved his free hand in front of her.

After coming back to his senses, Shang Yunmiao hurriedly said that it was beautiful and wanted to play.

After hearing her reply, Chen Bing put his hands behind his back with a smirk, and then opened his mouth to face Shang Yunmiao's puzzled eyes and said: "Call me brother and listen, I will let you play."


Xiao Shang shouted this title without any psychological burden. In her opinion, it was just calling Chen Bing "brother", which seemed to be no big deal.

No, that's a bit disappointing.

To start over, you have to be like this, with a shy look on your face, and then reluctantly and quietly call out "brother". Then I'll say "what, I didn't hear what you just said", it's fun to tease you like this.

Just a little joke.

After hearing the name she wanted, Chen Bing handed a fairy wand to Shang Yunmiao and lit it for her.

Soon, beautiful fireworks bloomed again, illuminating Shang Yunmiao's cheerful face clearly in the dark night.

Although the fireworks are beautiful, the girl's smile is even better.

Watching her cute face bloom in the cold wind, Chen Bing came to his senses and quickly raised the camera that had been hanging on his chest, and pressed the shutter at the beautiful scenery in front of him.

It has to be said that a good-looking picture does not need to have a sophisticated composition, just a good scenery is enough.

"Chen Bing... I'm done."

"Ah? Oh, okay." After coming back to his senses from the photos he had taken, Chen Bing refilled Shang Yunmiao with another one. However, this time the little girl didn't play as excitedly as before.

"Chen Bing, don't you want to play? I want to play with you." Shang Yunmiao pulled Chen Bing's hem with her free hand and said to him with her lips pursed.

If he refused even the little loli's request, would he still be a man?

Using the fireworks in Shang Yunmiao's hand, Chen Bing also lit one for himself, and then he continued to look at the photos he had just taken with one hand.

Oh my god, I'm so awesome, I can actually take such a beautiful photo.

Immersed in his own world, Chen Bing didn't notice that Shang Yunmiao's fairy wand beside him had been secretly extinguished.

The reason why it is called secretly is that the one in Chen Bing's hand is still burning, so that the light source that disappears in Shang Yunmiao's hand will not make the surroundings dim again, and naturally it will not be easy to be discovered.

Shang Yunmiao first looked at the lonely stick in her hand, and then looked at Chen Bing's movements at this time.

Bad brother, you are not serious when playing with me.

Xiao Shang puffed up her cheeks, and then stared at Chen Bing's face, which was also illuminated by fireworks, for a while.

Why don't you play with me seriously?

I want Chen Bing to play with me seriously...

For the second time in her life, Shang Yunmiao had a bad idea. She bit her lip and made up her mind secretly.

Okay, while Chen Bing is not paying attention, step by step, quietly approach him.

Then, while he is not paying attention...

Sneak attack! mua~

Chen Bing, who was frightened by the wetness and softness on her cheek, raised her head suddenly and saw Shang Yunmiao, who was staring at her with strong momentum, shy, guilty and excited.

Who am I, where am I, and what just happened.

The boy's eyes are on the girlCruising, and finally locked on the other's lips.

So, I was kissed by this little girl just now?

Before Chen Bing could react and say what to say, Shang Yunmiao held Chen Bing's arm and asked him in a coquettish voice: "Chen Bing, stop playing with the camera and play with me seriously, okay?"

Chen Bing, who had been single since birth, couldn't stand the girl saying this. Even though his brain clearly knew that the person in front of him was just a little Shang Yunmiao, his mouth still betrayed his brain and said yes to himself. Then, his body also acted unconvincingly.

What's going on? You all want to rebel, right?

In order to prevent his subordinates from disobeying orders and damaging his authority, Chen Bing's brain made a very clever decision.

As long as I figure out what you want to do in advance and issue orders in advance, you will all listen to me!

"Chen Bing, the fireworks are going off again..."

"Come on! I'll light another one for you." Before Shang Yunmiao finished speaking, the enthusiastic little Chen Bing ran over to help her light another one.

Shang Yunmiao was very happy to see Chen Bing playing with her so seriously. However, she was tired of the traditional way of playing. So, she, who had mastered Chen Bing's lifeline, used the way she had just learned again and asked Chen Bing for a new way of playing.

Hearing that Party A's mother had a new demand, Chen Bing immediately started thinking and thought quickly.

In just a short while, he had a very good idea.

Shang Yunmiao saw Chen Bing running into the store quickly, and then running back quickly with a few helium balloons in his hand.

Just when Shang Yunmiao was wondering what Chen Bing was going to do, he saw that the other party tied the thin white line at the bottom of the helium balloon firmly to the end of a fairy stick.

She probably thought of what Chen Bing was going to do, so she happily covered her mouth and watched the other person's movements intently.

"Come, I'll hold these strings for you, and you can let go when I say so."

Chen Bing smiled and handed the gathered white strings to Shang Yunmiao, then leaned over and lit the upside-down fuse, and the familiar fireworks bloomed gently in the dark again.

"Three, two, one, let go!"

Shang Yunmiao obeyed Chen Bing's command and gently let go. The fireworks were gently brought to the sky by several helium balloons, flying higher and higher, and finally became the most unforgettable scene in the girl's life experience, written on the first day of her seventh year.

When the fireworks went out in the sky, the balloons were still flying higher and higher, flying farther and farther in the evening breeze. It seemed as if it had merged into the long river of time at this moment, and more than two years later, it flew back into the girl's eyes on an early summer morning.

Shang Yunmiao, nine years old...

(The next chapter will be posted in the afternoon)

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