Chen Bing certainly didn't want Shang Yunmiao to cry, so he took her a little detour, avoiding the place where the children were playing the ball throwing game, and entered the teaching building from another place.

Before leaving, Chen Bing noticed that Shang Yunmiao turned her head from time to time to look at the side where they were playing, and her reluctant eyes were accurately received by Chen Bing.

"Do you want to play?"

Shang Yunmiao shook her head decisively.

"Then you want to watch them play?"

Shang Yunmiao nodded this time.

That's it.

Chen Bing also nodded, and took Shang Yunmiao to the third floor, the connecting corridor next to his class, and watched the game with Shang Yunmiao here.

"Do you want to throw a balloon?" Chen Bing blew up a round balloon while speaking, and then handed it to Shang Yunmiao.

Little Shang hesitated for a while looking at the balloon, then shook his head and rejected Chen Bing's proposal.

"I... I don't think this is a good idea."

"Not a good idea?" Chen Bing tilted his head in confusion.

"That's it... Chen Bing, do you remember when we fed the fish in the park before? We also leaned on the railing and threw bait into the water. Then, I... well... Anyway, I can't explain it clearly, I just felt it was not good..."

Feeding fish...

Following Shang Yunmiao's train of thought, Chen Bing thought for her. Is it because she subconsciously feels that people have dignity and shouldn't be played like this?

It should be said that Shang Yunmiao's temperament is really gentle. This gentleness in her bones is even to the point where she will be scolded as a saint in the doomsday article. However, reality is reality, and there are no hidden crises in reality. The girl's gentle personality will not be scolded, on the contrary, she will be more lovable because of it.

"Well, then we won't watch it. Let's go back to the classroom to play with balloons. Can I make a puppy for you?"


Chen Bing's world is sometimes gentle, when Shang Yunmiao is smiling sweetly. This kind of tenderness has nothing to do with the weather today. Even if the south wind blows, the dark clouds in the sky roll over the entire sky, and the world is shrouded like the end of the world, the tenderness in my heart remains unchanged.

Looking through the window at the changing weather outside, Chen Bing's mood did not get worse, but on the contrary, he became more and more happy.

It has been like this for a long time. When the weather is about to rain for a long time, Chen Bing's mood will become particularly bright. Of course, if it keeps raining, it is another matter, and the mood will be moldy.

At this time, the little students in the classroom, under the guidance of the teacher, are decorating this small classroom with balloons and ribbons. Shang Yunmiao also followed a few female classmates and sat in the back row of the classroom to play balloons.

Chen Bing, on the other hand, used his painting skills to draw a blackboard newspaper on the blackboard in the back row, which was almost finished at this moment.

When the bell for the second class rang, the decoration work in the classroom was almost completed.

Everyone sat in a circle and the party officially began.

Under the teacher's quiet gaze, two students in the class took the script and hosted the program in a slightly exaggerated tone.

One after another, students went on stage to perform, bringing laughter to everyone.

Compared with the New Year's Eve party in high school, although the performance ability of primary school students was not good, their courage and ideas were unparalleled.

There were not many singing performances, but there were many inexplicable balloon-shooting performances. In addition, the programs imitating TV talk shows, skits, and jokes were a bit embarrassing, but considering that they were children after all, and the classmates in the class also laughed and gave face, the overall atmosphere seemed very good.

The climax of the atmosphere came from a pair of little boys performing Wu Song fighting the tiger. Chen Bing saw that after the two of them introduced their programs, one of them got on all fours and pretended to be a tiger. Then, the two of them fought in the middle of the classroom.

Although it is good to have ideas, you can't have such ideas.

The teacher who was watching from the side hurried forward to stop the two, and after a brief summary, he put Wu Song and the tiger back.

These interesting scenes were naturally recorded by Chen Bing. After taking a lot of photos with his camera, he happily shared them with Shang Yunmiao beside him.

Since the programs prepared by the students were generally short, more than a dozen programs were finished in just 40 minutes of one class.

In order to prevent the party from being boring, the head teacher who was sitting on the side stood by the podium and asked if there were any students who wanted to perform.

Except for a few students who volunteered to take photos of balloons on the stage, the third grade class seemed to have run out of ideas.

At this time, the head teacher remembered the previous New Year's Eve party.At that time, Chen Bing from his class was going to play the violin, so he asked him if he had anything to perform.

Chen Bing, who had no such plan, spread his hands and explained that he didn't bring any musical instruments, and he was also a good cook without rice.

"Is that so..." The head teacher nodded and didn't insist.

Since there was no program, she had to show one or two movies to the students through multimedia, and then let everyone play freely.

Some little boys were very happy to hear this order, and they called their friends to run to the connecting corridor together, intending to play with balloons like before.

But at this time, there was a strong wind outside, and the balloons would be swept away as soon as they were out of their hands.

But the scene in front of them did not disappoint them, but instead boosted their interest in playing. They laughed happily and released the balloons in their hands one by one.

Even if it rained heavily in an instant, hitting the balloons that flew out to the ground, they could still enjoy it and open their arms like fools in the direction of the wind and rain, feeling the joy of raindrops hitting their bodies.

Then, the group of little boys ran back to the classroom with a spirit of sharing, loudly calling more friends to go to the connecting corridor to feel the heavy rain.

A dozen people in the back row ran out in a black crowd and played happily in the wind and rain.

Although it is not good to get wet in the rain, the wind is really strong today, and the rolling dark clouds are also very beautiful. Don't worry about getting wet in such a good weather that can arouse people's interest.

Such a silly move, maybe only children of eight or nine years old would do it? Similarly, only they can experience this kind of happiness.

Such a big movement in the back row soon attracted the attention of other people in the class, including Chen Bing and the head teacher, everyone was curious about what happened outside.

In order to satisfy his curiosity, Chen Bing chose to go out and take a look, while the head teacher planned to ask a classmate who had just returned from outside.

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