The Rebirth Of A White Robe Man: I'll Follow You This Time

Chapter 225: Ren Yuan Warning And Threat To Shao Chonglin.

"... our life… over his…?... what kind of thinking is that…? It isn't funny…"

Shao Chonglin raises his hand to grip his hair after hearing such words, but after he remembers the entire situation where his younger brother has hidden his severe injuries when dealing with the family that has targeted their older brother's life, then everything makes sense.

If Chonglin were to think of it as over-protectiveness, then this young man word is believable, besides, after seeing the death of their grandmother, then his younger brother definitely had n entirely different view regarding the people he will care for.

The protectiveness has definitely become twisted and dangerous in his younger brother's belief and opinion, especially after finally starting to care for the people around him.

".... damn… it's understandable to care about other people's life… of wanting to protect them, however, doesn't Little Cheng understand that his life is also precious? Especially to us who dearly love him?"

As Shao Chonglin mumbles in a hazy state of mind, Ren Yuan has wisely chosen to remain silent, especially when the young man in the past has basically revealed the fact that he is going to choose Ren Yuan over his own family when he was to be forced into a situation.

… well, Ren Yuan is still reasonable to not reveal such a certain fact that he couldn't help but completely believe to be true.

"Yes, that is why I am saying this to you now since Little Cheng views his life as unimportant."

It's like the young man doesn't mind dying and has never feared death, which was quite weird since Ren Yuan has never seen any sign of suicidal look on his sapphire pupils, nor the emotion of being tired of the world or just living while having dead eyes.

Ren Yuan can still easily perceive the light of life in the young man whenever they interact with each other.

… Damn, this is the reason why he has labeled the young man as troublesome and difficult, there are always contradictory appearing the longer they know each other.

But there is one fact Ren Yuan has already figured out, that is Little Cheng is also a danger to his own life, there will definitely be a time where the young man will harm himself even if it wasn't done unconsciously.

Wanting to let out a deep sigh, Ren Yuan has taken a big chug of the wine jar in his hands before turning his attention at the older man who finally manages to quickly get his bearing fast, although, Ren Yuan completely ignored the dark and tired look on the older man face.

…. Mo Xuan… it isn't my fault your future lover looks so exhausted... 

"Listen here, even though Little Cheng loathes any violence just as you spoke about, he still manages to do it. Do you understand? Little Cheng is capable to do anything for the people he cared about, his protectiveness is already in a terrifying manner because his own feeling wouldn't get in the way of his decision."

And such a person is extremely dreadful and dangerous to have as an enemy.

…. Even massacring a family…is something that the young man is capable of doing...

Ah, Whitey is a truly terrifying person to reckon, it seemed that Ren Yuan has awakened a dangerous person, which surprisingly causes him a thrilling and exciting feeling whenever he thinks about it rather than fear and dread.

Well, just like Ren Yuan has once spoken to the young man about not minding his cruelty and ruthlessness, he prefers Whitey being bad rather than being good, of course, what makes the situation great is the fact that the two of them aren't enemies, so everything is all alright.


Seeing that Shao Chonglin has remained silent with a difficult expression on his face, Ren Yuan grey pupils emit a dangerous light before speaking in a low voice with a hint of killing intent as a sort of warning.

"Of course, there is an important reason why I am revealing this all to you. After all, it's better that you understood early what Little Cheng is capable of doing since, for the people he cared, a mere careless hurtful words from you would leave a scar in his heart."

Little Cheng's heart is hard and indifferent to unimportant people however it's entirely different if it's from the people he cared for.

After all, Ren Yuan still remember the time where they have just gotten to know each other, the young man has surprisingly low confidence and skepticism about his own self, fearing being disliked and hated by him.

Fortunately, the young man can easily act with him now without worrying too much about being dislike and loathe, unlike the guarded act from the start of their being acquaintance.

"If you find out that Little Cheng has acted in a way that is against your principle and idea to the point where even a strong and understanding person couldn't accept what he has done then just simply remain silent and don't utter a word out since you will just end up hurting him."

"I will never hurt my younger brother!"

