"Why, don't you want to see me?"


"Is the park your refresh place? Why do you squat here every time I see you?"


"Why are you here alone? Did you have a conflict with others?"


"Here, dogs like to poop here."

This time, Liu Xiaoxiao did not snort as she did just now, but took the branch in her hand, stood up silently, changed her place and continued squatting.

This little brat is stubborn, what should I do?

After all, she is not as young as she was last time we met. It is not so dangerous for a fifth or sixth grader to run out alone. Similarly, it is not easy for me to force her to take her home.

Chen Bing pursed his lips and pondered for a while in his heart.

"Your face is dirty. Did you cry just now?"

The effect of this sentence can be said to be immediate. Liu Xiaoxiao immediately became flustered after hearing it. She stretched out her little hand to wipe her face, then stood up and turned her back to Chen Bing and was about to leave.

Good opportunity! Assassination!

Just kidding.

Oh, oh, oh, don't go, who hasn't cried before? What's the big deal about crying?

Chen Bing's purpose of saying the above words was not to anger Liu Xiaoxiao and go somewhere else to sulk. So he picked up the bag in his hand, hurriedly blocked in front of the other party, and then opened his arms to block the other party's way.

Liu Xiaoxiao ignored all this and was about to break through Chen Bing's defense.

In a panic, Chen Bing thought of Liu Xiaoxiao's weakness through the conversation just now, and threatened directly: "If you leave like this, I don't know how many people will see the tears on your face on the road!"

Hearing this, the little cousin really didn't leave, but stood there and looked at Chen Bing coldly.

Damn, you kid really value face more than anything else. This level of rhetoric actually dragged you down.

Why do people live so awkwardly? However, this kind of personality also facilitates Chen Bing's operation.

"My home is nearby. It won't be too late for you to come home and wash your face before leaving... I've seen your face anyway?" According to what the girl cares about, Chen Bing tried to trick her into going to his home first.

As expected, after hearing these words, Liu Xiaoxiao stared at Chen Bing for a while with her mouth pursed. Then, when the aroma of the fried chicken in the other party's hand drifted into her nose, the girl's stomach growled spinelessly.

Liu Xiaoxiao's cold expression immediately broke, and then replaced with a shameful expression.

No, there is nothing to be shy about. Who hasn't cried before, and whose stomach hasn't growled before?

After hearing Liu Xiaoxiao's stomach growl, Chen Bing tentatively added: "After washing your face, come watch a movie with me in the room. We can eat fried chicken and turn on the air conditioner. It's better to cool down quickly than squatting on the ground and drawing circles under the scorching sun, right?"

Perhaps she longed for what Chen Bing had just said, perhaps she was really hungry, or perhaps her defense was broken, and she felt that it didn't matter. After Liu Xiaoxiao struggled visibly, she nodded slightly to Chen Bing.

The slight here is really slight. If Chen Bing hadn't been watching carefully, he really wouldn't have noticed this "one-atom amplitude nod method".

After seeing the other party agree, Chen Bing breathed a sigh of relief. After Liu Xiaoxiao left a few years ago, he often felt a little guilty. These guilts had no origin, but they always made his conscience feel a little uneasy.

Now that he finally had the opportunity to make amends, Chen Bing couldn't let the other party run away again.

Thinking of this, in order to prevent the other party from changing his mind and running away, Chen Bing handed the bag of snacks in his hand to Liu Xiaoxiao. Someone as awkward as the other party would definitely not run away with his own things. This bag of snacks was like an invisible chain, tying this stupid little cousin firmly to her side.

This idea must not be said directly, so Chen Bing changed it and said, "Help me hold it, my hands are a little sore after carrying it for too long."

This reason is very good, perhaps to repay her help, she took the plastic bag from Chen Bing without saying a word, and then followed the other party back home silently.

After arriving home, Chen Bing cleverly told Liu Xiaoxiao to change her shoes first, and then secretly hid her shoes while the other party went to wash her face.

Facts have proved that Chen Bing's approach is very foresighted. Sure enough, after washing her face, Liu Xiaoxiao came to the door as soon as possible to put on her shoes and leave.

But when she looked towards the entrance, she didn't find the shoes she had just taken off.

Chen Bing appeared in front of her at the right time, and thenPretending to ask, "Are you looking for a towel? Here it is."

A person as awkward as Liu Xiaoxiao would never answer "no". She had no choice but to take the towel, and then was pulled by Chen Bing and semi-forced to sit on the sofa in the living room.

So far, this little girl has been completely locked up in Chen Bing's house.

How is it, have you learned the above operation methods?

Chen Bing, who felt that he was inexplicably a little bit vulgar and perverted, sighed secretly, thinking that this was all for others, so it's okay to be a little vulgar.

Anyway, handsome people are not vulgar in anything, and the act of tricking a little girl into the house can only be evaluated as a crime, but from a moral point of view, it can't be rated as vulgar in any way.

After thinking this way, Chen Bing felt much better. Then, he turned on the TV and played the movie he had planned to watch. After completing all this, he was busy taking snacks and drinks from the plastic bag, and then turned on the air conditioner.

During this time, Liu Xiaoxiao sat on the sofa like a puppet, motionless.

In order to increase her sense of participation, Chen Bing thought about it and directly ordered her: "Can you help go to my bedroom and get the sheep doll on my bed?"

After receiving this instruction, Liu Xiaoxiao got up and did it without saying a word.

However, which one was Chen Bing's bedroom made her a little confused for a while. After all, Chen Bing only allowed her to go to Chen Bing's bedroom, but not to go anywhere else.

Fortunately, Chen Bing appeared in time and pointed her out.

After Liu Xiaoxiao came back with the doll, Chen Bing's pre-meal preparations were almost completed. There were many delicious junk snacks scattered on the coffee table, and there was a little tempting smell in the air. All these made Liu Xiaoxiao swallow her saliva.

"Hmm." The little girl hummed with a nasal voice, and then handed the doll in her hand to Chen Bing.

"Oh, that one, help me get it first."

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