The Rebirth Of A White Robe Man: I'll Follow You This Time

Chapter 110: Shao Cheng And Ren Yuan First Battle In Each Other Presence. And An Eyes Widening In Sh

Feeling the way that his hair is being gently tended, Shao Cheng couldn't help but gaze upon the figure of Ren Yuan before staring at his bloodstain hand as soon as the man has finished what he was doing.

"... your hand is dirty now."

A wrinkle couldn't help but appear between Shao Cheng's brow before gently taking a hold of the older man bloodstain hand and using the clean part of his black robes to wipe off the blood upon it.


And Ren Yuan can only slowly blink his darkened eyes and obediently letting his hands be clean up by the young man that seemed to use gentle movement that he couldn't help but tilt his head to the side while gazing upon Shao Cheng figure with a complicated look on his eyes before proceeding on an intense thought process. 

And the whole time, the two of them are completely dismissing the people before them as they focus with each other more rather at the enemies although the entire time, Shao Cheng and Ren Yua are absolutely alert and prepare for any danger that might happen.

It just that one of the enemies has become angry from being dismiss especially when his pride has been hurt by being driven desperately by the other person in the silver mask while Dai has taken a serious glance at the young man that unbelievably offer an enemy and a person that wanted to kill his older brother to work for him.

"Enough! I'll make you two die a painful death!"

Hearing the screaming man that has lost his cool just because of being ignored while his plan seemed to be not working with the way he wanted too only cause Shao Cheng to just indifferently gives a split second of glance at the tall man before finally finishing wiping off the blood on Ren Yuan hand.

"Stay here Whitey… I'll deal with him soon."

"I'm going to deal with the other person."

Ren Yuan has already determined how the young man will not listen to him and wouldn't change his decision once Whitey has set his mind into it, so Ren Yuan could only just let out a sigh before nodding his head in acceptance.

During this time, they couldn't really afford to remain out from danger, Ren Yuan just wishes that Shao Cheng will listen to him, should he give him some punishment later on? But what can he do though since Whitey might run away from him… urgh… so annoying...

So, using his hand that has been clean up, Ren Yuan pats the young man's head, causing a frown to appear once more on Shao Cheng's face, probably irritated and annoyed for dirtying it with blood once more.

And Ren Yuan couldn't stop the smirk that appears underneath his silver mask while his eyes remain ruthless and bloodthirsty before dashing to the downright annoyed enemy with a single focus of removing him as soon as he can in order to keep Shao Cheng from accidentally being hurt and injured.

While Shao Cheng has also followed after, although he was charging to Dai rather than Dong that Ren Yuan wanted to deal with during the entire planning process.

Nonetheless, despite the fact that Shao Cheng and Ren Yuan is fighting their own battle, but the way that they move out of each other way, blocking and evading something that would have hit them up if the others didn't make a move, has absolutely shown such a magnificent scene of cooperation as they trust each other back.

Although it was the first time that Shao Cheng and Ren Yuan are fighting together, but there is just that unexplained way that they seemed to know what the others will do next since every action they made weave with each other movements so perfectly making their attacks become completely unpredictable.

Causing the enemies to be unable to figure out if the attack of that person will suddenly turn toward them rather than their intended person that they should be facing and dealing with.

Graceful movements with deadly precision, calculation, and prediction, Shao Cheng move in a way that will complement the next actions of Ren Yuan that lead his enemy to be disoriented, unable to figure out where the swift attack will suddenly appear from.

While Ren Yuan lends his raise arms for Shao Cheng to lightly step on as he leaps up and engages into physical combat that tend to have assassination movements as they tried to basically kill each other no matter how the two of them have request and interest with each other.

Because at this moment on, where other people are able to see what they are doing while being engaged in a dangerous life-threatening situation, no one can afford to not give they're absolute seriousness, especially when they don't want to have any suspicious and doubt shoot their way.

And while Ren Yuan fights with the man most in the ground, the fight Shao Cheng has with Dai tends to move around the place while meeting each other head-on which mostly happened high up in the air, as they attack each other with blow after blow.

And despite the fact that Dai has broken shoulder and ribs, the young man still moves precisely like he doesn't feel any pain with that calm expression of his, well Shao Cheng knew that Dai has been trained that way.

The people in this world is a monster of their own, after all, it is understandable because it is a brutal world, one couldn't afford to be weak.

Although this time, Shao Cheng has lessened the power that he has been using, after all, he couldn't truly use it all the time because of limitations along with the stress that it will give to his physical body no matter how much it has been changed since his first appearance in this new life.

After all, it was still the first stage of his body changing, and there is more to come later on.


With a fast punch along with a palm strike to the young man's chest that lead Dai body to fly speedily toward a large tree and hitting it hard, Shao Cheng that has descended down has swiftly used his hands to steady himself in an upside-down manner on Ren Yuan left arm before swinging his leg in a flexible manner to quickly attack Dong with a swiftly kick causing him to once more soar up away while completely stopping those claws that have been a mere meter away from ripping Ren Yuan body apart.

