The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1301: Lost face

The afterglow of the setting sun fell into the courtyard, and the flowers and plants were covered with a layer of golden yarn. August 1 Chinese W≥W=W. 81ZW. COM

After reading the house, Qiu’s thoughts went out of the house and said to Li’s mother: “Send someone to ask the king to come over to eat with the child?” If Yunyun and Wei Hao come over to eat, Han Jianming will definitely come over.

After a while, I came back: "Old lady, Wang Ye has something to deal with, will not come." Yunqing came to Hanfu, except for the first day, with Qihao two brothers accompanying Qiu to eat a meal, as long as Hanfu is eating in the front yard.

Qiu’s point is to say: “Put it!” The son-in-law can have different daughters, and the son-in-law is very valuable. She does not dare to take care of her.

Xiang Shi is pregnant, and it is not convenient for her to come over such a hot day, so this time Qiu is a person to eat.

After eating half a bowl of rice and eating two crystal dumplings, Qiu put the chopsticks down and did not eat.

Ms. Li said and persuaded: "Old lady, you should eat more! Only eat this thing will be hungry at night." Qiu also pays great attention to health, and will not eat again after dinner.

Qiu Shi shook his head and said: "There is no appetite." On weekdays, Han Jianming and Xiang Shi accompanied, Qiu can eat a large bowl of rice, plus a bowl of glutinous rice porridge. However, in the past few days, Han Jianming was too busy to come over, and Qiu’s desire to use a meal was not good.

"Old lady, you can eat more! If you let the grandfather know that you only have to eat such a thing, you should be worried." Han Jianming is very filial, very concerned about Qiu's body, and Zhou Qi has a headache and he is hot. Worried about it.

Under Li’s repeated persuasion, Qiu’s used half a bowl of glutinous rice porridge.

When walking in the yard, Qiu Shidao: "What is the recent work between Wang Ye and the Grand Master?" Yun Qing is not allowed to go free every day, and Han Jianming is also busy with the group.

Ms. Li shook her head: "This old slave is not clear, but recently many officials have come to the government." In fact, there are not many, more than a dozen people, half of them are military commanders.

Looking at the clear sky, Qiu sighed: "I don't know when I can return to Beijing?" She spent most of her life in Beijing, where her relatives and friends are also there. If you can go back, you can chat with people of the same age and talk. It’s not like here, there aren’t even people who talk, and it’s boring.

In fact, Ms. Li also wants to go back to Beijing: "It should be faster!" Jiangnan is good, but Beijing is a place she is familiar with.

"I hope to return to the capital city in my lifetime." The ancestral grave of the Han family is still in the capital. After she died, she was buried in the Han family ancestral grave.

Ms. Li is busy: "I will definitely. Old lady, don't think about it, we went to the garden and walked away." Ms. Li will also care about the outside, so she knows that the court is already strong. In a few years, Wang Ye will take the troops to win the capital.

Qiu’s point was lowered.

Han Jianming followed Yunqing and was busy until the next day. I opened the mouth of the man who was holding the tea house next to Liuxiangyuan, pulled the radish and pit, and caught a lot of people.

When Kaiyou got up, he heard that the important personnel of the other party had all escaped. It is a pity.

"These people are very cautious and want to make it difficult to get through the net." It is not easy to survive in the search and arrest of Yang Lan's Luo Di network. It is very good to catch eight people without any loss.

Qi Hao took a shot on the shoulder of Yu Youer and said, "Ayou, this is all your credit."

"Without me, that person can't escape." To say that credit is also Yu Zhi, but not his.

After the election, Kaiyou shifted the topic: "It's a pity that we won't let us go out, or else I will take you to eat smoked fish with chicken noodles and spiced beans."

Qi Hao said with a smile: "Is it really so good?" He has a similar taste to Kaiyou, and he doesn't like half of the delicious snacks that Kaiyou said.

"I have already tried it." After that, Kaiyou said with a look of nostalgia: "Unfortunately, you can't eat the stinky tofu of Yu Ji."

Hua Geer inserted a sentence next to him: "Shi Zi, that stinky tofu smells ten miles, I smell it and want to vomit."

"Smelly smells, eats incense!" Anyway, he is not loved.

Qi Hao shuddered, how could it smell something ten miles? Even if there is such a fragrant incense, he does not dare to touch: "Smoked fish silver noodles and spiced eggs are really as good as you said, you can send people to buy them back."