Ren Yuan lip curls up in a playful smile however there wasn't any hint of friendliness in his grey pupils as he stared at the older man after hearing the indignant and furious emotion within his defensive words.

Honestly, Ren Yuan was completely serious when he has spoken about how the young man is capable to do anything because he can see his own self in the young man, where they are capable to even do heinous and inhuman acts that will be reviled when it's needed to.

"I'll be frank, I can see how different Little Cheng is to the rest of the Shao Family, maybe because he didn't grow up learning the way how your family faithfully serves everyone with a kind and loyal attitude. For example, when a heinous act is done, you guys would want to immediately act upon it right?"

You don't completely understand how dark and evil a person can be… what a mere human is capable to do for their own desire and intention�� especially the one with a goal or blinded by their emotion where they can do anything for the people they love.

"However, do you know that Little Cheng wouldn't be affected by it? He will just remain detached because that is how he is. And if there is a high chance he were to act out, he will do it in a careful and meticulous manner with a goal in mind." 

Because the young man's indifference and coldness are also genuine and have remained true even after changing into a person wanting to care for his family, Little Cheng can basically think in a reasonable and calm manner because he wouldn't be affected by the sway of emotion even if he were against it.

"Ah, I'm taking too long talking with you. Just so you know, Little Cheng will end up killing more people alright? It won't matter to him what identity they have or if some people are simply innocent, Little Cheng will do the deed just for the sake of keeping all of you safe."

There are just too many enemies eyeing the Shao Family where some innocent people will be implicated during the infighting, of course, there will also many sacrifices that needed to be done since those damn princes eyeing the throne with their families backing them up aren't easy to deal with.

Urgh… he still needed to figure out which one of those damn royalty was behind the betrayal and ambush in his trip to the Snow Mountain.

"I'll leave you alone to seriously think about it. After all, the fact that you have known what Little Cheng is doing that night meant that he is letting you in on what he will be doing, so better prepare yourself!"

I'm still sore and jealous for being kept in the dark though…

Ren Yuan feels irritated whenever he thinks about it, especially when he couldn't get angry after witnessing that sort of break down under the bridge that has scared the shit out of him if he were, to tell the truth.

Hopefully, there wouldn't be similar circumstances happening in the future, especially the two of them fighting each other that has almost turned into a serious situation.

One day, Ren Yuan doesn't want to go against the young man since his instinct was basically telling him that it would be a miserable situation.

Well, after what he figured out regarding the young man capability, it's basically going to be a dreadful and terrifying fight in both scheming and fighting if they become enemies, so after drinking all the remaining wine and letting out a satisfied sigh, he finally stood up from the comfortable chair before walking toward the door.

"I'll go back to Little Cheng now since I really feel sleepy. Besides, the soothing effect I cause is going to disappear, so Little Cheng will wake up if I am not staying by his side~ He really is clingy and sticky, but what can I do but accept it? Who made him my special friend?"

Just remembering the young man waking up from his comfortable sleep because Ren Yuan wasn't in his presence is an extremely satisfying and pleasing feeling to have.

However, after finally taking a step into the young man courtyard, Ren Yuan body freeze over before speedily rashing in the direction of Little Cheng bedroom after detecting an unfamiliar presence being so close while trying to keep his presence completely undetected.

Damn, which person dare to come secretly in the night time? After all, everyone in the Shao residence already knows to never step foot in Little Cheng place without any warning being given ahead of time.

Is it those daring and famous flower thieves known for taking both gender chastity as long as they are attactive???


Just outside the doorway, Ren Yuan has swiftly seen the unconscious form of the little wolf cub along with those nasty white bunnies spread all around the floor and feeling utter relief after a quick observation that there wasn't any serious damage in their bodies.

And seeing as the door was slightly open, Ren Yuan has swiftly entered with his body shooting straight at the tall man standing near the bed while daringly reaching over toward the sleeping young man's face, something that has instantly cause a wave of overwhelming anger rushing straight into his head, which has almost lost all of his reason.

"Damn, flower thief, how dare you target Little Cheng innocent? Die, you bastard!"



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