While Ren Yuan has been given time and has predicted Shao Cheng movement has taken a hold of the offered hand of the young man as soon as he stood up in the ground and allowed himself to be swiftly propelled forcefully up toward the flying enemy that couldn't help but grunt in pain and without any hesitation Ren Yuan has decided to end it once and for all.

Ren Yuan dark eyes that emit terrifying ruthlessness, move his body in swirling actions while the other sword that Shao Cheng has given him in that quick moment before he was launched up has taken hold in one of his free hands.

And, then with the greatest speed, Ren Yuan with unpredictable movement has slash enormously with great power toward the man that desperately tried to block the deadly attack toward him.

One by one, with a nonstop attack, Ren Yuan has uses his large quantity and dense internal energy against the enemy that has a far stronger and denser internal energy than what he has.

Soon, metal upon metal meeting each other resound out, along with the screeching sound of objects being forced to endure such a highly powerful attack.

And in Shao Cheng eyes that was watching the way that Ren Yuan showed such an outstanding and impressive side of his, is unable to stop the way that he was being charmed and captivated, especially when those deadly weapon claws of Dong has finally broken apart because of the strength of Ren Yuan assault since it was unable to handle the strain any longer.


And without any hesitation, Ren Yuan has decisively sliced the man's tall body with the use of his two swords, one beginning into the left shoulder and going down reaching until the waist area, although it barely misses the heart once more while the one that Shao Cheng has been using before has sliced through the right arm before slicing at the side waist that has soon stopped in the middle of Dong's stomach.

It just showed about how thick and dense Dong internal energy was that Ren Yuan wasn't able to fully split the man apart with his weapon, although the hardness and sharpness of the swords on Ren Yuan's hand have apparently caused him to slightly fail in that fact.

In which Shao Cheng watched as Ren Yuan has decisively stamped over into the Dong body with his feet, forcefully pushed Dong down violently into the ground, before the sword that Shao Cheng has been using the entire time has ruthlessly plunged into Dong's heart without Ren Yuan wasting any single time, completely removing the danger and doesn't give any chance for his enemy to fight back.

Such ruthlessness, viciousness, and decisiveness somehow cause Shao Cheng to grip his chest when he felt the way his heart seemed to skip a bit.

What is this? Is he… so move and impressed by that dark amazing side of Ren Yuan? Really such a weird thought and feeling, something that Shao Cheng decided to not think more deeply about since his eyes are no longer blind and biased to Ren Yuan excellent that he started appreciating him right?

Despite those thoughts on his mind, Shao Cheng didn't forget to watch over the movements of Dai that are hidden behind a tree and can cause a danger to Ren Yuan's life, nevertheless, he didn't forget about what the words that he has spoken to the young man before and just let Dai slowly back away on his senses.

Although in the exact moment that Shao Cheng has once more admire Ren Yuan's impressive figure while pulling out his sword from the man's chest when the other people with them have finally arrived, completely injured though, as they stumble over to their location.

Well, it truly showed the deadly fact of facing a master of martial arts despite Ren Yuan was able to kill the enemy, after all, Shao Cheng has used the medicine that they have given Gao along with mixing some others herbs to make deadlier drugs that cause a person internal energy to become chaotic.

And the effect can only shown slowly while making the person use their internal energy will lead the drugs to become more effective, thus, Ren Yuan constantly attacks Dong along with the help of the other people from before.

The entire time Dong hasn't been able to fully use of his internal energy, although Shao Cheng and Ren Yuan has been one of the most powerful martial arts masters in Chang Empire in the previous life, that is when they have grown up, right now, Shao Cheng and Ren Yuan needed to train once more to get into that level that they have been feared with.

"Ahh! MY Beautiful Young Master! You are cover with blood! Oh What is That! How CHARMINGLY EVIL my younger brother as he stood on top of the dead body of the enemy! HOW CAPTIVATING YOU LOOK THAT EVEN MY COLD ANCESTOR IS ENTHRALLED UPON YOUR AMAZING FIGURE! Just LOOK at the way he stood there DAZEDLY AS HE WATCHES YOU WITH A MESMERIZE EYES!"

Shao Cheng's eyes twitched when despite basically having experienced being slightly gut in the stomach by that weapon claw as he observed her, Xixi's personality remains the same no matter what before turning his attention soon at the other three people that appeared with her.

There is Yu Qin, Shao Yan and the other person is… However, before he can think more, Shao Cheng senses that have tingle over with danger has speedily moved ahead, causing everyone to be surprised about his sudden movement along with a confuse expression in their faces. 

And soon, everything happens only in a mere three seconds, when with a freezingly cold eye, Shao Cheng strike with his hands cover so dense with mixed energies and plunging it to the person that has stealthily appeared out of nowhere that didn't even alert everyone of them.

Although it was far too late.

Shao Cheng can feel the sticky feeling of the person's broken heart along with blood into his hand as it passes through a chest and out into his back, which the new person has chosen to give up his life rather than evading Shao Cheng deadly attack as a wicked long dagger stabbed through a person's heart that causes his dark shade blue eyes widen with shock.


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