Kaiyou said: "This thing should be cooked before it is delicious, or it is better to ask the cook to come back."

At noon, the father and the son ate the incense silver silk. After eating, Kai Hao said: "The beef noodles made by the white mother are delicious."

Yunqing is very much in favor of the nod: "It’s far worse than the white mom’s beef."

Kaiyou almost gave death, and I really couldn't find a common language.

After lunch, Yun Qing said: "I will go to the military camp tomorrow, do you want to go together?"

Kaiyou thought that he had got it wrong and asked: "Hey, do you mean that I can go too?"

Yunqing felt that this was a bit strange: "Why can't you go? Or do you want to go?"

Kaiyou sighs and laughs: "I have long wanted to go, terrible, you are not willing to take me."

Yun Qingyi, and then touched the head of Kaiyou said: "I will treat your brother and sister equally with your mother, but we are all too busy to avoid neglecting some places. You have to think that we have done something wrong, don’t hide it. In my heart." Yunqing and Yuxi husband and wife are still very open-minded.

Kaiyou squatted and turned to smile and said: "Hey, where do you want to go, I am afraid that you will think that I will be confused, so I will not take me." That is to say, but my heart is sour and sweet. . Because when he was young, he did not talk to Yunqing, so he thought that the four brothers Yunyun did not like him at all.

Yunqing smiled and said: "Don't think about it. If you didn't take you before, you think that you are still young, and you haven't asked for it yourself. If you want to go later, just say it."

The second day of breakfast, Yunqing took the two brothers Kaiqi out. At the gate, I happened to come to Xuanshi of Hanfu. Along with Xuan's, there is also a beautiful girl. The girl is 15 or 6 years old, and her skin is like snow. There is a small dimple on the face of the goose. It looks innocent.

Although I have never seen Yunqing, I can guess his identity by seeing this momentum and the next Qihao and Qiyou. Xuan's took the girl to the front, but was stopped by the guard.

Xuan’s busy said to Yunqing: "Wang Ye, I am the younger brother of Mrs. Han’s wife, who is visiting her."

Yunqing nodded and prepared to take his two sons. Unexpectedly, following the girl next to Xuan's, she raised her head and looked at Yunqing. She smiled and said: "The little girl first meets the prince..." It is the official language, but with the softness of the Wu language, it is very nice.

In the eyes of Yunqing, there is a disgust in the eyes. If it is normal, he will definitely let the guards throw the two women into the street. But thinking that these two people are the family members of Xiang, he is not too good to do too much.

Qiyou glanced at the woman and then smiled and said: "As long as you are not even better than my mother, I dare to seduce me?"

Chu Lan rose red and said: "I didn't..."

Kaiyou said impatiently: "Block his mouth to me, and then throw it at the prefect of the house. He said to Xia Buyun that these two women’s intentions are not good for Xiao Wang, let him dispose of it according to the law."

Xuan's see Yunqing did not say anything, and then saw two guards close to each other and became scared: "Wang Ye, the woman is really the younger brother of the Han family, not an assassin. Wang Ye, if you don't believe, you can ask Han. The concierge."

The two guards did not move when they heard this, but turned to look at Yunqing. Here, Yunqing has the final say.

"According to the four young masters to do." Even if you do a little too much, you can choose to protect your son in front of outsiders.

Xuan's face was white: "Wang Ye, Wang Ye spared ..." into the Zhifu door, where there is innocence.

Chu Lan was so stupid, and even fortune was forgotten.

On the road, Kaiyou carefully glanced at Yunqing and saw him look as usual. "Hey, I was just angry." I dare to seduce you in front of our brothers. I really don’t put him with my eldest brother. Inside.

Yun Qing coldly said: "If this matter has passed, don't mention it again." After Liu Yi's incident, the women saw him as a beast. Today, this is really a slap in the face.

Kaiyou turned to look at Qi Hao. Seeing that Kai Hao just laughed and didn't say anything, he stopped talking.

Xuan Shi was taken away with her sister's forefoot, and the news of the hind foot was passed to the inner court.

Xiang Shi lay on the soft collapse, even if the futon gave her a fan, she felt hot: "I don't know when this day is going to be?" It is a sweat that doesn't move, but it doesn't dare to use ice. I dare not eat cold things.

The futon smiled and said: "It will be cool next month." The expected date of birth of Xiang's is in February next year, when it is not hot or cold, very good.

As I spoke, I saw Pucao coming in.

Seeing that Pucao’s face was a little white, Xiang’s sat up and asked, “What happened?”

