Then, Shang Yunmiao took off her coat and handed it to Chen Bing, and then the two put the kitten in the coat, followed Yunxuan and took the elevator back home.

How to take care of a wet kitten, the first thing to pay attention to is not to give it a bath.

Yunxuan obviously knew this, so as soon as she got home, she found a towel and a hair dryer, wiped the poor kitten's fur, and slowly dried its body with a breeze.

After all this operation, the kitten's mental state was still not very good. Chen Bing thought it might be hungry, so he found milk and a syringe, and after raising the milk to the right temperature, he fed it little by little.

Shang Yunmiao looked at her mother and Chen Bing taking care of the kitten skillfully, and she also wanted to help.

After thinking about it for a while, she remembered what her mother said before, remember to keep warm after getting wet in the rain. So she ran back to her room and found a hand warmer for winter.

After pouring hot water of the right temperature into it, Shang Yunmiao wrapped the hand warmer with a towel and handed it to her mother.

Yunxuan smiled and gave her daughter an encouraging look, then put the kitten on it.

After two or three minutes, the kitten lying on the warm towel gradually stopped moving.

Shang Yunmiao almost cried when she saw this scene. She thought she had killed the kitten.

Fortunately, the misunderstanding was soon clarified. The cat just fell asleep, and its belly was still rising and falling.

While it was asleep, Yunxuan gently stroked its fur with her fingers to check if the kitten had any external injuries or infections. Fortunately, the previous mother cat probably took good care of the kitten, so it was fine except that it was very weak after being caught in the rain and hungry.

"Auntie Xuan, you are so skilled. Have you taken care of kittens before?" After everything was over, Chen Bing asked Yunxuan curiously.

"Well, I picked one up with my roommate when I was in school."

After putting the cat, the towel and hand warmer it was resting on, into a cardboard box, Yunxuan drove the two children to take a bath.

After they came out of the bath, the three of them didn't disturb the kitten because they saw it was still sleeping in the cardboard box.

Yunxuan went to the kitchen to prepare dinner, while Shang Yunmiao sat on the sofa and watched TV absentmindedly, looking at the cardboard box from time to time.

"Chen Bing, why is the cat alone in the garage? Where is its mother? Doesn't she want it?"

After checking the kitten's situation again, Shang Yunmiao sat next to Chen Bing and asked him with pursed lips.

After thinking for a while, Chen Bing explained to Shang Yunmiao: "It shouldn't be. The kitten is a little weak after being caught in the rain, but it is fine in other aspects. So it is likely that the mother cat forgot about the kitten when she moved it because of the rain."

"Forgot?" Shang Yunmiao couldn't quite understand why the mother cat forgot the kitten here when there was no kitten living in her garage.

Chen Bing then explained: "Because cats give birth to many kittens in one litter, the mother cat may have put the first kitten in the garage when she moved the kittens in the rain, and forgot it here when she moved the remaining kittens."

Of course, it is also possible that when the kitten was moved, the door of Shang Yunmiao's garage was open, and when the mother cat came back with the other kittens, the garage door was closed again.

Chen Bing didn't say the latter sentence, because if Shang Yunmiao felt that the kitten fell into such a pitiful state because of her family, she would definitely be sad.

"How could a mother forget her child..." In Shang Yunmiao's impression, mothers are all very gentle and careful people. Not only her own mother, but also Aunt Yueyue next door.

"Because cats can give birth to many children, they can't take care of only one of them wholeheartedly."

After seeing that Shang Yunmiao was a little depressed, Chen Bing took the initiative to reach out and touch her head, comforting her like when she was a child.

After the little girl squinted her eyes comfortably for a while, she suddenly realized that she was already in the fourth grade, and it seemed not good to do so, so she slowly put her head back.

"By the way! In this case, let me be the mother of the cat. I don't have children, so I can definitely take good care of it!"

Xiao Shang, what kind of dangerous statement is this?

"Taking care of a kitten is a very troublesome thing. One of the points is to feed it every two hours."

"Two hours!?" Shang Yunmiao was surprised at first, because if this is the case, what should she do when she goes to school, but she immediately became firm again, "I can take leave every day.. "

"Good children can't take leave every day." Yunxuan's words came from behind Shang Yunmiao. Although her daughter is kind and it is a good thing that she wants to take care of the kitten, it is not necessary for her to raise a cat.

"Mom will take care of it, you can go to school with peace of mind."

Yunxuan patted her daughter's head from behind and said so to her.

"But, Aunt Xuan, you have to go to work during the day, right? Is it okay to bring such a small cat to school? Why not let my mother take care of it? Anyway, there are many employees in the store, and there will always be someone to take care of it when it is busy. "

This proposal makes some sense, but if Yunxuan is asked to hand over such a troublesome responsibility to others, she will not be able to accept it in her heart.

Chen Bing knew that Yunxuan was a kind person, so he quickly guessed the possible concerns in the other party's heart, and further said: "My mother likes kittens very much. I always heard her tell my father that she wants to raise one. Moreover, I heard that my father will be back tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. At that time, my mother will not be so busy and will have time to take care of the kitten. "

"Is that so..." Yun Xuan was somewhat tempted, but Liu Yue was not around after all, so it was not easy to agree directly, "Let's talk about it when your mother comes."

It should be said that Chen Bing still has some understanding of his old mother. Although the second half of the sentence "want to raise a cat" is completely fictitious, the first part of the sentence that he likes kittens very much is guessed correctly.

In fact, if you think about it a little, you will know that if a guy like Chen Shichao who is so embarrassing for a man has his wife clearly told him that she wants to raise a cat, how could he drag it on?

After finishing the conversation with Chen Bing, Yun Xuan took out a cotton swab from the drawer of the coffee table, and then poked it at the private parts of the sleeping kitten.

No, no, this picture is too obscene, and children can't watch it. Chen Bing reached out and covered Shang Yunmiao's eyes, and then stared at Yun Xuan's movements curiously.

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