Pucao said with a blank face: "I just yelled at the gate of the prince and the two princes, and the prince was sent to the prefect of the prefect."

Xiang Shi’s surprise stood up directly: “What do you say?” She couldn’t wait for Xuan’s to go to the court again. Once she went to court, she would not be able to lift her head.

Pucao was too scared, but it was too big to be stunned. Pucao said with a red eye: "This news is true. Madame, how can this be good?" If Xuanshi was really locked in the prison, his wife would follow her face.

The futon is relatively calm: "You can inquire clearly, how does the wife of the prince collide? And, can the prince know the identity of Mrs.?" If you don't know the identity of Xuan, you can do it if you know that she will send her to Tuen Mun. It is big.

Pucao is the prostitute of Han Hao, and this relationship will only be promoted to her in the class. The same is true, the outside news item can now be known at the first time.

Seeing Pucao looked at himself and hesitated, Xiangshi said: "No problem, I have to know the beginning and end of this matter to go to the old man to talk about love." This is the order of Yunqing personally, want to save Xuanshi can only help South Korea Built up.

Pucao lowered his head and said the story.

After Xiang’s listening, he almost turned his breath away. Xuan's younger brother killed the dead, because both sides were wrong, so did not sentence to death, but sentenced to exile in the West Sea for 20 years. After the case was over, Xuan was particularly honest at the Xiang family, and no more moths had been made. Xiang Shi knew that he was worried in the future. Specially asked Pu Ye to pay attention to Xuan, and if anything is wrong, let people tell her immediately. However, this time was calm, and Xiang Shi put the matter down for the time being. Who would have expected, would have caused her such a big thing.

The futon saw a bad situation, while he said to Xiang Shi, "Mr., you can't be angry, this will move the tires."

Xiang Shi took a deep breath on his chest and it took a while to calm down. Xiang Shi gnawed his teeth and said: "This monk, she wants to kill me and kill her." She dared to bring her sister to Han to seduce the prince, in case she was told by Wang Hao that she and her family might Will be dead.

Futuan Road: "Mrs. I have to pick you up when I am in a hurry. Otherwise, the master said that he will not be angry with you."

"Go to the study." If the husband mistakenly thought that this was her idea, it was really a dead place.

When I walked out of the house, I turned to the futon road: "You go to Xiajia and tell the aunt about it."

Han Jianming is talking to Mr. Zhao. Hearing that Mr. Xiang came over, he still wondered: "Please come in!"

As soon as he entered the study, he couldn’t take care of his face. He cried directly on the floor and said, "Master, it’s all that is not covered, and it’s a disaster for the lord."

Han Jianming heard the confused, what happened to Xiang’s family at home: “What happened?” Xiang’s family had been raising a baby at home during this time, and he could not do anything to harm him.

Now is not a shameful thing, a bad deal with her and the entire Xiang family will be dead. So Xiang Shi did not hide, crying and said what she knew: "Master, I really don't know that Xuan will take her sister to the door and still provoke the prince at the door."

Not only Xiang, but many people in the officialdom think that the Liu family was destroyed because Yuxi is good. As for the evidence of the enemy, they don't think it is true. The people on the official floor think so, not to mention the women in the back house.

Han Jianming’s face was a bit ugly after listening to it, but when he looked at Xiang’s face palely on the ground, his heart softened: “You will go back first, I will deal with this matter.” It’s not a big idea to play Yunqing. He can't do anything to do these things at the door of the Han family.

Xiang’s heart was very scared, but she did not dare to ask more questions. She was afraid that she would be bored by Han Jianming. However, Han Jianming looked at her and worried that she was not good for her children. She said, “I don’t have to think about it. I know that this has nothing to do with you.” Don’t say that Yuxi’s fierce name is outside, even if the ordinary woman’s woman is awake, she will not give it. The husband’s brother-in-law is pimping.

When I heard this, Xiang’s heart was halfway down: "Master, I am afraid that Wang Hao will misunderstand."

Han Jianming shook his head: "It's just a small matter. Wang Hao is very busy. How can I pay attention to this little thing?" There are countless women who want to fly on the branches by Yunqing, but no one has succeeded until now. If Yuxi is going to care about it, don't be exhausted!

Xiang’s return to this with confidence.

Han Jianming called Han Gao and said to him: "You personally went to Xia Qinghou and said that the two women should be disposed of strictly." If you have the courage to do this kind of work at the door of his house, you must bear his anger.

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